The Common Hemingway Protagoni
Number of words: 1147 - Number of pages: 5.... domestic lifestyle. "Ironically, Krebs is
disillusioned less by the war than by the normal peacetime world which the war had made him to see too clearly to accept"
(Burhans 190). Krebs seeks refuge from this disillusion by withdrawing from society and engaging himself in individual activities.
A typical day for Krebs consists of going to the library for a book, which he would read until bored, practicing his clarinet, and
shooting pool in the middle of the day; this is common for a Hemingway protagonist. Hemingway realizes "that with the
disappearance of the transcendent and the absolu .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 8
Number of words: 819 - Number of pages: 3.... folded and sewn up”(pg 63) When Boo sewed Jem’s breeches together, this was a sign from Boo to let the children realize what a kind and pleasant man he really was. Also, Boo was considerate enough to save Jem from a couple of whippings, because after all, if Atticus were to see the torn pants he would have known Jem was the culprit in the Radley’s yard. “You were so busy looking at the fire, you didn’t notice Boo behind you”(pg 76) This was also a symbol which Boo shared to let the kids slowly realize the truth about him, that he was an innocuous car .....
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An Analysis Of Orwell's "Shooting An Elephant"
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3.... For different reasons people
are looked to as leaders, sometimes because of their race, ethnicity, or
heritage. In this case, Orwell was pictured as a leader because he was
British and he worked for the British Empire. Readers are able to relate
to the fact that he does not want to be humiliated in front of the Burmese.
He declares, “Every white man's life in the East, was one long struggle not
to be laughed at” (101). Orwell compares the elephant to the huge British
Empire, and just as the elephant has lost control, he feels that when the
white man turns tyrant it is his own f .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4.... live through to the end without losing composure. Sophocles would definitely honor such a man.
Both Oedipus’ life and his kingdom were filled with riddles, paradoxes, and mysteries. Oedipus’ beginning and ending at Thebes both arose from the riddle of the oracle. Without his parent’s confrontation with the oracle, Oedipus would not have been cast away from Thebes in the first place. Yet without the riddle of the sphinx, Oedipus would not have arrived at his royal position. This could be Sophocles’ method to involve our minds, letting us know that every action we take has an effe .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1590 - Number of pages: 6.... Darcy, who is a very proud man. Elizabeth Bennet, who is proud of herself, and Mr. Darcy are not fond of one another from the start, these two characters pose the central conflict in the novel. As the novel progresses, Elizabeth receives a marriage proposal from her cousin, Mr. Collins, and turns him down. Mr. Collins then proposes to Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth’s bestfriend, who accepts. Elizabeth then leaves home to stay with, the Collins’ who live near Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr. Darcy’s aunt. While this is going on, Mr. Darcy realizes he has feelings for Elizabeth and prop .....
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January Chance
Number of words: 1039 - Number of pages: 4.... is created so that the readers will feel what is happening as the poem is being read. The literal meanings are said through words like time, voyaging, and seat backs. The metaphorical terms are expressed through the more thoughtful words like white noise, time, and train.
The first stanza of the poem begins talking about the relationship between the two passengers. “All afternoon before them, father and boy” tells a reader that they are together early in the day or, metaphorically, early in their lives. Also, as stated above, the father and son do not share a closeness, and maybe this .....
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Dreams And Dignity About A Rai
Number of words: 1321 - Number of pages: 5.... Walter Lee feels that with money he can change the hegemony’s view of him as a poor, stupid, black servant. The hegemony’s social construction of reality about blacks as being lesser and the hegemony’s ethnocentric perception of being superior, is corroborated in an article titled “The Colour Bar of Beauty” from The Peak. Cristina Rodrigues, a member of the black cultural and social activist group Olodum, says “ In Brazil, nobody wants to be black because the mass media equates black with poor and stupid” (Aujla 2).
Walter has a lovi .....
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The Bell Jar
Number of words: 1270 - Number of pages: 5.... This is demonstrated when Buddy Willard Esther's boyfriend break up. "He told me that his annual fall chest x-ray showed he had caught the Adirondacks" (Sylvia Plath pg. 58.) Buddy and Esther break up due to the fact that he was not very honest with her in many ways. He did not have the courage to admit to a certain side of his character and not only that Buddy was diagnosed with an illness but he had other relationships aside from Esther. Therefore Esther experienced another loss of a loved one.
Within life, we gain the support from someone that helps us get .....
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Analysis Of Voice In Joyce Car
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... someone she has seen but never talked to, shows up on her doorstep, she is somewhat defensive, but curious. “I ain’t late, am I?” is the first thing he says to her when she opens the screen door. Connie replies by saying, “Who the hell do you think you are?”, a typical response of someone in that situation. If a complete stranger showed up at my house and talked to me as though we were best friends I would respond the same way.
Throughout the story Oates continues to use vulgar language to illustrate the story and show how much Arnold Friend knows about Co .....
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A Doll House 2
Number of words: 1490 - Number of pages: 6.... identity to the audience and throughout the play attempts to discovery her authentic identity.
The inferior role of Nora is extremely important to her character. Nora is oppressed by a variety of “tyrannical social conventions.” Ibsen in his "A Doll's House" depicts the role of women as subordinate in order to emphasize their role in society. Nora is oppressed by the manipulation from Torvald. Torvald has a very typical relationship with society. He is a smug bank manager. With his job arrive many responsibilities. He often treats his wife as if she is one of these responsibi .....
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