Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4.... by, but "Sometimes--oftener--she was alone"(Wharton 317). Charlotte rarely had anybody around other then her husband, and he was becoming more distant. Erdrich begins the story at the end, and Lyman is looking back on the past. Erdrich writes, "Now Henry owns the whole car, and his younger brother Lyman (that's myself), Lyman walks everywhere he goes" (143). When Henry died, Lyman's spirit and happiness went with him. Lyman walking every place symbolizes that there is nothing for him. Lyman only has memories of companionship.
Although both characters were lonely at the beginning of t .....
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Greenspan - The Case For The Defence
Number of words: 1549 - Number of pages: 6.... realise how Greenspan worked and bargained for his status in the country to be solidified. This book also flourished with innovative situations pertaining to the most diversified of criminal charges, to the most uncanny regions of law ever dealt. It was this thorough look at Greenspan's life which impressed this reviewer the most.
It was quite clear that after the fourth page, I came upon the conclusion that this casebook would create a most influential reaction to anyone who had displayed any interest towards our Law system in general. Part One of the novel, No Little Clients, presents the .....
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The Plot Of Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... calls the valley of ashes. The valley of ashes consists of huge ash heaps and a yellow brick building which is an all-night restaurant and George Wilson's garage.
Nick finally gets the opportunity to meet his neighbor Mr. Gatsby. Gatsby gives huge parties, complete with catered food, open bars, and orchestras. People come from everywhere to attend these parties, but no one seems to know much about the host. Legends about Jay Gatsby abound. Some say he was a German spy during the war, others, that he once killed a man. Nick becomes fascinated by Gatsby. He begins watching his host and .....
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Beowulf: First Literary Superhero
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2.... him, his claws Bound fast,
Higlac's brave follower tearing at his hands.”(line 464-466)
Beowulf's unusual and courageous method of killing Grendel demonstrates
his bravery and physical strength. Before, Unferth had taunted Beowulf about his
foolish bravery but when he and all the rest of the Geats saw that Beowulf's
strength and power were worth boasting about, they were humbled. To prove
Beowulf was powerful, he hung Grendel's arm, claw, and shoulders from the
rafters of the meeting hall.”No Dane doubted The victory, for the proof, hanging
high From the rafters where Beowulf had hun .....
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Historical Analysis Of Jerzy K
Number of words: 2499 - Number of pages: 10.... of conflict. The significance of this
point is that it leads to another logical progression: Reaching
further than the Polish villages of 1939, the novel¹s implications
extend to all of us. Not only did Hitler¹s stain seep into even the
smallest crannies of the world at that time, it also spread beyond
limits of time and culture. Modern readers, likewise, are implicated
because of our humanity. The conscientious reader feels a sense of
shame at what we, as humans, are capable of through our cultural
mentalities. That is one of the more profound aspects of Kosinski¹s
It i .....
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Comparing And Contrasting Rouse And Hamilton's Books On Greek Mythology
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... that she had a mother named Metis. Hamilton said she had none.
Hamilton said she was the inventor of the bridle. Rouse said nothing about
Meleagros was a fighting god who killed the wild boar in Calydon
with the help of Atlanta. Atlanta shot the boar with an arrow. At the time
it was wounded, Meleagros went to the boar and stabbed it in the heart. He
gave the boar's skin to Atlanta. Both authors also said he was in love
with Atlanta. He killed his mother's brothers. At that time his mother
found out that if the brand wasn't lit he would die. She quickly put it out
and hid .....
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sing
Number of words: 788 - Number of pages: 3.... be defeated. “I would have the job. I would be a conductorette and sling a full money changer from my belt. I would.” With these words and the determination to change the incredible backwardness of the white people she heads to the railway office. She eventually convinces them to back down and she gets a job working as a conductorette for the railways. Despite the maliciously chosen hours, she shows them that she will not back down. Soon after getting her job she becomes pregnant. Through her months of pregnancy she tells no one and no one helps her. She teaches herself how to .....
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Number of words: 1089 - Number of pages: 4.... from humanity which in turn will lead to depression and perhaps death, for he will have nothing but a wall always obstructing him. From the beginning is isolated within the confines of his work place. "I procured a high green folding screen, which might entirely isolate from my sight, though not remove him from my voice."( pg 111) In this quotation the narrator put Arnold, Page 2 up a screen to separate his office from ’s, which isolates him from the other members of the staff which thus isolates him from humanity. However, this is not the end of the isolation for he is not onl .....
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Hamlet 11
Number of words: 832 - Number of pages: 4.... to kill his Uncle Claudius but he wants to damn his soul and wants him to admit his guilt so that Hamlet can become King. To achieve his goal Hamlet writes a play that is called "Mouse Trap". In the play, a man kills his own brother and marries his sister -in-law. During Hamlets play the "mouse Trap" Claudius acts guilty by standing and making a commotion and stopping the play. But yet this is still not enough for Hamlet he has to have him admit his guilt. This is another reason why Hamlet delays on killing his Uncle.
In the last scene of the play Claudius makes a big plan to ensure Hamlets .....
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Hamlet - Characters And Plot
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... giving little thought to the consequences of their actions.
Hamlet and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his concern of Hamlet's true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of Hamlet's love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia, Hamlet is a prince who most likely will have an arranged marriage. Hamlet's strong love for Ophelia withers after she rejects his affinity. Hamlet's extensive love for Ophelia resulted in .....
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