Writing About Literature
Number of words: 1233 - Number of pages: 5.... reeks.
I love to hear her speak , yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go:
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she, belied with false compare.
Most readers at one time or other have read this poem during their education. Even though it is so widely read, it is often misinterpreted upon the first reading. My initial interpretation was that Shakespeare did not think this lady was very pretty and did not really think she was all that enticing. But by reading the poem .....
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Image Of Child Heros
Number of words: 1821 - Number of pages: 7.... Goliath. The story
of David and Goliath is quite possibly one of the oldest child hero stories.
It was part of the Bible, in the Old Testament. In this story a young man named
David proposes to the king of Israel that he fight and attempt to kill Goliath,
the giant that had been plaguing Israel. The king agrees, however hesitantly,
and David goes on to slay the beast using just a slingshot. While this story
is not one that was made up, it still shows us that the ancient Hebrews
believed in the fact that a child, or in this case teen, has the will and
motivation to do the impossible. .....
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Foreshadowing And Foretelling
Number of words: 1119 - Number of pages: 5.... by foreshadowing and flashback. Fitzgerald utilizes foreshadowing to the best of its ability to help organize the novel. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head, whereupon he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place. 'I'm sorry about the clock,' he said. 'It's an old clock,' I told him idiotically." (Fitzgerald, pg. 92) This quote is the first use of foreshadowing which is in chapter five. It pertains to all of the trouble Gatsby causes as he tries to win Daisy back. The past is represented by the clock and how Gatsby wa .....
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Montana 1948
Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... next forty years, to be ignorant of Frank’s crimes, and therefore of much of what is happening although his parents do not realise that he has overheard their discussions. David’s previous image of Frank along with happy memories therefore were gone, never to return, and within six months of the funeral both him and his family left Bentrock, confirming his earlier, somewhat bitter judgement that “were the ones getting the shitty end of the stick”.
A loss of David’s innocence also appears during his killing of a live magpie. This brings about a an evil in himself also reinforcing .....
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Wolf's "The Child By Tiger" And Bowen's "Tears, Idle Tears": The Innocence Of The Child
Number of words: 1207 - Number of pages: 5.... Tears" uses a duck to represent Frederick's alteration of personality.
When he first tries to pet the duck, the duck runs down to the pond and
swims away. After Frederick talks with a girl that he meets at the pond,
he comes to the realisation that he's not alone, there is someone else out
there that has a problem with crying. He seems to find a new sense of
self-esteem because of this knowledge. In the story "The Child By Tiger",
Wolfe often refers to Prosser as a cat or a tiger. These symbolic
references help convey the author's message. Wolfe implies that Prosser is
cunning, sne .....
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Macbeth - Influence Of Characters On Macbeth
Number of words: 1920 - Number of pages: 7.... level of courage accompanies his ambition as well. As a noble he is an active one, fighting against the rebel hordes and Norwegians in defense of his king, no doubt for the purpose of gaining notoriety and other rewards. This is further illustrated by his gracious acceptance of credit for his deeds. He is a political figure in the highest sense, and show ambition in this way. However, there is no sign of him altering his course of loyal nobleman until outside influences begin to intercede. The people with greatest impact on Macbeth are the witches, his wife and Lady, and King Duncan of .....
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Hamlets Madness
Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... Supported Through His Relation to Ophelia and Edgar's Relation to Lear In both Hamlet and King Lear, Shakespeare incorporates a theme of madness with two characters: one truly mad, and one only acting mad to serve a motive. The madness of Hamlet is frequently disputed. This paper argues that the contrapuntal character in each play, namely Ophelia in Hamlet and Edgar in King Lear, acts as a balancing argument to the other character's madness or sanity. King Lear's more decisive distinction between Lear's frailty of mind and Edgar's contrived madness works to better define the relationship b .....
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The Mirror By Sylvia Plath
Number of words: 305 - Number of pages: 2.... the lady is in a regular lit room she becomes ugly to her self again.
The reason Mattel is changing the appearance of Barbie is because little girls impact on the way society looks upon them. And this could hurt somones self esteem, and could damage the way someone looks upon ones self. In the poem the girl tries to make her self prettier, by creating artificial pretty ness. But in the end the mirror never lies. The poem & the article compare about how the way people look ad feel, and how society has a role on their lives. .....
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The Anglo-saxon Literature
Number of words: 1773 - Number of pages: 7.... an Anglo-Saxon hero. However, the Rood fails to share the Christian beliefs when it declares the entity of God along with Christ. Although Christ and the Rood shared the ¡°innocent¡±¡¯ suffering together, this does not provide an adequate explanation for the Rood to become a replacement of Christ. Indeed, the Rood appears as a hero in the Anglo-Saxon society for it reflects the values of many figures that suffer with their Lord.
The Rood shares the suffering endured by Christ. It does not regret its pains but sympathizes with Christ as it brings unto itself the hostilities directe .....
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Oh Boy
Number of words: 2336 - Number of pages: 9.... believe in karma. They believe that karma is one of the natural laws of the universe. If you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you do negative things, negative things will happen to you. Hindus also believe that the cow is sacred. The cow represents their life and all other animals. They also regard the cow as sacred because it gives and gives but only takes grass and grain. Not all of the Hindu people are vegetarian, they are given the freedom to make their own decisions. Hinduism claims over 793,076,000 people, which is 13.7% of the world's population. Most of the Hindus .....
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