A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2.... that the young waiter is married: "He's lonely. I'm not lonely. I have a wife waiting for me" (143).
There is also an older waiter who is more patient than the younger one. These waiter understands the old man because he does not have a partner waiting for him at home. In addition, he loves staying late in the cafe because it is a peaceful unlike the bar. The older waiter believes he has insomnia, but it is probably an excuse because he does not want to go home and do any activity: "After all, he said to himself, it is probably insomnia. Many must have it" (144). The third .....
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The Dead By James Joyce
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... grandmother's house in the pouring cold rain to see her. He stood outside despite the sickness that he knew would come because of his actions, until finally, after a great deal of pleading by Gretta, he returned home. A couple of weeks later, Gretta received the news that Michael Furey had died; he had grown sick and died because he loved Gretta so much. This had a profound impact on Gretta because the one man she had ever loved had given up his life to spend only a few minutes with her.
Michael Furey was at the back of Gretta’s mind for many years, until she was at a party wher .....
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Symbolism Of The Odyssey
Number of words: 868 - Number of pages: 4.... hurtle together. There is nothing now for me but certain death." Everything needs water to live, however Odysseus speaks of water as an agent of death. Water that brings death by excess represents Odysseus, for he is the one that has to suffer all these years, and he is the one that nearly drowns. Odysseus also learns how too much of a good thing, such as wealth or gold, can seriously harm a man. He especially experiences this when he sacks Troy, and gets carried away, angering the gods. Henceforth, it is fitting that the excessive side of water represent Odysseus. Life that is brought by w .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Father-Son Relationships
Number of words: 677 - Number of pages: 3.... Biff is a source of endless frustration for Willy, who always dreams of Biff being incredibly successful in the business world. When Willy has memories of Biff as a boy, he is completely obsessed with whether or not Biff is well-liked; however, he is completely oblivious to things like Biff’s having stolen a football from school, and the fact that Biff is failing his math class. "Be liked and you will never want," says Willy(1363). The amount of aggravation generated by Biff’s lack of motivation and desire to be "successful" makes Biff’s role extremely important Th .....
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The Gilded Six Bits Critique
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2.... in such magazines as Left Front, Anvil, and New Masses. Unlike Hurston, Wright was propelled to international fame while still in the prime of his career. His works were acclaimed by numerous noted individuals; often comparing him to the likes of Theodore Drieser and John Steinbeck.
Zora Neale Hurston’s “The Gilded Six-Bits” dialogue is written in heavy dialect. Its purpose is to excite the reader about a foreign culture and reveal elements of it. Hurston uses “storytelling” to fulfill the potential of the dialect's success. For example, Joe recalls his .....
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Hamlet 3
Number of words: 1110 - Number of pages: 5.... uncle, whom he regarded with the utmost repugnance. This has become a very controversial issue. Many critics and readers have different opinions as to why they believe Hamlet delayed the slaying of Claudius. Some believe it is due to Hamlet’s insanity. Others say he was in love with his mother, or that he secretly had sensual
feelings toward his uncle. Some think Hamlet was just simply a coward, and the list goes on. But the most probable reason for Hamlet’s hesitancy is that he was merely a procrastinator. There are many supportive facts to prove this point through .....
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The Heat Death Of The Universe
Number of words: 1102 - Number of pages: 5.... has created for herself and the home she is trapped in.
The fact that Sarah Boyle was well-educated is pointed out clearly in the first few paragraphs, “Sarah Boyle is a vivacious and intelligent young wife and mother, educated at a fine Eastern college” (192). This fact can be also be easily deduced by the reader after observing the knowledge Sarah presents and the vocabulary she exhibits, such as “ONTOLOGY: That branch of metaphysics which concerns itself with the problems of the nature of existence or being” (191) and “ENTROPY: A quantity introduced in the f .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5.... for supposed plagiarism. Later that year Poe admitted to being drunk, which further separated him from the public. Poe’s later years were full of economic hardship and ill health. Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. He was orphaned at the early age of two, his father deserted the family and his mother died all before he was three in 1811, then Poe became a ward and was raised as a foster child by John Allan, a wealthy merchant of tobacco, and his wife Frances in Richmond, VA but they never legally adopted him. Taken by the Allan family to England at the age of .....
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Road Less Traveled
Number of words: 2376 - Number of pages: 9.... to and an incentive to finish whatever task is at hand. Good scheduling skills and the lack of procrastination are very important in delaying gratification.
Responsibility is very important in solving life’s problems. Peck says that we must accept responsibility for a problem before the problem can be solved. This is a fairly self-evident statement; however, many people feel if they put the blame for all their problems off on other people that the problems with miraculously go away. Perhaps they are scared of the pain that the problem will cause, or maybe they just can’t h .....
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Julius Caesar - Citizen Of Rome
Number of words: 2164 - Number of pages: 8.... this noble man,
in the past, have been admirable. I am at the Forum, and the funeral for
beloved Caesar is about to take place. Brutus will explain his reasons
for murdering Caesar, which will surely be logical. Then, Mark Antony
will be delivering a speech, and conducting the funeral rites. The
funeral speech, or Laudatio Funebris, is a common Roman custom. This
funeral promises to be chaotic, and I am not sure what is to come for
Brutus is about to speak. My co-worker at the local bakery, Ragorius,
says aloud what many of us Roman citizens are thinking. He says, .....
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