Harrison Bergeon Vs. 1984
Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3.... apparently had everyone equalized through handicapping all those with extraordinary abilities. The classes were the same as they are in modern America, only with handicaps.
Human Nature was repressed in both stories. It is human nature to express one’s talents in some way. In 1984, any kind of personal expression was thoughtcrime, and would cause the guilty individual to be taken to the ministry of love, and brainwashed. In
Harrison Bergeron, every person was unable to display any kind of superiority over anyone else. The strong were weighted down, and the beautiful were forced to w .....
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Cheap Amusements
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... period that to survive families had to send their sons and daughters into the labor force to supplement the earnings of the father, while the mother cooked, cleaned, cared for the children and manufactured goods in the home. The typical wage-earning woman of 1900 was young and single.
The young single working women experienced time and labor similar to men’s rather than married women’s. They needed to, as Peiss puts, "carve a sphere of pleasure", out of daily life in the harsh conditions of the shop floor and the tenement. These young women found pleasure in dance halls, .....
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The African Queen Summary Char
Number of words: 2353 - Number of pages: 9.... on praying the awful calamity of war which has descended upon the world would soon pass away, so that slaughter and destruction would cease and that when they had regained their sanity men would turn from war to universal peace. Because of this war they were cut off from all communications and the rest of the world. Samuel thinks the Germans responsible for the outbreak of the war and all the sufferings. Rose is helpless as her brother suffers a nervous breakdown. He realises that his life's work has been destroyed and instantly loses his mind. He dies very soon after that, while Rose weeps a .....
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The Glass Menagerie 3
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... affect her
physical condition, more so than normal people.
Another symbol presented deals more with Tom than any of the other
characters: Tom's habit of going to the movies shows us his longing to
leave the apartment and head out into the world of reality. A place where
one can find adventure. And Tom, being a poet, can understand the needs of
man to long for adventure and romance. But he is kept from entering
reality by Amanda, who criticizes him as being a "selfish dreamer." But,
Tom has made steps to escape into reality by transferring the payment of a
light bill to pay for .....
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Number of words: 4466 - Number of pages: 17.... gave him a strange, old-young look, boyish and yet wise, weak and yet fiery. He woke up a 5:00 because he could not sleep. He was worrying about his wife and kids, and a massive raid on their town. Mr. Tanimoto had studied theology at Emory College, in Atlanta, Georgia. He started to carry his things and belongings from the church with his friend Mr. Matsuo to Mr. Matsui’s house, a man who let a large number of his friends and acquaintances, so that they might evacuate whatever they wished to a safe distance from the target area. Mr. Tanimoto and Mr. Matsuo made a quick stop to Mr. Matsuo .....
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Epic Works
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4.... his army to take part in war against Troy. After ten years of
war, victory is declared and the armies of Odysseus have sailed for home. As
the Odyssey begins, an additional 10 years have passed since the fall of Troy
and Odysseus still has not returned to his home. The noblemen have converged on
his palace seeking the hand of his lovely wife, Penelope. However, Penelope
refuses their advances choosing to remain faithful to Odysseus.
During the ten years of his absence since the fall of Troy, Odysseus has
traveled the world undertaking many unbelievable adventures and trials set upon
him .....
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The Idiot
Number of words: 3214 - Number of pages: 12.... may learn a great deal from this section about the proud Nastasya Filippovna. The most dominant feature of Nastasya Filippovna is her beauty. Her great beauty overwhelms even the Prince, who at first we may believe is not inclined to notice sensuality of women. Looking at her picture he calls her "astonishingly pretty"; he notes her "exquisite simplicity," her "dark, deep eyes" (31). Even from her youth Nastasya Filippovna's beauty has caused her to become the object of men's sexual desires. There are three men who are particularly dominant in Nastasya Filippovna's life prior to the arr .....
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The Stranger 3
Number of words: 837 - Number of pages: 4.... which would, for most people, elicit strong emotions. Throughout
the vigil, watching over his mother's dead body, and at her
funeral, he never cries. He is, further, depicted enjoying a cup
of coffee with milk during the vigil, and having a smoke with a
caretaker at the nursing home in which his mother died. The
following day, after his mother's funeral, he goes to the beach and
meets a former colleague named Marie Cardona. They swim, go to a
movie, and then spend the night together. Later in their
relationship, Marie asks Meursault if he wants to marry her. He
r .....
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Macbeth Critique
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2.... of Macbeth' s death was very violent, however, it would be quite historically accurate.
The next point is that of the setting. It is seen in the setting that this is a dark movie. The sets are dark and brooding to show the feeling that a tragedy such as Macbeth should exude. The background setting, meaning the castles and sets, were done to the period very well. They showed of the medieval feudal society method of doing things. The kings and serfs and acting was good in that respect.
The last point to be brought up is the acting over all. The acting did its job in getting the theme .....
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Exploration Of Themes In The Song Of Roland
Number of words: 519 - Number of pages: 2.... soldiers.
Revenge is when a person takes vengeance and justice into their own hands and does whatever they feel is just. Revenge is displayed by both feuding sides in this epic. Some quotes are "This war you've started wage on, and make no cease; to Saragossa lead your host in the field, spend all your life, if need be, in the siege, revenge the men this villain made to bleed!" when talking about the Muslims (59)and "Him has the false lord Ganelon betrayed; vast the reward the Paynim king has paid"(84) when speaking of Charles. This quote is not speaking of the physical damage of revenge b .....
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