The Grandmother 2
Number of words: 882 - Number of pages: 4.... his mother reinforce the fact that she is domineering, even to the point of being intimidating, In the beginning of the story, Bailey is shown to be nervous, as "He was sitting on the edge of his chair at the table..." (354) while his mother is trying to talk him into changing his mind about where they go for their vacation. He is also very passive around his mother, and it shows be the way he offers no resistance or objections to what she is demanding. When Bailey looks "straight ahead... His jaw was as rigid as a horseshoe" (358), he was obviously upset about the way the grandmother tri .....
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The Crucible
Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3.... from that little sweet. innocent girl, to a fierce, roaring woman.
Her costume fitted the time period, and was quite appropriate for the
scenes, when coupled with her movement, and manner. It was very noticeable
the way she could change the attributes of her character, as I mentioned
before (a girl to a tiger), just by the subtle change of various bodily
actions. This was accomplished by vocal changes, and different method of
walk, from a light dainty movement, to a fierce romping thump.
The play had four main sets, each one for each scene. It started out in
a small upper b .....
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Catcher In The Rye By Jd Salin
Number of words: 2369 - Number of pages: 9.... he wrote about some egyption crap and aloudly reads the note that holden had written to him at the end of it. Spencer asks him if he's thought about his future. Then holden tells spencer that he has to go to the gym and says goodbye not feeling one bit like he was getting the hell out of pencey.
Chapter three:
*Holden reveals how much of a lyar he is. He didn't really have to go to the gym to check equipment he just wanted to get out of there. He then talks about where his room is at pencey and how its in a hall named after Ossinburger some fat guy who donated alot of money to the sch .....
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Number of words: 1198 - Number of pages: 5.... uncharted territory and this was
a bad omen. Woody just laughed and said, “Uncharted territory or
not, we have a job to do and I’m not going to let some little thing
like this ruin my reputation. I’ll go see what the problem is.” And
so Woody packed a bag with supplies and sailed off down the river
to find the missing logs. It wasn’t long before the lush green
landscape of trees he saw around him became a bare region of
stumps and small brush. It was almost as if another logging crew
had been here before him. He was amazed at the n .....
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Romeo And Juliet 9
Number of words: 1415 - Number of pages: 6.... he doesn’t want anyone else to know about the marriage OR that he is to excited.
Shortly after this, he changes back to serious when he is talking to Nurse about the marriage.
· He still is joyful towards the marriage scene and at the marriage scene he takes the extreme again - he acts like he has not seen Juliet for years, they can’t wait to get there hands on each other – kissing, Friar Laurence had to separate them.
Once they are married, he visits Tybalt and Mercutio in the square; he is misunderstood by Tybalt when he says how he loves him. Mercutio reacts with l .....
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Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... navy, and army, are prepared and able to defend our nation or our nation's allies. In the epic, , heroes were also warriors. These warriors were supposed to protect the country against "monsters" and invasions. The warriors were strong men who could physically make an attack or prevent an attack in order to protect their country. was a warrior who was a hero to the country where the Danes lived. was able to protect and serve the Danes by killing Grendel. Grendel was an evil monster who had been killing the people that had been sleeping in the hall that he haunted. became a hero by not onl .....
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Number of words: 2161 - Number of pages: 8.... And then the last story,"The dead",is longer,subtler and it can be cosidered as Joyce's 1st masterpiece. Themes Though,at first glance,the stories seem simply to be realistic,objective descriptions of everyday life,they are psychologically eventful.The psychological action often takes the form of an EPIPHANY in which a commonplace action or object brings a character an unexpected revelation truth and a deep understanding of life. The chief theme whcih holds the 15 stories together is the failure to find a way out from PARALYSIS,both physical and moral,linked to religion,politics and cultu .....
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Hamlet 14
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... expected. Hamlet is portrayed as being extremely serious in this version. He continues to look up in space throughout the monologue, as if he is asking a question and looking for the answer, since he is very perplexed about what he should do in order to “cleanse the state.” Hamlet is facing an internal dilemma because he has to decide whether or not he is going to kill in order to make things better. He ponders the pros and the cons of his decisions, in order to distinguish which choice would be the best. By speaking in a lower voice, and by acting so introspective, Hamlet se .....
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She Walks With Beauty
Number of words: 964 - Number of pages: 4.... more on the woman than the wording of the poem. The alternating rhyme scheme in all three sestets gives the poem its consistent tone. "She walks in beauty, like the night," (1) rhyming with "And all that’s best of dark and bright," (3) makes the poem easier to remember and pleasing to the reader’s eyes and ears. The iambic tetrameter, when read aloud, guides the reader along in such a way that the poem maintains a smooth and graceful sound. "Of cloudless climes and starry skies," (2) is more pleasant when read with the proper accents than if it were re .....
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Lord Byron
Number of words: 3440 - Number of pages: 13.... his reputation has dwindled to merely being known as a poet. His childhood was colorful to say the least. There is much evidence to suggest mental instabilit
was inherent in his family. Byron was born on Jan.22, 1788 in London. His great-uncle from whom he inherited the title, was known as "wicked Lord Byron"; his father army officer, was called "mad Jack" Byron. This wealth and the nick names of the Byron
en went back to at least as far a Lord Byron’s’ Grandfather, a Vice Admiral, known as "Foul Weather Jack". He was giving this name as he had a rep .....
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