Black Bart
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... success, perhaps defeat,
And everlasting sorrow.
Let come what will I’ll try it on,
My condition can’t be worse;
And if there’s money in that box
‘Tis munny in my purse!"
Once again the lines were written in varying hands and the work signed "Black Bart, the PO8." In order to make the highways safe once again, Governor William Irwin posted a $300 reward for the capture of the bandit, to which Wells Fargo & Co. added another $300. Another $20 contributed by the postal authorities. The reward went unclaimed for five years, during which Bla .....
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Worn Path
Number of words: 859 - Number of pages: 4.... that comes from repeated performance of an action of love’,(Old Phoenix’s down the ).(Vande Kieft 70)
I believe the conflicts were put in the story to show us the inner feeling of Phoenix. She was able to endure hardships and stay focused on the task at hand. This tells us while she was growing up she over came many obstacles. Usually Welty reserved for her black characters the functions of this vital, sure and faithful, ways of living of which modern man has either lost or denied. Phoenix Jackson represents the condition of the human race before “enfeebling” laye .....
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Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... to the consequences of their actions.
and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with . Laertes voices his concern of ’s true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of ’s love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia, is a prince who most likely will have an arranged marriage. ’s strong love for Ophelia withers after she rejects his affinity. ’s extensive love for Ophelia resulted in grave suffering for once his affection was rejected. ’s appea .....
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The Crucible
Number of words: 981 - Number of pages: 4.... to involve himself, is evident in many aspects in the play. In the first Act, it is seen that Proctor wishes to distance himself as much as possible from what is happening in Salem--the bewitching of the young girls. He has many reasons for doing so. First and foremost, Proctor is afraid of being seen as a lecher, because he thinks that his affair with Abigail may become public. Throughout the first act, Proctor stays away from the witch trials of Salem; he hopes that Reverend Hale will be able to solve the witch problems so that he may continue to keep his affair a secret. In a dia .....
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Shakespeare - Friar Laurence
Number of words: 741 - Number of pages: 3.... to bring thee, so fearful were they of infection". Another fault to his plan is in Act 3 Scene 3 when he tells Romeo that he will send a friend of his to inform him the news. Instead of telling him that a fellow friar of his was bringing the message. "I'll find your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to your chances here".
The magnitude of his role is showed again when he is involved in another major part of the play; the marriage. He risks his reputation as a Friar so he can unite to star crossed lovers in marriage. The character of Friar Lawrence is extremely .....
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War - How British Literature H
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2.... of war was Frank O’Connor. O’Connor was not part of the war but seemed to know a lot about it. In his story “My Oedipus Complex,” he talks about a boy who’s father has been away at war and then returns home. This gave us an idea of what life would be like at home while a war occurred. O’Connor definitely gave a different look at war.
Continuing with the authors of war, here’s one with a powerful message. His name was T.S. Eliot, and perhaps his most emotional poem was “The Hollow Men.” I don’t believe this poem had much t .....
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Jack Kerouac-On The Road
Number of words: 1686 - Number of pages: 7.... looking for everything and nothing, following in the footsteps of Dean and his friend Carlo Marx. Instead of making use of the money he has earned he takes to the road on foot and hitch hikes his way across America from New York to Denver, his ultimate goal.
Upon arriving at his destination and reuniting with Dean he realizes Dean's madness, his inability to control his emotions, his vagueness, his incoherence can only imply one thing, Dean's inner genius. Dean and Carlo flee again off towards Texas. Sal Paradise follows looking for 'America.'
Their travels takes them all over the .....
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Death Of A Salesman 3
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3.... their lofty dreams and unrealistic goals. Biff wastes his life being a thief and a loner; furthermore, Biff, along with happy try to conjure up a crazy idea of putting on a sporting goods exhibition. The problem with Willy is that he never grows up and deals with his obstacles.
Willy is also a very stubborn man. He is like a little child
that wants to do something their way even though they know that
another option would be the wiser choice. Charley practically sets a
potential job into Willy’s lap and he refuses it. Willy just was
fired and needed a job. He refu .....
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Thoreau And Transcendentalism
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4.... clouded eyes.
Born on a calm, mid-summer night of 1817 to a family of neither wealth nor importance, Thoreau became exposed to the reality of life at a relatively young age. His father made pencils in a small shop, while his mother took in boarders. During the bleak winter of 1842, Henry lost his beloved brother John Thoreau, Jr. to a terrible case of lockjaw brought on by a slight, but unattended wound. His death profoundly affected Henry who then resolved to eulogize his brother's death in a book based on a vacation the two had taken on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. By July 1845, H .....
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Death Of A Salesman 9
Number of words: 1193 - Number of pages: 5.... turned into a lifetime of frustrations. Disappointed and worried, Willy sometimes treats Linda cruelly or insensitively, but she understands the pain and fear behind his behavior, and forgives him in those moments. Willy is rude to Linda when he says, (page 65) “Will you let me talk? Don’t take his side all the time, goddammit!” When Biff responds to Willy’s discourteousness by furiously yelling at him, Linda sympathetically says, (page 65)“What’d you have to start that for? You see how sweet he was as soon as you talked hopefully? Come up and say goo .....
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