Different Ideologies And What I Believe In
Number of words: 921 - Number of pages: 4.... reported it; police officers went there and arrested the man and his son. To make a long story short the man told his side of the story to the judge and the judge purposefully gave him just probation knowing that he would smoke and still grow weed.
When asking me "What do you believe in," I found it pretty hard to narrow down my strongest beliefs. I think my parents did a fantastic job of raising me and showing me how to get along with everybody regardless of what they look like, or who they like. My parents have a very simple belief like I do. I am a very chilled and laid back kind o .....
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The Nobel Savage In The Last O
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... the Mohicans jumped in a saved them. Magua escaped. The Mohicans took upon the duty of escorting Alice and Cora safety to there father only out of good will. During the escort to Fort Henry they stopped at a cave to rest the delicate feet of the two women. During the night they were attacked by Magua and his tribe of savages who were shooting at them from across the river. The Mohicans and the travelers were trapped, out gunned and out of powder Chingachgook, Uncas, and Hawk-eye were forced to jump off a cliff to survive the attack. Left behind was David and Heward to protect Alice .....
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Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... 'They'll never even suspect me.'" It is quite evident that most of the responsibility in this situation belongs to Fred.
Furthermore, Fred's parents' lack of responsibility indirectly contributes to Mr. Haskell's death. Their first act of carelessness is when they neglect to keep the gun locked up in a safer place. Instead, they keep it in a location where it is easily accessible to Fred. Equally important, Fred's parents don't suspect anything unusual when he doesn't attend Mr. Haskell's funeral. They merely accept his somewhat transparent excuse; he just claims that the situat .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 968 - Number of pages: 4.... his development, and helps him realise things about the world and himself that he never knew before.
Ms Kinnian cares deeply for Charlie, in this radio play, she believes Charlie is a " very fine person," but Charlie feels more than respect for Ms Kinnian. As Charlie's emotions develop, he realises that he is "in love with Ms Kinnian." It is questionable, however, if Charlie really does love Ms Kinnian, or just thinks he does for she is the one person that understands him.
In the beginning of the radio play, Charlie believes he has wonderful friends, who he has fun with and who ar .....
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The Hobbit
Number of words: 1530 - Number of pages: 6.... spot in the dragon's iron scales.
BEORN: An enemy of orcs, he becomes friends with Bilbo and Gandalf. He has th e ability to change forms from human to bear. It is he who determines the outco me of the battle of five Armies.
The book begins with Bilbo Baggins enjoying a pipe after breakfast. Th is is one of his favorite pleasures and he feels quite content in doing so. He is middle-aged, and resides in a clean warm burrow in the ground. One morning Gandalf, a wizard stops by to chat with Bilbo. He informs Bilbo that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. Al .....
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Life 2
Number of words: 412 - Number of pages: 2.... that freedom.
Her father’s over-protection is evident in this passage, “We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will” (279). Her father robs her from many of life’s necessities. She misses out on having friends, being a normal “woman,” and her ability to be happy. Emily is not able to live a normal life which she indirectly blames on her father. Emily is so used to having her father be there for her, she figures that by keeping his body .....
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Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3.... shows us through a series of metaphorical actions the characters evolution in his attitude towards the entire situation. At first our character is still unsure and alert at all that is happening around him, " At first he was out with the dawn." Yet he becomes more and more sure of himself and feels very secure, " A guard of goat before falling asleep on its feet at sundown." Earle Birney uses the goat as a metaphor for security because a goat does not slip of the rocky mountain tops that our character is reaching for.
In the last stanzas the poem changes tone. It goe .....
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Ordeal By Hunger
Number of words: 318 - Number of pages: 2.... the Donner Party by traveling to Truckee Lake with supplies. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful and had to turn back, do to heavy snow.
McCutchen was not the only hero in the Donner Party; Eddie William played a big roll in this 2,500 journey. Like McCutchen, Eddie took the trip to Fort Sutter, with the Forlorn Hope. McCutchen’s and Eddies children died in the hands of the psychopathic, Keseberg. McCutchen and Eddie both went back to Truckee Lake with a rescue party. Two had also survived the disastrous Trail to California, by taking the Hastings cut-off. I am glad for all the Donner P .....
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Crime And Punishment 8
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... old friend Razumikhin. However, his behavior becomes so bizarre that everyone who meets him wonders if he's insane. Unfortunately for him, several police officials, including Porfiry Petrovich, the investigator in charge of the pawnbroker's murder, hear about his self-incriminating actions. He faints in the police station when the crime is discussed; he returns to the scene of the crime and makes a spectacle of himself; and he is obsessed with the details of the murder. Even without any physical evidence against him, suspicion focuses on him.
Is Raskolnikov a criminal who should be severe .....
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Stereotypes 2
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... people are preaching to Scout that she should act like a typical girl. Atticus is stereotyped as a traitor to his people, the white race, because he stands up for a black man, Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping a young woman. Last but not least, Tom Robinson is stereotyped as being a flaw in the human race because he is black. When he is accused of committing a rape, he is not given a fair trial, due to the fact that he is an African-American.
During a Sunday brunch, Scout’s aunt, Alexandra, forces Scout to wear a skirt and help her to cook. Being a proper lady, Aunt Alexandra d .....
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