A Clockwork Orange
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... code nor does he even have one. However, he does follow his natural desire to sin, and can thus be described as in that his actions are controlled by his emotion. We can clearly see how Alex’s inclination to do things that satisfy his emotion are strikingly similar to our desires to do the things that we want to do. This is the whole message behind the doctrine of original sin, where Adam’s first sin against God carried into his descendants. All humans are born with the desire to do evil, and thus we can justify Alex’s violent actions.
Eventually, Alex’s friends betray him and s .....
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The Great Gatsby And The Pursu
Number of words: 835 - Number of pages: 4.... the eyes of America’s old morality to see what the American Dream has become. Tom and Daisy Buchanan represent those who were born rich and live wealthy; they do not embody the American Dream because they did not have to work to achieve this success. Gatsby symbolizes the corruption of the American Dream because he was striving to be just like those who had money just so that he could buy happiness.
In the past, Gatsby had a love affair with the wealthy Daisy. But he could not marry Daisy because of the difference in their social status. Daisy married Tom because of his money .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God -
Number of words: 911 - Number of pages: 4.... from the beginning, the loneliness in the marriage shows up when Janie sees that his house feels like a "lonesome place like a stump in the middle of the woods where nobody had ever been" (Hurston 20). This description of Logan's house seems symbolic of the relationship they have. Janie eventually admits to Nanny that she still does not love Logan and cannot find anything to love about him. "She knew now that marriage did not make love. Janie's first dream was dead, so she became a woman" (Hurston 24). Janie's prayer seems like her final plea for a change in her life. She says, "Lawd, you kn .....
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Dr. Mengele
Number of words: 1472 - Number of pages: 6.... well. Although this report might seem to follow a chronological order, it is not simply a telling of a life story. It is a look into who Josef Mengele was, and how he changed over the years.
The authors underlying main theme, throughout the book, seemed to be to show that Josef Mengele was not who his infamous legend would dictate. It is true that he was a cold and ruthless killer who murdered thousands of innocent people. He earned the nickname “The Angel of Death” for the way he would remain calm and composed while performing such torturous an act as a live dissection of a huma .....
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Our Hearts Fell To The Ground
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... unfolds
to show the tragedy the Plains Indian had to endure from the white settlers and their greed for land and prosperity.
From the slaughter of whole tribes, the out break of the unseen killer, and the forced assimilation through the
reservation systems were only a few explanations for why the Indians numbers dwindled in the 1800s. It was not until the middle of the twentieth century that the reality of their suffering showed up in history books. Any writings prior only portrayed the Native American as savages and rebellious people .....
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Walking Around
Number of words: 329 - Number of pages: 2.... air he used to breath when he was a boy. The line that confused me was when he says that it would be "delicious to kill a nun." I thought that because of his experience of loosing a friend during war, he would be against any kind of violence. But, I then I thought that since existentialism consists of an active role of the will, and not the reason, Neruda was just being spontaneous. He probably was just trying to get out all that he felt, even if this meant going to the extremes.
Neruda was probably disappointed of the new inventions, and the destruction of nature and man itself. .....
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Briar Rose
Number of words: 505 - Number of pages: 2.... I usually don't enjoy reading what I "have" to, but I truly adored this book. When I first started the book I wasn't very enthused but once I read the first four chapters (for the second time) I started falling into the novel. I became so emotionally involved with the characters and the story that I had to finish it. It made me recall everything I had learned in history class about the Holocaust. At that time it did not seem to "click". Now that I read this story and all of its frightful horrors it all comes rushing back.
Now that I think about it, this is actually a great book for young ad .....
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Comparison And Contrast Of Two Sermons, "Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God" And "A Message From Hell"
Number of words: 1296 - Number of pages: 5.... and persuades them to acquire salvation. Both authors
deliver their sermons to foment the emotions of the audience to take
advantage of the situation and express the urgency of repentance.
Edwards and Andrews both preach of the darkness and terror in hell
and want to spread the word of Jesus Christ to ensure that those unsaved
can escape this trepidation of hell. Trying to inform the audience of the
same message, these two authors use different means of persuasion. While
Andrews expresses God's love and want for those to repent, Edwards uses
grisly details and preaches that God is ang .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 960 - Number of pages: 4.... he is so lonely all the time. Holden finds things in common with Allie and James Castle and since they’re both dead he feels, in the back of his mind, that he should also be dead which makes him depressed.
Another example of a fall for Holden is when he realizes he can’t erase even half the "fuck you’s" in the world. This doesn’t sound very important, but it is symbolic because he realizes that he can not be the . His dream of shielding all the innocent children from society’s harsh elements has been ruined by this one statement. Now because of this realiz .....
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The Scarlet Letter And The Cru
Number of words: 1311 - Number of pages: 5.... In the story Abigail William’s, who is the orphaned niece of the towns’ minister, Reverend Parris, is the main person who accuses people of sending their spirits on her and the other girls. What starts as children dancing in the woods, leads to the accusation and execution of many innocent people for witchcraft.
The two works of literature have very similar qualities including setting, conflict, and general aspects of the characters. There are also specific parallels between characters, such as Abigail and Hester, and Parris and Dimmesdale. The settings in both cible o .....
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