Jumping Mouse
Number of words: 2240 - Number of pages: 9.... had a very uncommon relationship with, offered to guide the family to his village. The Smales, having no other options, accepted July’s offer and ran in haste and confusion to the dearth village. They knew little of the drastic adjustments they would have to make in order to survive in July’s rustic village. These adjustments would soon threaten their relationships with one another and their family’s structure.
The three Smales children, Victor, Royce and Gina, had not experienced, and therefore had not expected to live a life of luxury amongst people of their "own" kind. Thi .....
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Lives Of The Saints
Number of words: 1527 - Number of pages: 6.... page three of his mathematical conquest, he was overcome by a wealth of distractions. The golden sun was shining down on him that day, or so it seemed, for as he was drifting off to sleep the muffled shout of a man shattered what would appear to be his last enjoyable day; at least for a long time.
Childhood can be a fragile thing. It is commonly believed that children see the world through different eyes. Everything seems fresh and interesting to them, where we become saturated with the details of our everyday lives. The eyes of Vittorio Innocente act as a safeguard, seemingly protectin .....
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Dolly Madison
Number of words: 1495 - Number of pages: 6.... John was a prominent young lawyer, twenty-seven years old. She did not contend against John Todd. "Dolly had the ability to accept whatever fate might have to offer and make the very best of it."2 They were married on January 7, 1790, at the Friends' Meeting House on Pine Street. In the summer of 1793 there came the yellow plague. Dolly was struggling with her children along the crowded road to Gray's Ferry, one of the panic driven throngs escaping from the stricken city. John Todd stayed behind to give his able bodied and courageous help, and before the winter was over Dolly had .....
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Winston Smith
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2.... historical records to fit the needs of the Party. He has noticed a co-worker, a beautiful dark-haired girl, staring at him; he worries that she is an informant who will turn him in for his thoughtcrime. He worries about the Party's control of history: it claims Oceania has always been allied with Eastasia in a war against Eurasia, but Winston seems to recall a time when this wasn't true; the Party also claims that Emmanuel Goldstein, the leader of the Brotherhood, is the most dangerous man alive, but Winston doubts the claim. He spends his evenings wandering through the poorest neighborhoods .....
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Dead Poets Society, Summary
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2.... Knox was flat. He had problems with his dad. Todd was flat. He was on Mr. Keating’s side when the school tried to fire him. Cameron was dynamic. He went with the crowd. If a group of kids did one thing then he would follow right behind.
The plot in the story is rather interesting. The exposition is simple. A group of students have a English teacher who is very creative in the way he teaches. One of the students finds out about a group that Mr. Keating was in when he went to the school. Him and his friends decide that they would start it again. The rising action is when the .....
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Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3.... lovers knew this
and this is why they kept their relationship a secret. If their parents
discovered their secret, they would have made their children's lives
miserable; furthermore, Romeo and Juliet would not have been able to see each
other. Both of these families were very stubborn and there was hardly
any thing that would have made them become friends. In the prologue
we learn that the only way the "strife" could be ended was by the
deaths of Romeo and Juliet. We must remember that both Romeo and Juliet are the heir’s to their family as they are the only children in .....
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Beowulf Vs. Grendal
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... him feel powerful over God’s humanity. Unfortunately, the night Beowulf lies in wait for him, he assumes that his bloody feasts will continue and Grendal gives no attention to his method of attack. Grendal is then killed.
Beowulf, the heroic figure in the poem, is known throughout the land as a courageous man who performs great deeds of valor. He is a Geat, who later becomes the king of the Geats. Beowulf’s strength seems to be a gift from God. As a noble and kind man, Beowulf comes to Herot to save them from God’s foe. Before Beowulf initiates battle with Grendal he exhibits a sens .....
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Lord Of The Flies Comparison T
Number of words: 1277 - Number of pages: 5.... mature and adult like member of the group. This, along with his poor eyesight, size, accent, and asthma, are why he is constantly ostracized by the others. His glasses represent technology, civilization, reality and reason. When they are destroyed it is a sign that the boys are no longer using reason in their actions and civilization is becoming more and more a thing of the past.
Ralph, on the other hand, represents government, authority, order, and self discipline. Although Ralph occasionally gives way to his more primitive side he is one of the only members of the group who maintains .....
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Ayn Rand: Human Existence
Number of words: 1314 - Number of pages: 5.... to do. However, there are some people in the world today, especially in the U.S., that all they do care about is themselves. Their primary goal in life is to gain money, and earn a successful career that will entail them to live a happier, more enjoyable life. These people are determined and positive and obstinate, in Rand’s eyes. This type of person is becoming more and more apparent in today’s ever-growing society, and it is our opinion that Ayn Rand would be happy with the way the United States is today.
Morality and happiness play a big part in Ayn Rand’s philosophy. “Man e .....
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English Phonetic Interference
Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... This phenomenon captured my attention three years ago, while I was living with a Russian emigre student. I would ask her to correct my Russian homework each night, but she often corrected my homework rather poorly, as her spelling was less than stellar. She claimed that since leaving the Soviet Union 6 years earlier, she had only spoken Russian and having almost no reason to write in Russian, she had forgotten some of the most basic spelling rules. Further, she claimed that spelling in Russian was different than spelling in English. This last comment puzzled me until I lived in Russ .....
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