To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 866 - Number of pages: 4.... a girl in those times. It seemed like Atticus had almost encouraged them to find their own way, despite the disapproval of many in town. The incident with Atticus preaching Aunt Alexandra's ideas made Scout feel overwhelmed and worried about what was happening to her father, but shortly after he restored her faith by telling her "I don't want you to remember it. Forget it" (Lee 134).
When Atticus made his stand against the mob at the courthouse, Scout and Jem learned about some of the group dynamics that affect many mobs and gangs. Scout knew Mr. Walter Cunningham to be a good man, one th .....
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Sherlock Holmes
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... gave himself away when he payed double the fare when he was told that it was 'sixpence a head'. This was also about the time of the Jack the Ripper murders in which people were afraid to step out of their homes.
The Jack the Ripper case was never solved and there was much controversy associated with the police investigation. The public had lost some of its faith in the police force and was looking for a figure of hope and inspiration. The selection criteria were short: Someone who always got his man. The only one who fitted this description was Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes was not .....
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Response To William Faulkner’s “A Rose For Emily”
Number of words: 1153 - Number of pages: 5.... all there for their own reasons. “The men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house”(26). As the story unfolds, the reader learns of all of Miss Emily’s hard times. These hard times include losing a father who was the only man who ever really loved her and falling in love with a man (Homer Barron) who doesn’t really love her. She needed to be secure that no one else would abandon her like her father, so in order to keep Homer Barron with her forever; she murdered him and slept with his corpse. .....
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All The Kings Men
Number of words: 1409 - Number of pages: 6.... a deck. " Maybe the things you want are like cards" (Warren 99). An individual wants these cards because in a certain circumstance -a card game- they have a purpose. Without a game however, there is no need for these cards. While in a Great Sleep, Jack does not need material things, because there is no life. Like cards, the things you want have to be a part of a great complex to have a purpose. The reader can hypothesize that Jack really does not live while in a Great Sleep. He simply wishes to cease to exist.
The first Great Sleep that occurs in the novel is a preview to the read .....
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Dinner At The Homesick Restaur
Number of words: 447 - Number of pages: 2.... Pearl has moved from place to place losing friends and relatives, only to come to an unfamiliar town where her husband decides to leave. Pearl refuses help from anyone, this depicts her strong points and still thinks Beck will return from his business trip. her strongwilled mind aids her and her family through life’s most troublesome tasks.
Ezra is quite of the more hero I think but still being victimised by his own mother, Pearl and brother, Cody. Being so kind hearted and always the favourite out his borther and sister Ezra leaves himself vulnerable to the ‘attacks’ of C .....
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Number of words: 314 - Number of pages: 2.... rising from a state of sin to a state of blessedness. Other
allegories include the parables of Jesus, and The Faerie Queene, written by
the English poet Edmund Spenser in the late 1500's.
Allegories lost popularity in Europe after about 1600, but some, such as
Pilgrim's Progress (1678, 1684) gained recognition in later times.
Allegory also exists in other ways. Many novels include allegorical
suggestions of an additional level of meaning. Examples include Moby-Dick
(1851), a whaling adventure that raises issues of human struggle and fate
in a mysterious universe, and Lord of the Flies (19 .....
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Kantian Philosophy Of Morality
Number of words: 1537 - Number of pages: 6.... applicable to all rational beings. M1 succeeds in passing the first stage. We can easily imagine a world in which paramedics always answer widows truthfully when queried. Therefore, this maxim is logical and everyone can abide by it without causing a logical impossibility. The next logical step is to apply the second stage of the test.
The second requirement is that a rational being would will this maxim to become a universal law. In testing this part, you must decide whether in every case, a rational being would believe that the morally correct action is to tell the truth. Fir .....
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Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... (pg 56) Daru holds true to his morals even though he may be held accountable for his disobedience. Like Daru Balducci is very loyal, but this loyalty often pushes aside his good judgment.
Balducci's characteristics are introduced through his reactions to adverse conditions . Camus illustrates Balducci as a loyal yet cowardly man, who's work often interferes with his morals. "Balducci painfully got down from his horse without letting go of the rope". (pg 48) Although Balducci realizes that tying a rope around a man is against his morals he attempts to ignore his conscience. "I don't .....
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Pain Has An Element Of Blank
Number of words: 1238 - Number of pages: 5.... all these facets of the emotion.
In introducing the "Element of Blank," it becomes the context that she thus examines pain. The exact context of "Blank" possesses a vagueness that suggests its own inadequacy of solid definition. Perhaps this sense of indefinition is the impression that this usage of "Blank" is meant to inspire. In this context, this "blankness" is suggestive of a quality of empty unknowingness that is supported by the next few lines: "It cannot recollect When it begun." This inability to remember raises a major problem with respect to the nature of "Pain;" namely whether .....
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King Lear: The Element Of Disguise
Number of words: 462 - Number of pages: 2.... love you. (I,I,{56-63})
Regan speaks,
I am made of the same metal as my sister,
And prize me at her worth. In my true heart
I find she names my very deed of love,
Only she comes too short, that I profess
Myself and enemy to all other joys
Which the most precious square of sense possesses,
And find I am alone felicitate
In your dear Highness' love. (I,I,{72-80})
Clearly, these words are loaded with flattery. The third daughter,
Cordelia, cannot wear the mask that the other two wear, "I love your
Majesty According to my bond, no more nor less." (I,I,{97-98}) It is for
this re .....
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