The Snow Walker
Number of words: 832 - Number of pages: 4.... even adopting the woman and children into their own tribe. Hate and anger are two things that Eskimos are most fearful of. "Anger is something we fear since an angry man may do foolish and dangerous things. when I saw the anger in the man's face, I backed to the door" (138). Eskimo's are also very kind people. The take in a wondering stranger and treat him as their own. Some of the stories in the book tell of how a white man wonders into an Eskimo camp and ends up spending his whole life there. Eskimo's offer everything to white men, even their women. " The captain took the Eskimo girl a .....
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Great Expectations
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... to play at Miss Havisham’s. Miss Havisham is a wealthy old lady who lives uptown in a large, gloomy house. Next to the house is an old, decrepit brewery and a garden overrun with weeds, both remnants of better times. The interior of the house isn’t much looked after either. The drapes are closed as to block as much sunlight as possible; the only light inside is that of candles, and cobwebs decorate the furniture.
Miss Havisham turns out to be an elderly woman in an old bridal dress that was once white, but has now faded to pale yellow. Most objects in the house were once white actuall .....
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Ode To The West Wind
Number of words: 1556 - Number of pages: 6.... the leaves being blown by the wind “like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing”(l.3) depends on the Inferno in Paradiso for the image to have an effect on the reader.
The various cycles of death and rebirth are examined with reference to the Maenads who were fabled to have destroyed Orpheus’s body and spread it around the world. This is the underlying theme to the poem with Shelley alluding to the breaking of Christ’s body on the cross and how that was essential for humanity to reach salvation. The onslaught of Autumn is the ‘Destroyer’ in one sense but also t .....
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Frosts Tuft Of Flowers And Men
Number of words: 746 - Number of pages: 3.... flowers. The beauty of a simple patch of flowers brings the narrator to realize that although he may work by himself, he is part of something bigger; the human race.
Frost also demonstrates how men never exist alone when surrounded by nature. In “The Tuft of Flowers”, the speaker thinks he works alone. Then frost writes, “But as I said it, swift there passed me by on noiseless wing a ‘wildred butterfly” (18). The Butterfly becomes the speaker’s morning companion, and its’ flight leads the speaker to the flowers. He serves to help lead the man .....
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E E Cummings
Number of words: 1401 - Number of pages: 6.... line represents two ones; 'one' on the 7th line spells the number out; the 8th line, 'l', isolates the number; and 'iness', the last line, can mean "the state of being I" - that is, individuality - or "oneness", deriving the "one" from the lowercase roman numeral 'i' (200). Cummings could have simplified this poem drastically ("a leaf falls:/loneliness"), and still conveyed the same verbal message, but he has altered the normal syntax in order that each line should show a 'one' and highlight the theme of oneness. In fact, the whole poem is shaped like a '1' (200). The shape of the poem can al .....
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Beowulf 15
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... awake for they feared when Grendel may come. When Grendel came crashing through the great doors of the mead hall he grabbed one of Beowulf's men who he let be devoured by Grendel. When Grendel came to Beowulf he immediately saw who he was and before Grendel could grab him Beowulf got hold of him. Beowulf fought honestly without weapon because Grendel did not have a weapon either therefore Beowulf would be shamed if he slew Grendel with a sword. After pulverizing Grendel he finished him off by tearing off his arm which Grendel then fled and died. The great arm of Grendel was hung above the me .....
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Odysseus And Aeneas
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2.... the gods.
Aeneas was never held captive by any of the gods as was Odysseus. Aeneas got help from Venus (Goddess of love), his mother. She convinced him to stop fighting because she wanted him to rescue his family which was a lot more important. Jupiter also helped him because Aeneas’s wife told Jupiter that Aeneas was going to kill himself, so she wanted him to send Aeneas a sign telling him not to kill himself. Aeneas was going to do this because he found his father almost dead and decided to take his own life.
Both of them are really great fighters, but they have differences in how th .....
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Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... herself and Sykes. This was not very common in these times. Most women stayed home and watched the children while the men supported the family. With women not working this made it hard for them to get enough money to leave their husbands and support themselves and their children without their husbands.
The story gives women of domestic violence courage and strength to get out of an abusive relationship. In one part of the story Delia is in kitchen and sykes comes in starts verbally abusing her she finally stands up to him she says “Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been married .....
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A Midsummer Nights Dream Chara
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... Helena is taller than Hermia even she admits that Hermia has “sparkling eyes and a lovely voice”.
Hermia is very set in what she wants from the very first scene. She has eyes only for Lysander.So obviously she is very faithful. Even when faced with the decision her father gave her she did not waver for a second in her love for him.
Throughout the story Hermia’s emotions were kind of tossed around and at one point she even says, “ Am I not Hermia? Are you not Lysander? (Act III Scene 2 line 274). So we see that she gets a little confused and a bit hurt when hurt feelings we cas .....
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Six Characters In Search Of An Author
Number of words: 572 - Number of pages: 3.... trying to coerce him into writing a script for non-union wages), shouts "Reality! Fantasy! Who needs this! What does this mean?" and the audience, in unison, shouts back, "It's us! We're here!" The moment immediately after that, when the whole cast laughs directly at the audience, pointing at them in glee, is nearly unbearable for an audience, as shown by the riot after the first performance, when the audience not only ripped the seats out of the theater, but stole the popcorn.
Pirandello also used a technique he inherited from the "Cirque de Soleil," involving a trapeze hung f .....
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