The Blithedale Romance
Number of words: 1096 - Number of pages: 4.... man over her sister, the first no-no in feminism. Zenobia is cruel to Priscilla. She tries to embarrass her so that she will look good in Hollinsworth's eyes. She even turns Priscilla over to Westervelt, whom Moody was trying to keep Priscilla away from in the first place. Zenobia does all of this just so Hollingsworth will love her.
The reader begins to see the fall of Zenobia's feministic character more from the way she is with Hollingsworth. Hawthorne uses irony to portray Zenobia's character. The way she portrays herself in society and the way she acts toward Hollingsworth a .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Importance Of Friar Lawrence
Number of words: 741 - Number of pages: 3.... messenger to bring thee, so fearful were they of infection". Another fault to his plan is in Act 3 Scene 3 when he tells Romeo that he will send a friend of his to inform him the news. Instead of telling him that a fellow friar of his was bringing the message. "I'll find your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to your chances here".
The magnitude of his role is showed again when he is involved in another major part of the play; the marriage. He risks his reputation as a Friar so he can unite to star crossed lovers in marriage. The character of Friar Lawrence is e .....
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The Great Gatsby 11
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... of the scandal. For example, when he set up the reunion of Daisy and Gatsby within his own home. He was aware of the sin, but he did not actually come forward with his opinion on the matter. Daisy would often go to Gatsby’s house in the afternoons, and still Nick would remain tolerant of the immoral acts performed by his cousin.
Towards the end of the novel as things became more involved Nick realized the error of his ways, and became a more moral character. He did not involve himself in either of the affairs any longer. In one enlightening evening, when Gatsby proclaimed Dai .....
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Number of words: 491 - Number of pages: 2.... and the public. Based on information in the reports the public can use the reports to choose a company to invest in. Because a financial accountant is employed by an individual company, she is considered a private accountant. Another type of accountant is a tax accountant. A tax accountant prepares yearly tax returns for individual clients. The accountants have to use constant data such as rates of pay and other information to determine the proper amount of taxes to be paid. These accountants have to take a class once a year to catch up on yearly changes in tax laws and regulations. If .....
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Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 739 - Number of pages: 3.... in the snow. So
Huck goes to Jim to ask him why Pap is here. Jim gets a hair-ball
that is the size of a fist that he took from an ox's stomach. Jim
asks the hair-ball; Why is Pap here? But the hair-ball won't answer.
Jim says it needs money, so Huck gives Jim a counterfeit quarter.
Jim puts the quarter under the hair-ball. The hair-ball talks to Jim
and Jim tells Huck that it says. "Yo'ole father doan' know yit what
he's a-gwyne to do. Sometimes he spec he'll go 'way, en den ag'in he
spec he'll stay. De bes' way is tores' easy en let de ole man take .....
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A Room With A View
Number of words: 975 - Number of pages: 4.... of furniture, and other’s vacations, suggest the snobbish nature of both Lucy and Charlotte. In fact, matters of convention encompass Lucy’s life until George Emerson’s “caddish,” yet never the less passionate, display of affection in the bed of violets throws her into an internal struggle of transformation. George’s powerful advice, “Courage and love (p.66),” uttered just before he kisses Lucy, gives her the strength to begin her strength to overcome convention in favor of passion, and lights the fire of her transformation.
Next, Foster b .....
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The Jungle 2
Number of words: 1564 - Number of pages: 6.... arriving in America, they are taken to Packingtown to find work. Packingtown is a section of Chicago where the meat packing industry is centralized. They take a tour of the plant, and see the unbelievable efficiency and speed att which hogs and cattle are butchered, cooked, packed, and shipped. In Packingtown, no part of the animal is wasted. The tour guide specifically says, "They use everything about the hog except the squeal."
Jurgis' brawny build quickly gets him a job on the cattle killing beds. The other members of the family soon find jobs, except for the children. They are put into .....
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Silas Marner 2
Number of words: 791 - Number of pages: 3.... of
civilization. He cared for no one and wanted no to care for him.
Both of their attitudes changed when Eppie arrived. Godfrey knew that he could marry Nancy now beacuse his old wife had died. This also showed how shallow he was. Godfrey thought he could throw money at Silas and he would be very compliant to give Eppie back to her ‘rightful’ father. Yet at the final moments of ths confrontation Eppie’s arrival unleashed a side of Silas not seen for fifteen years. He became a caring human being again. Silas took great steps to
insure Eppie’s happiness even going t .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1321 - Number of pages: 5.... drawn out protests at Elizabeth's rejection of him he gives the reader an insight into English society and particularly the roles of women. Elizabeth Bennet's character is put to a test by Mr Collins' proposal in Chapter 19, and it passes with flying colours. With great many advantages to be had by marrying Mr Collins, such as security for her sisters and mother after their fathers' death, she still chooses to reject him rather then humble herself before him.
Mr Collins's manner in which he proposes to Elizabeth is very matter-of-fact; the proposal itself is more of a business proposition .....
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Choosing Ones Own Courses In Middle School
Number of words: 482 - Number of pages: 2.... he could get throughout his years in school so they would be prepared to take more advanced courses and become very skilled.
Second, if Middle School students had their choice of courses, it would reflect on the faculty as well as other students, making it more enjoyable for everyone. When the student is choosing his or her courses, they are choosing it for the reason that they feel they could do well in this subject, and because they think the topic is interesting and enjoyable. If the student wants to learn, it will make it a lot easier for the teachers and other peers in the classroom. .....
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