Crime And Punishment Dream Ana
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3.... a conflict of morals and corruption that is manifested into the dream of the mare. Dostoevsky uses the dream as evidence of Raskolinov’s psychic illness. Raskolinov can be identified as all of the characters in his dream: Mikolka, the jeering crowd, the beaten horse, and the innocent child. Raskolinov’s confusion and obvious bewilderment is evident as he dreams of a mare being beaten unmercifully.
The entire dream sequence is saturated with psychological symbols. The dream fills Raskolinov heart with horror and he sees it as a symbol that he will murder the old woman. For Raskolinov, .....
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Fear In The House Of Usher : E
Number of words: 995 - Number of pages: 4.... adding to the all around eerie feel the house gives off. The narrator, upon seeing the house, is immediately driven to superstitious descriptions despite his attempts to remain rational. Because the reader sees everything through the narrator, the evil supernatural imagery that is conveyed can only be interpreted as a foreshadowing of what is to happen to the narrator in the story. When he says things like “the insufferable gloom pervading my spirit” upon looking at the house, the reader has to sense something-sinister going on within the house and the fear that the n .....
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Spotted Horses
Number of words: 1015 - Number of pages: 4.... realistic plots and endings, which are consistent to those in real life, interpretive literature achieves a higher literary value than escape literature. Interpretive literature allows its reader too step out of the fantasy world they might be living in and focus on what the world is really about. One might say an interpretive story provides insight to understanding. Not only understanding of ourselves, but our neighbors, friends, family or anyone else we might encounter.
Escape literature is the complete opposite of interpretive literature. Escape literature is written purel .....
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Brave New World 4
Number of words: 1081 - Number of pages: 4.... the conveyor belt to the "Social Predestination Room". It is here that they are given a caste designation (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon), carded into the main card index and stored. It is here that they are "sexed". Thirty percent of the female embryos are allowed to develop normally (to maintain the supply of initial ova). The rest of the female embryos are given a large dose of male hormone that renders them structurally female in all ways, but sterile.
It is also here that their caste designation determines how much oxygen they will receive in their bottle. "The lower the caste, the short .....
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Night Essay 2
Number of words: 1309 - Number of pages: 5.... Once the Germans come and start taking over the city, the Jewish people of the city are forced to wear a yellow star (the Star of David) to distinguish them from the non-Jewish people in the city. Elizer is very upset about this, while his father doesn't seem affected by it at all. His father tries to comfort Elizer. The father’s argument is that wearing the star is not so terrible, it can’t kill you, but Elizer’s response says it all. He says, “Poor Father! Of what then do you die?” (page 9)
Once the Germans start to evacuate the town, Elizer is ba .....
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Where The Red Fern Grows
Number of words: 569 - Number of pages: 3.... hard as he could to get his big dog down, then he finally did. When Old Dan got down he was so eager to get the coon he went back up the tree. So Billy went up the tree again and tried to get him down. With all his strength he finally got Old Dan Down for the second time.
Billy thinks that God helped him in getting the tree to fall and catching the coon. This all happened when Billy promised his dogs that if they get the coon up the tree he would get the coon. So Billy thought of climbing the tree but it was to high. So he tried to cut the tree down. It took along time; Billy’s Grandpa .....
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Robin Hood Summary
Number of words: 812 - Number of pages: 3.... his greediness.
Robin Hood had many different traits that are quite obvious in the story and the movie. For one he is very set on taking from the wealth of Nottingham and giving back to the poorer community so they can live well. His main idea here is to get as much taken from the Sheriff of Nottingham and his sympathizers so they can easily attack and take the kingdom back. In the end his plan works and Robin kills the Sheriff and the Kingdom is once again his, as well as Maid Marion. His goals are reached because he is persistent in what he wants, and will stop at nothing to get back a .....
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Oedipus Vs. Society
Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2.... with mother, father, brother, sister, or even grandma, it is still happening somewhere in this world.
The main cause of this lack of morals is (in my opinion) directly related to the amount of sex and violence on television. Many years ago Elvis couldn't even shake his waist on TV, but now Sharon Stone can open her legs on a big screen for everyone to see. Violence has increased on television because sitcoms and movies will not sell in today's society without sex and violence.
In the future, life in general will eventually become a game involving survival of the fittest and killing your ne .....
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Heart Of Darkness 11
Number of words: 2295 - Number of pages: 9.... give more than a generalized description of this central subject parallels a corresponding incapacity in Conrad. The vast, abstract darkness that he envisions is too complex and overwhelming to be reduced to a clear or explicit truth. Instead, the truths of the world that Conrad creates in Heart of Darkness are, like those of the real world, necessarily messy, suggestive, irrational, and general.
In a sense, it is trying to explain the unexplainable brings Marlow to the Congo in the first place. Like a knight searching for adventure, Marlow was drawn to the Congo, "the biggest, the most blan .....
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The Sanctity Of The Heart
Number of words: 1458 - Number of pages: 6.... in England dehumanized by a life of abstruse studying. He makes the mistake of marrying a young wife. He sends his wife to America, to the Puritan colony of Massachusetts, with instructions to live quietly until he arrives. Due to "grievous mishaps by sea and land," and over a year's captivity by Indians, his intended arrival was delayed. He finally arrives to discover his wife, Hester Prynne, being publicly exposed as an adulteress. Not wanting to be associated with her sin, he announces himself as a physician, and takes the new name Roger Chillingworth from the original Roger Prynne .....
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