The Crucible - Inner Struggles
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... how their actions are unjust, but again, his inner struggle pulls him back to a more moderate stand. Hale then decides to persuade the wrongly accused to confess witchcraft. At least this will save them from death by hanging. He preaches perjury to the people, even though this is also against their religion. Hale’s principles were ridden with guilt and sadness because of his struggle with himself.
John Proctor a farmer and village commoner is similarly faced with an inner turmoil. He has committed adultery with Abigail while his wife was sick. He was fully aware of his immoral action .....
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Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... up. In a terrible encounter with his father when Billy was young, Mr. Pilgrim sets the stage for Billy’s insanity:
Little Billy was terrified because his father had said Billy was going to learn to swim by the method of sink-or-swim. His father was going to throw Billy into the deep end, and Billy was going to damn well swim. It was like an execution. Billy was numb as his father carried him from the shower room to the pool. His eyes were closed. When he opened his eyes, he was on the bottom of the pool and there was beautiful music playing everywhere. He lost consciousness, but .....
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Something Wicked This Way Come
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... story, Jim and Will, who are both around thirteen and are the main characters in the story, are the only people who understand the evil and try to fight it. When Mr.
Cougar nearly dies, the police do not believe Jim and Will’s story. This demonstrates the ignorance some people show about seeing the truth. If only people decide to listen to things others say, problems in life may be solved easier. When Jim and Will tell Mrs. Foley about the mirror maze, she does not listen to them at all. Mrs. Foley, like many others is somewhat stubborn when it comes to realizing the truth. Mrs .....
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Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2.... the father of Pearl. Hester matures in the book; becomes a stronger character.
The fact that revenge destroys both the victim and the seeker is another theme presented in the . Dimmesdale is the victim of Chillingworth’s revenge upon Hester and whoever her lover happened to be. Dimmesdale, beside his self-inflicted harm was also not helped by the fact Chillingworth enjoyed watching him waste away. However, Chillingworth is also subject to this destiny as evidence by his change in the novel. Chillingworth was considered wise and aged in the beginning of the novel, although, later .....
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Compare And Contrast Essay
Number of words: 1204 - Number of pages: 5.... and Danielle are servants to their stepmother and stepsisters. They are also not allowed to eat with them, only serve them. In “Ever After”, Danielle’s only friends are the other servants of the house, this is similar to how Cinderella is friends with the mice that live in her house. In both cases their friends are always protective and willing to help.
In “Cinderella”, Cinderella doesn’t meet the prince before the ball, she doesn’t even really expect to be going to the ball. In “Ever After”, Danielle meets the prince in a con .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 464 - Number of pages: 2.... after learning how things work. They both work at the hatchery and have been dating, but she starts dating Bernard Marx instead. Bernard is a deformed but highly intelligent man who takes Lenina to a savage restoration. At the reservation, they meet John and his mother Linda, whom was the girlfriend of the DHC and John is his son. Lenina and Bernard take, with permission, Linda and John out of the reservation. Bernard and a friend introduce John to the new world. Lenina tries to make advances toward John but his savage attitude doesn’t allow it.
The downfall of John begins with the .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird 3
Number of words: 1280 - Number of pages: 5.... world walked down a dark alley, and was robbed, then he is considered just as less educated as the next man is.
2.) Considering human relationships from the past, I believe that we as individuals pay for the past years of intolerance and bigotry much more than our country. Of course we are more advanced as a society but only a little compared to the advancement of technology. There are still people who hate for no reason or very little reasons. Many of those people like to tie in the past years of ignorance and set the blame on others, when it is actually their fault. This hurts the cou .....
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Poor Piggy The Great
Number of words: 367 - Number of pages: 2.... faults lie in his insecurities, which were the probable causes for his physical and emotional weaknesses. His nick name was earned because he mentioned what the kids used to call him. The name Piggy is obviously related to his obese physical condition. When Ralph asked him if he was going to swim, his reply was, "I can't swim, I wasn't allowed." The reason for this was Piggy's asthma. Not long after that, Piggy mentioned his dad being dead, eliminating the father figure from his existence. Piggy is unable to respond to any verbal abuse provided by the other boys because of his ever .....
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The Glass Menagerie
Number of words: 903 - Number of pages: 4.... 45). Only for brief moments does she ever admit that her daughter is "crippled" and then she resorts back to denial. She doesn't perceive anything realistically. She believes that this gentleman caller, Jim, is going to be the man to rescue Laura and she hasn't even met him yet. She tells Laura when Laura is nervous about the gentleman caller, "You couldn't be satisfied with just sitting home," when, in fact, Laura had preferred that (Williams 85). Amanda cannot distinguish reality from illusion. When Jim arrives, Amanda is dressed in the same girlish frock she wore on the day that she .....
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Freud Foucault And Society
Number of words: 1791 - Number of pages: 7.... and get the attention of the reader immediately with his depiction of torture and death at the outset. This has a compelling effect, and different uses of power. The first one being evident, that is the physical power. The other form of power is not so evident. It is the effect of this power on the mind of the individual. The punishment and extraction of information has gone from being a very physical and public ritual and evolving later to a private ceremony hidden behind walls, and consisting of mental torture. The individual wants to feel that punishment is carried out in some moral .....
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