Oedipus Rex 2
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4.... Oedipus still manages to live through to the end without losing composure. Sophocles would definitely honor such a man.
Both Oedipus’ life and his kingdom were filled with riddles, paradoxes, and mysteries. Oedipus’ beginning and ending at Thebes both arose from the riddle of the oracle. Without his parent’s confrontation with the oracle, Oedipus would not have been cast away from Thebes in the first place. Yet without the riddle of the sphinx, Oedipus would not have arrived at his royal position. This could be Sophocles’ method to involve our minds, let .....
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Leggatt As An Independent Char
Number of words: 2343 - Number of pages: 9.... captain. By no means are Leggatt's
decisions and actions exemplary. Murdering mutinous crew members is
hardly an acceptable practice, and avoiding justice, and one's
punishment—all of which Leggatt do—only worsen the issue. The captain
claims that in swimming to the island Koh-ring, his double had "lowered
himself into the water to take his punishment" (Conrad 193). However, as
Cedric Watts argues, this is only true because Leggatt, by escaping
justice, will face an uncertain future marooned on an island (134). In
reality, Leggatt is doing the opposite; he is lowering hims .....
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The Love Song Of J. Alfred Pru
Number of words: 727 - Number of pages: 3.... having tea and engaging in conversation. Prufrock procrastinates on the visit and says, “There will be time, there will be time / To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet:” (lines 26-27) indicating to the reader that he is afraid of showing his real self to these participants. He further indicates his hesitation by stating, “Time for you and time for me. / And time yet for a hundred indecisions, / And for a hundred visions and revisions, / Before the taking of a toast and tea” (lines 31-34). He is clearly incapacitated to act, trapped by his own fear tha .....
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Devil And Daniel Webster
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... He also had a very soft, hypnotic voice and whenever he smiled his teeth were very shiny and pointy. The man described as "the biggest man in the country…when he stood up to speak, stars and stripes came right out of the sky…and when he argued a case, he could turn on the harps of the blessed and the shaking of the earth underground" was Daniel Webster. In the movie the actor who filed his role was a very big man with a powerful voice. The last character, Jabez Stone, wasn’t given a very active role in the short story, but he was described as " an unlucky man…he had a g .....
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Critique Of The American Dream
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3.... Bub Mell. Perley noticed that like Sip Garth's home, Bub Mell's home had a strong and unpleasant odor. There were holes in the steps and the walls were crumbling. There were six children, Bub's sick mother and his father living in the house. The father did not work and basically depended on his children to work and support the family. Bub worked at age eight even though he was too young. These can be compared to the conditions presented in Roger and Me. The woman who slaughtered rabbits was very poor and lived in a run-down home. All she knew was that she could breed rabbits to sell for meat .....
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Loneliness 2
Number of words: 926 - Number of pages: 4.... begins the story remembering her friends sometimes stopped by, but "Sometimes--oftener--she was alone"(Wharton 317). Charlotte rarely had anybody around other then her husband, and he was becoming more distant. Erdrich begins the story at the end, and Lyman is looking back on the past. Erdrich writes, "Now Henry owns the whole car, and his younger brother Lyman (that's myself), Lyman walks everywhere he goes" (143). When Henry died, Lyman's spirit and happiness went with him. Lyman walking every place symbolizes that there is nothing for him. Lyman only has memories of companionship. .....
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A Man For All Seasons- Every M
Number of words: 2286 - Number of pages: 9.... on a small scale. Take for example when More is using the Common Man's boat and the issue of payment comes up. He asks More to 'make it worth his while". This shows us how most would act in the same situation. It shows that all people have a price even if it is on a small scale. The Boatman also goes as far to hint about his 'young wife'. By mentioning her, he hopes that he will be tipped more money. He only wants enough money to get by with. This is relevant to us as we would bend or stretch the truth and his principles in order to benefit ourselves.
The Common Man will only go as far as h .....
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Invisible Man: Life On The Strings
Number of words: 1034 - Number of pages: 4.... is described as having hair "that was yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll" (19). Ellison draws a very strong connection between the plight of the Negro man and the white woman. The fact that they are both shown as puppets or dolls in the work is no coincidence. The woman and the African are merely show pieces for the white men in the novel.
Tod Clifton's dancing Sambo dolls are the most striking example of doll imagery. This small tissue paper doll has the capability to completely change the Invisible Man. When he sees that the powerful and enigmatic Clifton is the one hawking the a .....
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The Count Of Monte Cristo 2
Number of words: 1021 - Number of pages: 4.... and Caderousse. As these three people plot against Edmond, he is about to become married to the beautiful Mercedes. On his wedding day, his betrothal feast was interrupted when the police came barging through the door and arrested Edmond Dantes. Dantes was accused of giving a letter to the usurper while the Pharaon stopped on the Isle of Elba and returning a letter from the usurper to the Bonapartist party in Paris. After his arrest, Edmond was interrogated and questioned by the public prosecutor, Monsieur de Villefort. During the interrogation Villefort promised Edmond freedom, but th .....
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The Book Of Matthew
Number of words: 2232 - Number of pages: 9.... Testament cannot be read without being aware of that constant promise running through each page. Someone is definitely coming.
In opening the Gospels, that Someone comes forth in the fullness of his glory, and it is absolutely fascinating. We get a chance to see Christ as he is. Because what Christ was, is what he is, and what he will always be. We are given a view into the depth and fullness of his character and being and life. That is why the Gospels are so important to us.
The word gospel means "good news." It was the message that Jesus forgives the sins of all who trust in Him. .....
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