Broken Angel
Number of words: 1162 - Number of pages: 5.... is in all kinds of charities that give out scholarships at the end of school. Conner said he would ask his mom to put in some good words for Angel. Conner goes to ask his mom to help Angel. He is very nervous because she is usually drunk. She is an alcoholic. He finally gets his nerve up and knocks on her bedroom door. He walks in and she is cleaned up and sober. It was a big shock to Conner. His mom calls a few people for Angel and makes a few dinner dates.Tia goes to Angel’s house to tell him the good news. He comes to the door smiling from ear to ear. He said he has got good n .....
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Robert Frost - Use Of Everyday Items In His Poetry
Number of words: 842 - Number of pages: 4.... in a textile mill. In 1894 he published a few poems in The Independent and began corresponding with its literary editor." (Bloom p.12) In December 1895 he married Elinor. "In the early years of there marriage, Frost attended Harvard as a special student but withdrew in 1899 and took up poultry farming to support his growing family. The Frost's family life, often strained by emotional and financial anxieties, was marked by a series of tragedies. Their first child, Elliott, died of cholera at age three. Another child, Elinor Bettina, died two days after birth. Of the four children .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 4839 - Number of pages: 18.... between Jane and John Reed. John emerges as the dominant male figure at Gateshead. He insists that Jane concedes to him and serve him at all times, threatening her with mental and physical abuse. Mrs. Reed condones John's conduct and sees him as the victim. Jane's rebellion against Mrs. Reed represents a realization that she does not deserve the unjust treatment. Jane refuses to be treated as a subordinate and finally speaks out against her oppressors. Her reactions to Mrs. Reed's hate appear raw and uncensored, and foreshadow possible future responses to restraints. This rebellion also .....
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Path Of Least Resistance Impli
Number of words: 1109 - Number of pages: 5.... power exercised by those in positions of authority. The other, and more sound, theory of Baratz, Bachrach, and Lukes, maintains that actual power lies within the manipulation of issues from behind the scenes. In answering the question of power, the arguments of Baratz, Bachrach, and Lukes, go beyond the those of Hunter and Dahl, and show that the most effective uses of power are those which are the hardest to see, (implicit power).
Manifest power is, “based on an observable action by A that leads B to do what A wants”(7), and it is this power that both Hunter and Dahl, describe .....
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The Catcher And The Rye
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2.... person vs. self. An example of a person vs. person conflict is when, Holden have deal with a man named Maurice and he was a bellboy and a pimp. When Holden ordered a prostitute he did nothing with her except talk with her. Holden paid her the money Maurice told him in the deal but she insisted that he didn't pay her enough. So the prostitute gets Maurice and he beats Holden up and takes the money he "owed" him. An example of a person vs. self conflict is, during the story the protagonist Holden finds himself getting torn apart by his abuse of cigarettes and drinking alcohol. The book .....
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Five Ripe Pears And On Moralit
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3.... allows her to see issues of morality as a certain mindset. The idea she provides says, as human beings, we cannot distinguish “what is ‘good’ and what is ‘evil’”. Morality has been so distorted by television and press that the definition within the human conscience is lost. This being the case, the only way to distinguish between good or bad is: all actions are sound as long as they do not hurt another person or persons. This is similar to a widely known essay called “Utilitarianism” [Morality and the Good Life] by J.S. Mills with which he .....
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Logos And Pathos In King's Letter From Birmingham Jail
Number of words: 765 - Number of pages: 3.... definition of terms. He specifies, “A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral low or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law” (54). By defining just and unjust laws, King enabled the rationalization of the breaking of some laws to enable his nonviolent campaign. By use of logos, King defends the justification of his demonstrations, while convincing others of the importance the demonstrations hold.
From another angle, King effectively appeals to a different audience through his use of pathos. Initially, King works a level of .....
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Heart Of Darkness And Apocalyp
Number of words: 1970 - Number of pages: 8.... evil side provides one of the scariest occurrences of this century. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi counterparts conducted raids of the ghettos to locate and often exterminate any Jews they found. Although Jews are the most widely known victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only targets. When the war ended, 6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, and others targeted by the Nazis, had died in the Holocaust. Most of these deaths occurred in gas chambers and mass shootings. This gruesome attack was motivated mainly by the fear of cultural intermixing which .....
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Walden Two
Number of words: 4239 - Number of pages: 16.... publisher. Not even MaritoÕs friends really like his writing. In Chapter thirteen he reads the one about Aunt Eliana to Javier, Aunt Julia, and even to Pascual and Big Pablito. After they hear it, not one of them really has anything nice to say about it at all. So, although writing is one of MaritoÕs passions, it is also one of his demons. It is basically his job and how he makes a living at the radio station ÒRadio Panamericana,Ó but it controls the rest of his live away from work as well.
Another demon possessed by or possessing Marito is that of ag .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 938 - Number of pages: 4.... social behavior and seems to be making a statement. Therefore, I believe that is a social satire. The language of is astonishingly simple and the verbiage frugal, especially for the period in which it is written. There is no drastic action or heroic characters; however, Austen convincingly 1 develops character with it, and her characters, each with their own dialogue and languistical nuances, stand apart very well. Another interesting note about her characters is that at the end of the novel, all of her characters are punished or rewarded according to their actions throughout the course .....
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