Primitive Instincts In Humans
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2.... they cannot be completely obliterated. As humanity is embracing its softer, more caring side, the aggressive instincts appear more impetuous because in most cases there is no need for them. Many people nowadays can afford to aid weaker nations such as Africa because, although their primary concern is still their own survival, they no longer have to consciously strive for it. These two very opposite sides of a human make him very confusing: the primitive aspect versus the civilized aspect.
At the state humanity is at now, the aggressive side potentially threatens to annihilate society as w .....
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Aristotle On Ridicule
Number of words: 891 - Number of pages: 4.... He argues that “adaptability” in the way we talk to people is desirable, since there is a time and a place for everything. The paragraph begins with indirect definitions of two extremes of humor, the buffoon and the humorless person. A buffoon would rather be a fool and hurt people’s feelings than “fail to raise a laugh”. A man who never cracks a joke is also falling short of the appropriate behavior, which is the gentleman’s ability to give and take gentle humor in a conversation. A “wit” is someone “whose pleasantries do not go too far,” and is always ready with a wi .....
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Worn Path 2
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... plagues people at an old age. There are various organizations that help people who are over the age of sixty-five. They also provide various services towards them such as meals on wheels. Was there not someone who could have delivered the medicine to this woman of nearly 100 years of age? Perhaps, Phoenix Jackson was too shy or had too much pride to ask for a service of that nature. The doctors from the medical building knew about the condition of Phoenix’s grandson and did nothing to try and help. This showed the lack of respect that was present in the society. In today’s s .....
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The Devil Of Tom Walker And Th
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3.... amuse myself by presiding at the persecutions of Quakers and Anabaptists; I am the great patron and prompter of slave dealers and the grandmaster of the Salem witches." In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow there are many American traits in the description of the setting. It is said by some to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head had been carried away by a cannon ball, in some nameless battle during the revolutionary war. This neighborhood, at the time of which I am speaking, was one of those highly favored places which abound with chronicle and great men. The British and American line .....
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The Beak Of The Finch
Number of words: 8537 - Number of pages: 32.... Grant family endured in studying these birds on a hot volcanic rock. However, the writers and editors of the book avoid simple logic and put a spin on history that is misleading. The facts and logic presented in The Beak of the Finch really make the book's author out to be a closet creationist.
It just so happened that at the same time I read this book, I was reading The Storm Petrel and the Owl of Athena by Louis Halle. Half of The Storm Petrel is on the bird life of the Shetland Islands, another isolated natural system. Halle, though an evolutionist, devotes a whole chapter on h .....
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Prometheus 2
Number of words: 1170 - Number of pages: 5.... (Hodge, 352) The story of his birth is rather sketchy, most books just outline the story of Iapetus and Clymene being madly in love with each other, and having a son, and naming him Prometheus. He had a brother who was named Atlas. (Encyclopedia Americana, 576) (Picture taken from Microsoft Encarta, 1998)
Prometheus isn’t really in charge of anything, except bringing fire to mankind and creation on man. When responsibilities were handed out, Prometheus was left out, possibly because he was a Titan, no one really knows.)
Prometheus is recognized by his nudity, the stalk of fennel t .....
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Brave New World 7
Number of words: 473 - Number of pages: 2.... Marx come into the picture after learning how things work. They both work at the hatchery and have been dating, but she starts dating Bernard Marx instead. Bernard is a deformed but highly intelligent man who takes Lenina to a savage restoration. At the reservation, they meet John and his mother Linda, whom was the girlfriend of the DHC and John is his son. Lenina and Bernard take, with permission, Linda and John out of the reservation. Bernard and a friend introduce John to the new world. Lenina tries to make advances toward John but his savage attitude doesn’t allow it.
Th .....
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Sexual Themes In The Birdcage
Number of words: 1241 - Number of pages: 5.... to play the part of Val's mother. In the end all is discovered and the conservative couple are forced to accept that their daughter will be marrying into an "alternative" family.
Every sexual orientation and lifestyle is explored in this film, through each individual character. Albert plays the emotional, insecure, flighty homosexual male. Armand plays the part of a more reserved, logical, manly homosexual. The Senator is a conservative, political white man who claims to be interested in family values and morality. Both he and his wife are upper class snobs, who do not want to associat .....
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Great Expectations And Oliver
Number of words: 1722 - Number of pages: 7.... was chosen by the other boys at the orphanage to request more gruel at dinner one night. After making this simple request, "the master (at the orphanage) aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle."3
The whole beginning of Oliver Twist's story was created from memories which related to Charles Dickens' childhood in a blacking factory ( which was overshadowed by the Marshalsea Prison ).4 While working in the blacking factory, Dickens suffered tremendous humiliation. This humiliation is greatly expressed through Oliver's adventures .....
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Oedipus Rex (film Vs Text)
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... are obviously in different states of peril. When Oedipus exits the castle into the courtyard to confront the peasants the actor playing the role does an excellent job of portraying the cocky swagger and demeanor that Sophocles seemed to bestow upon him on the page. Although we quickly notice that none of the actors are wearing masks, which would have been the case had this been a production that was taking place in the time of the Ancient Greeks, which brings up another point. There are a large number of actors in this play ranging from the peasants to the chorus to the main characters .....
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