Great Expectations
Number of words: 1277 - Number of pages: 5.... has been frozen in time just like her house has been frozen in time for the past twenty years. "Mrs. Havisham’s house of darkness, decay, and frozen time …. is a symbol of the spiritual condition of Mrs. Havisham. "(Miller 192) Dickens has been known for using houses as symbols of the characters that lives in the house. "Satis house is an elaborate example of a figurative technique constantly employed by Dickens: the use of houses to symbolize the state of the soul. "(Miller 191) Mrs. Havisham’s house is called the "Satis House". It could also be called the Satisfied house. .....
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Invisible Man
Number of words: 5452 - Number of pages: 20.... in 1995. Thus, further study of this subject seems warranted. As Allen points out, "Purely psychoanalytic interpretations of are rare, even though Ellison clearly threads the theories of at least Freud throughout his novel."(2) Because of the rarity of psychoanalytic critiques of , this paper will examine the character of the in the Prologue and Epilogue of Ellison’s masterpiece using the theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, and Jacques Lacan.
The first step in this study should be to look at previous psychoanalytic critiques of . As stated earlier, Caffilene Allen’s article .....
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Johnnys Adventures
Number of words: 1005 - Number of pages: 4.... a vast clearing and found a tent on fire. Seeing this at once he ran to the tent to see if there was anybody inside and indeed there was. Without thinking twice he courageously jumped into the tent, grabbed the 2 women inside quickly and jumped out before the flames could even touch him. This daring act showed how Johnny is very brave and puts others lives’ before his own. Another example of this is the time when he saved a little boy from bears. On a Sunday, not long ago, he was hiking on his most favorite trail on the Bubas Mountains. While hiking he heard a yelp for help and ran .....
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The Ninja
Number of words: 1717 - Number of pages: 7.... a few selected people, but instead the author tries to see it from a lot of different perspectives. Therefore the reader get to know a variety of personalities. The Ninja is a high-voltage novel of intrigue and sensuality, richly characterised, fuelled by relentless suspense, an extraordinary thriller, least to say.
If there’s a main character in the book I think it would be Nicholas Linnear, a man of half-English, half-Oriental origin. A quite special man I will tell you more about later in this report. Anyway, the story begins with a murder, a clean, silent and mysterious murd .....
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Young Goodman Brown
Number of words: 2319 - Number of pages: 9.... comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before.
When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God i psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil.
The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and .....
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Love And Acceptance
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... their two daughters to each other. In Everyday Use the mother tells us that "Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure." She Fahning -2-speaks of the fire that burned and scarred Maggie. She tells us how Maggie is not bright, how she shuffles when she walks. Comparing her with Dee whose feet vwere always neat-looking, as if God himself had shaped them." We also learn of Dee's "style" and the way she awes the other girls at school with it.
The mother in I Stand Here Ironing speaks of Susan, "quick and articulate and assured, everything in appearance and manner Emily was n .....
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Number of words: 1291 - Number of pages: 5.... Flashing back to the night of Halloween. Wade is driving Jill his daughter
(Bridgid Tierney) to her ex-school’s Halloween festival. It is obvious; Jill does not want to be there. She feels that her father is very confused and mixed-up. After Wade and Jill get into an argument, Jill calls her mom to come get her. When Lillian (Mary Beth Hurt) Wade’s ex-wife arrives, it is obvious that Wade doesn’t want Lillian (Mary Beth Hurt) to have custody of Jill.
Which caused him to seek lawyer for custody of Jill. During the movie Wade Whitehouse states his love for his daughter many times. .....
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Twelfth Night 2
Number of words: 1289 - Number of pages: 5.... presence to the play when he is forced to play the fool. He who at one point defined the word puritan now finds himself in a new role: that of a cross-gartered lover. In this way, he shows himself to be a hypocrite: he "lowers himself" to the level of Toby when he becomes a player himself. Maurice Charney describes the role of Malvolio quite well, saying: "The most obvious effect of this structure is to focus attention upon Malvolio and to make him a central figure at every stage."(Charney, 160) He tries to step into an entirely different realm, one of mastership over servantry. He is social .....
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The American Dream 2
Number of words: 1026 - Number of pages: 4.... to others. If a person were to badmouth the government in other countries, they would be jailed or even put to death. In the U.S., people have the freedom of speech. Take for example, Allen Ginsburg’s poem, “America”, he spoke his mind and nothing happened to him. Americans sometimes take for granted the freedom and opportunity they have until they see what is happening in other countries.
To achieve the American Dream, you also have to put the effort into it. Nothing is handed out to you on a silver platter. Take for example Andre Agassi, he is the number two seed in tenn .....
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Introduction To The Crucible -
Number of words: 380 - Number of pages: 2.... Salem. Every now and then Indian tribes would move in and out of there. But in the town of Salem lots of helpful people, and no one really had time to fool around. Everyone in the town knew one another and there was no, “minding your own business”. Everything was everyone’s business and this would soon cause problems.
The people of Salem believed that the wilderness that lies next to them was a home for the devil. “The virgin forests was the Devil’s last preserve, his home base and the citadel of his final stand.” From this all the trouble began. T .....
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