Julius Ceasar
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... on each of the speakers.
Brutus' speech becomes one of strict vindication, not only for the people of Rome, but for Brutus himself. He uses his "honor and nobility" as a shield to defend and justify his actions to the crowd. Brutus states that he has carried out this heinous act because of his love for Rome, and for the good of the people. (This is my answer, not that I have loved Caesar less, but that I love Rome more..." 3.2.21-22) In his speech he requests that the people use their "reason" to judge him. Although this captivates the crowd, it is not until after one of the plebeians cr .....
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Beowulf: Character Analysis
Number of words: 587 - Number of pages: 3.... cockiness was a flaw in the eyes
of others, Beowulf saw it as self assurance and used it to his advantage.
Beowulf also had a strong spirit of adventure. His spirit of adventure
was part of the reason that Beowulf went to fight Grendel. Beowulf's strength
and spirit of adventure had also led him to glory in many battles, including
that with Grendel. Beowulf used his glory in previous battles to justify
himself when coming to help Hrothgar. In addition, his self assurance, and
known bravery probably guided his decision. Beowulf's spirit of adventure
gained him a lot of glory, however, i .....
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William Faulkner
Number of words: 2796 - Number of pages: 11.... teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up. He replied, "I want to be a writer just like my great granddaddy"(Minter 18). Faulkner took interest in poetry around 1910, but no one in Oxford, Mississippi, could tell him hat to do with his poems. Faulkner, who was very talkative, would always entertain Estelle Oldham by telling her vividly imaginary stories. Eventually, Faulkner grew very fond of Estelle. She became the sole inspirer and recipient of Faulkner's earlier poems. Not long after Faulkner began seeing Estelle regularly, he met a man named Phil Stone who was dating one of Estelle's .....
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Around The World In Eighty Day
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... maharani from a burning funeral pyre and being constantly followed and spied on by a detective named Mr. Fix. One important decision Fogg makes is when he got to a train station they told him that he couldn’t go on the train for another month. He was terrified but he did not panic. He saw an elephant in town and paid an Indian a considerable amount of money to travel to the next train station. Passepartout said of the price “Good Heaven, two thousand for an elephant!” (Page 41). Fogg’s intelligence during the voyage got considerably better as his traveling techni .....
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The Awakening Symbolism
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... fancy," (Chopin, 30) she accidentally swims out very far. At that moment, "a quick vision of death smote her soul, and for a second of time appalled and enfeebled her senses." (Chopin, 30) For the first time she comes face to face with death. Those are the events described by the book. The movie, on the other hand, only shows Edna swimming out, struggling a little, and returning to shore. In addition, the movie doesn’t mention the strength and joy Edna feels after this experience. She states that she "never was so exhausted in [her] life. But it isn’t unpleasant…it is like .....
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The Princess Bride -x
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... so stupid because I’m big and strong and sometimes drool a little when I get excited.””
““The reason people think you’re so stupid,” the Scilian said, “is because you are so stupid. It has nothing to do with your drooling.”” Vizzini manages, with his constant verbal attacks on Fezzik to destroy any shred of confidence that Fezzik may have had before. Vizzini’s ego is getting in the way of Fezzik.
From a very young age Fezzik was taunted by his school mates.
“At first, naturally, they were scared to death (even .....
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Does Neo Of The Matrix Fullfil
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2.... to new surroundings. That is the first step in a hero journey and this happens to Neo when he is taken out of the Matrix. Neo is then initiated and faces unfamiliar circumstances which begin to teach him about himself and his task. It is then when Neo begins to fall into the seeker and sage archetypes as his quest and fear are revealed. A seeker's quest is to search for a better life and that is evident in Neo's situation as he dislikes the Matrix and signed on to change it. The sage's quest is to find the truth and that quest is clear from the beginning because Neo was first led away from th .....
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Mrs Dalloway
Number of words: 10489 - Number of pages: 39.... seems to defy readers' powers of description. David Dowling's Mapping Streams of Consciousness exemplifies a sense one must ``reconstruct'' the text in order to understand it. In a section entitled ``A Reading,'' Dowling dissects the novel into neat structural packages so the reader can easily study its anatomy. He includes maps of London showing various characters' movements and intersections, an hourly chronology of the day of Clarissa's party, character sketches condensed from details scattered in the text, and, in the appendix, a kind of ``miniature concordance'' that provides counts .....
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Pygmalion 3
Number of words: 384 - Number of pages: 2.... you?". Henry Higgins said this to Eliza when Eliza asked him what she might take if she wanted leave. She said that she did not want to be accused of stealing.
But Henry Higgins was very sarcastic, making Eliza appear calculating as she wanted to make sure of what she could take along with her. He was just trying to make her feel bad too.
In Act V, Higgins tried to shake Eliza's composure with the phrase "You will jolly well see whether she has an idea that I Haven't put into her mouth." This is an insult to Eliza as Higgins is accusing her of being unintelligent. He also implies that she .....
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Pygmalion Vs Educating Rita
Number of words: 1335 - Number of pages: 5.... interesting. Shaw also uses this technique for his story to attract the reader making one event crucial for the development of the story.
"He opens his umbrella and dashes off Strandwards, but comes into collision with a flower girl who is hurrying in for shelter, knocking her basket out of her hands. A blinding flash lightning, followed instantly by a rattling peal of thunder, orchestrates the incident"
A common example of a popular misconception is when two people accidentally meet in odd circumstances. In this case two people coincidentally bump into each other on the street: a flower gi .....
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