Billy Budd
Number of words: 2809 - Number of pages: 11.... as comparisons or differences? This is similar to the case as seen in . The Book doesn’t work in a strict and orderly fashion but starts out to describe at length different characters, then moves to fast actions, slows down again to a very argued trail, then draws rapidly to a close with Billy’s hanging. Even after that event, (the hanging), the book lingers on with a comment of it and ties up all loose ends (Captain Vere dieing etc…). Though this story lacks orthodox format, it coheres in a profound and moving way.
The style and point of view of can be dealt with together b/c of the .....
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Poetry 2
Number of words: 4144 - Number of pages: 16.... as you have done to others.
Don't ever try
to understand everything
some things will just never make sense.
Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings
when you're happy, give in to it!
When you're not, live with it.
Don't ever be afraid to try to
make things better
you might be surprised at the results.
Don't ever take the weight of the world
on your shoulders...
Don't ever feel threatened by the future
take life one day at a time.
Don't ever feel guilty about the past
what's done is done. Learn from any
mistakes you might have made. .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 1022 - Number of pages: 4.... island; he was the only survivor. The next morning he realized what had happened and became scared of dying, because without food or clothes he could not survive. Not knowing what to do, he made a small shack and settled on the island for that night. The very next morning he made a choice to build a raft and go out to the broken boat and explore for items he could find. He was hardworking and smart even in a bad situation. His decision to go back to the boat and risk a chance of being killed by sharks changed his life span. It also proved that he was smart. By making smart decision and thi .....
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King Oedipus By Sophocles
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... Because he continually boasts about how he has saved Thebes from the Sphinx, he believes that no one could know more than he, especially if he is the one to be accused of a crime he “knows” he didn’t commit. In response Teiresias argues, “You are please to mock my blindness. Have you eyes, and do not see your own damnation? Eyes and cannot see what company you keep.” This is a pivotal component to the irony behind the idea of blindness throughout the play. Although Teiresias is physically blind, he is able to accept and “see” the truth, while Oedipus physically being .....
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Ethan Frome - Contrast Between Film And Novel
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4.... in the middle of nowhere, with no houses nearby, in the middle of winter. This, with the addition of appropriate music, creates a bleak atmosphere, and there is no doubt in the audience’s mind of an impending sense of gloom and tragedy. The darkness of the house amongst the pure white of the snow is a symbol of the darkness within the house. It shows that the people living in the house, the Fromes, are not happy people. They have their burdens and a darkness in their lives that is further intensified by the joy of the people around them. The audience is perhaps more aware than reader .....
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Number of words: 1819 - Number of pages: 7.... his efforts in battle - and so on. He may even conceived of the proper motive which should energize back of his great deed:
The service and the loyalty I owe,
In doing it, pays itself.
But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his nature violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in order that he may be reported in such terms a "valour's minion" and "Bellona's bridegroom"' he values success because it brings spectacular fame and new titles and royal favor he .....
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Scarlet Letter 2
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3.... rubble around the house.
Most writers have a style in which they write and they follow this style through all their works. Nathaniel Hawthorne is no exception to this. In the Scarlet Letter and in The Ambitious Guest Hawthorne uses the same writing style for both so they have many similarities. Some of these similarities include references to symbols such as the forest, death, solitude and light. Although the plots are very different, main themes shine through in both stories.
In both stories, the forest is a place of solitude. In the Scarlet Letter Hester and Dimmesdale talk freely to eac .....
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Feral Children
Number of words: 327 - Number of pages: 2.... the Reverend J.A.L. Singh, in 1920. Singh claimed that he
personally rescued the children after having seen them living with the
wolves. Although the children developed some social skills and the
rudiments of language, they never became completely normal, and they died
young. There is, however, no way of knowing to what extend their
limitations were a result of cultural deprivation.
Fictionalized accounts of feral children have recurred throughout
history, from the legend of ROMULUS AND REMUS to the more recent fictions
of Mowgli in Rudyard Kipling's JUNGLE BOOK (1894) and TARZAN .....
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Tuesdays With Morrie
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... their lives. Mitch had a feeling of guilt because he had changed over the years and was not totally living by Morrie's "words of wisdom". He was too caught up in his work and never took any time to relax and have a good time. From now on Mitch visits his quickly departing friend just as he did in the past. At these visits they discuss various topics such as death, marriage, family, and money. Morrie considered their Tuesday visits to be their last class together. A funeral would be held in lieu of graduation. Unfortunately, as expected, this great mentor to many people, passed away. .....
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Birth Of A Monster
Number of words: 1676 - Number of pages: 7.... he has created is a clear indicator of how their relationship will be
While creating his child, Victor never considered whether this creature would even want to exist. He also didn't take enough care with the creature's appearance. Victor never considered how such a creature would be able to exist with human beings. He did not take time with the features either and created a being with a horrifying appearance. Unable to accept his creation, Victor abandons his "child" and all parental responsibility. He even wishes that his "child" were dead. "I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed, a .....
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