Brave New World Vs. Our World
Number of words: 1042 - Number of pages: 4.... freedom really worth it all in the end?
In the Brave New World, literature and art are taken away in order to destroy individuality and freedom of thought. For as Mustapha Mond says, “It isn’t only art that’s incompatible with happiness; it’s also science. Science is dangerous; we have to keep it most carefully chained and muzzled” (Huxley 231). The Controller has made thinking impossible by taking away all science, art and religious based books. Literature, such as Shakespeare and the Bible, that teaches old-fashioned morality and beliefs is non-existent in the brave new wor .....
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Writing Style And The Reader -
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... of a vulture, a pale blue eye, with a film over it”, his blood ran cold whenever it fell upon him (106). This is something many people can identify with as many have experienced a hatred for a physical characteristic on someone they know. Just as the character did not understand the hatred but just saw this body part, far out of the control of the old man, as something to be vanquished. The simple emotions of fear and hatred put forth to the reader come through clearly Poe’s writing technique.
In the Black Cat, Poe’s mechanism for the reader becoming intimate with the p .....
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Holdens Lonliness And His Inab
Number of words: 1675 - Number of pages: 7.... teachers etc. He subjects every one he meets to a probing examination, and almost every one fails. This factor also significantly contributes toward his loneliness.
Holden's inability to communicate and deal with people effectively is probably the largest obstruction in his path to maturity. Throughout the book we see that how hard is it for Holden to have a normal conversation. The very fragmentation of Holden's speech, his frequent of phrases like 'sort of', 'and all', and 'I mean'; shows his ineptitude in conversation. For example, after his conversation with the two nuns, he was glad .....
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Brave New World - Compared To Fahrenheit 451
Number of words: 1548 - Number of pages: 6.... the mere sight of the books. In reference to the accomplishment of this conditioning, the director said, "Books and loud noises...already in the infant mind these couples are compromisingly linked; and after two hundred repetitions of the same or a similar lesson would be wedded indissolubly. What man has jointed, nature is powerless to put asunder," (Huxley 21-22). We come to learn that the basic reasoning behind this conditioning against reading in Brave New World was because "you couldn't have lower-caste people wasting the Community's time over books, and there was always the risk of thei .....
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January Chance
Number of words: 1075 - Number of pages: 4.... of the poem is created so that the readers will feel what is happening as the poem is being read. The literal meanings are said through words like time, voyaging, and seat backs. The metaphorical terms are expressed through the more thoughtful words like white noise, time, and train.
The first stanza of the poem begins talking about the relationship between the two passengers. "All afternoon before them, father and boy" tells a reader that they are together early in the day or, metaphorically, early in their lives. Also, as stated above, the father and son do not share a c .....
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The Chrysanthemums
Number of words: 1007 - Number of pages: 4.... hold the snips, the trowel and scratcher, the seeds and the knife she worked with." As evidenced by this excerpt you can see that she has covered up her hair with a "man's hat" and has thrown an apron over her dress in attempts to cover up her femininity. This apron also takes on a similar role as a man's tool belt as he works the land. Other phrases used by Steinbeck further the above points. He mentions that her face was "handsome," her work with the scissors was "over-powerful," and her fingers "destroyed such pests." She hints to the reader that she would like to take on more mascu .....
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The Black Cat - Symbolism
Number of words: 897 - Number of pages: 4.... is symbolic of the narrator’s evil heart and there are many ways one can prove this. Black cat one started out in the story as the narrator’s favorite pet and playmate named Pluto,which is the name of the God of the Underworld. And one night, after returning home much intoxicated the narrator’s love for the pet seem to fade away. That night in which the narrator is intoxicated, black cat one avoided him. This bothered the narrator to the
point where he would pick up the cat and frighten it. Afraid of his master, the cat slightly wounded the narrator on the hand with his teeth. B .....
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Tintern Abbey Seeing Into The
Number of words: 1317 - Number of pages: 5.... pleasures.” How can it make sense to say that we recall “unremembered pleasures”? If they are unremembered, how can we be thinking about them? This strange phrase might point to some vague pleasant experience in the past, one that we cannot clearly name. But it could also mean that we can now remember pleasures that previously not only unremembered but actually unnoticed. The thought of an unnoticed pleasure might seem strange as well. But is it so odd to think that, in memory, our pleasurable experiences take on new meaning and greater substance than .....
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Transformation Power Of Love
Number of words: 2670 - Number of pages: 10.... to their homes and unhappy marriages. Love that started between them changed their lives forever. They returned to their homes as different persons, with new aspirations, attitudes, hopes and goals.
In the story the person who undergoes the major change is Dmitri Gurov. When Dmitri first saw Anna, all he wanted was to have fun. His first thought was “If she’s here without her husband, and without any friends, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make her acquaintance.” He saw Anna as a person for usual short affair on the vacation. He did not consider this acquaintance anything more th .....
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Behind The Urals
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... Communists or Bolsheviks defeated the White Czarists, Russia was left with an entirely new system of thought in its government. This ideology viewed the working class and peasantry as the main citizens in their society, while the rich landowners were not nearly as powerful as they once were. Thus the workers of Magnitogorsk held a very important position as they had the responsibility to help the Soviet Union take flight as a country that could compete with other powerful countries of the world, all while working under the most inhumane conditions.
John Scott moved to the Soviet Union leav .....
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