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Term Papers on English

Sense And Sensibility
Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4

.... Elinor. Passionate in her opinions and certain of their morality, Marianne lacks prudence and relies on instinct, typical values of the Romantic Movement. Elinor’s sense, on the other hand, reflects "the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which had advocated a commitment to reason and considered and other source of conviction irrational." Marianne, says of love, "To love is to burn.", and Elinor says: "I do not attempt to deny I think very highly of him." However both characters manage to find love in a culture that limits communication to talk of the weather and the roads. A .....

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Nisei Daughter
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3

.... to come. Sone describes the relationships she had with her parents and siblings. She seems very pleased with and delighted by the differing, yet caring personalities of each person in her family. Sone describes herself as a typical American child: going to school, playing mischievously with friends on the block, reading, spending quality time with her family, etc. Monica described herself as a playful, almost tomboyish, young girl. She also saw herself as intelligent and hardworking. Throughout her novel, Monica describes events and experiences, which reveal her character and .....

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Willy Loman Is The Cause Of Hi
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4

.... Linda, people don’t seem to take me… They seem to laugh at me… they just pass me by. I’m not noticed” (36) says Willy. He knows the fact that he is a total failure and he never admits it. Then Willy mentions that he cannot sell anything and when Linda says that he is the handsomest, he disagrees with her, says he is fat, foolish to look at. Willy tells everyone and believes in the dream that he is well liked, that he is a “number-one” man. Thinking that way Willy creates his own little world where he is the boss and he does the things which he should .....

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Macbeth About Macbeth
Number of words: 1826 - Number of pages: 7

.... rejoices no doubt in the success which crowns his efforts in battle - and so on. He may even conceived of the proper motive which should energize back of his great deed: The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his nature violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in order that he may be reported in such terms a "valour's minion" and "Bellona's bridegroom"' he values succes .....

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Drown: A Consideration
Number of words: 1574 - Number of pages: 6

.... Yunior’s narratives contain Spanish words an average of about every other sentence. Diaz uses them to keep readers aware of Yunior’s culture and homeland, attempting to stop the "stifling" effect America often has on immigrants’ cultures. Also, Yunior’s rejection of the norms of English writing, evident in the phrases "got themselves" and "nothing to nobody" in the above quote, gives his narratives a certain rebellious quality. Not only does he rebel against America’s tendency to smother cultural values but rebelling against American rules in general, e .....

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Rite Of Passage
Number of words: 413 - Number of pages: 2

.... because many people cheat on their taxes. They do it because they know that there are millions of people who do their taxes every year and it would be almost impossible for the government to find everyone who cheated on their taxes. The Bill Clinton scandal is also a great example of this philosophy because he thought he could conceal what he did, but in the end it went all wrong. Bill Clinton did what he did because he thought he could hide it, but it turned out to be wrong. Cheating is wrong no matter how hard someone tries to disguise it. This philosophy should not be a part of .....

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A Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3

.... the topic for my class presentation that I know many people see that the unfairness of life and the insignificance of our free will are apparently the most important themes in the book, but I don't agree. I also don't agree that it is a war story or a love story. Exactly what it is, though, is not clear to me. Can't art exist without being anything? "There isn't always an explanation for everything." War and love are obviously important themes in the book, and the relationship between the two is explored by Hemingway and, somewhat, by Henry. In the first two Books we are in the war and the .....

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Staples' “Just Walk On By”: Prejudice And Intimidation
Number of words: 833 - Number of pages: 4

.... a common day to day occurrence for me while growing up in my predominantly white neighborhood. As a matter of fact, there were only about five black kids in my grade school. Don’t get me wrong, my Grandfather was never violent toward black people (they actually scared him) and he was never a “white supremacist,” but words were constantly said. My teenage years changed how I viewed the world. I can wholeheartedly agree with the Staples essay when in it he describes what makes a thug. My family and I had moved into a different neighborhood by the time I started high school. This fac .....

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The Openings Of The Time Machi
Number of words: 2079 - Number of pages: 8

.... times. The Morlocks lived underground and in the dark. The miners didn’t live underground, but they did spend most of their time working there. I would have thought that the Morlocks would be like slaves to the Eloi, because that’s what the miners were like to the upper class people. However, this wasn’t so, the Morlocks were in complete control of the Eloi, who were just food for them. The Morlocks were the more intellectual out of the two species, and had power over the Eloi. The Morlocks worked underground and were clever enough to work the complicated machinery. .....

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Lord Of The Flies- -the Deteri
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3

.... meetings and they make laws for what is allowed and what is not. “’We’ll have rules!’ he cried excitedly. ‘Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks ‘em—“33 The problem comes when the boys start realizing that there is no one there to control them. There are no adults there to make them toil and sweat if they do not want to. The boys realize that swimming and eating fruit all day is more fun, than laying the foundation for a fair and safe society where everybody works for the benefit of the whole group. The main symbol that represents the la .....

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