John Steinbeck
Number of words: 1730 - Number of pages: 7.... carrer was his ninth grade English teacher, Miss Cupp. She admired the compositions he wrote and encouraged him to continue with his writing. Throughout high school, John spent most of his free time writing stories in his room.
John graduated from HS in 1919 and then went to Stanford University. John wanted to study to be a writer, but his mother wanted him to be something practical, like a lawyer.
While attending Stanford University, decided that a degree was of no use to a writer. Instead, he studied the things that interested him and would help him progress as a writer. He studie .....
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Character Change, Illustrated
Number of words: 2340 - Number of pages: 9.... laws cease to exist and man justifies and acts out any action that ensures his survival. He shows that it is not nature one should fear but rather man, nature is a neutral force that only provides context for man to behave a certain way. To illustrate this point, Dickey places four individuals, born and bred in suburban society, into wild and lawless nature. Confronted with the "uncivilized" setting around them, Dickey shows how different men can react to the same situation. The character with the most significant and profound change is Ed Gentry.
Ed agrees to venture out on the r .....
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The Onslaught Of Love - The Br
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... it is impossible for love to last for short period of time. He says love envelopes one's whole being. "Ah, what a trifle is a heart/ If once into love's hands it come!" (l. 9-10) The heart is like a toy once in the grasp of love. The heart is prey to love. "…Love draws,/ He swallows us and never chaws:/ By him, as by the chain'd shot, whole ranks do die./ He is the tyrant pike, our hearts the fry." (l. 13-16) Like a predator swallowing his prey, love swallows the heart whole and relentlessly.
In the next stanza Donne uses rhetorical question to ask if his analogy of how love af .....
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Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... 'They'll never even suspect me.'" It is quite evident that most of the responsibility in this situation belongs to Fred.
Furthermore, Fred's parents' lack of responsibility indirectly contributes to Mr. Haskell's death. Their first act of carelessness is when they neglect to keep the gun locked up in a safer place. Instead, they keep it in a location where it is easily accessible to Fred. Equally important, Fred's parents don't suspect anything unusual when he doesn't attend Mr. Haskell's funeral. They merely accept his somewhat transparent excuse; he just claims that the situat .....
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Night, By Elie Wiesel
Number of words: 1334 - Number of pages: 5.... strong interest in Jewish religion as he spent most of his time studying the Talmud. Eventually he comes across Moshe the Beadle, who would take him under his wing and instruct him more in depth of the ways of the Talmud and cabbala. Through Moshe’s instruction, he is taught to question God for answers. Later Moshe is sent away to a camp and upon his return to Sighet presents the reader with a foreshadowing of what will soon come in the book. Elie recalls, “Moshe had changed….He no longer talked to me of God or the cabbala, but only of what he had seen.”(4) Thus right away the re .....
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Taming Of The Shrew
Number of words: 2239 - Number of pages: 9.... Patrick are thrown together, and it becomes Patrick's job to tame Kat. In this adaptation, both Kat and Patrick learn and change from each other. Though there are many adaptations and interpretations of Katherine and the way she turns out, she is not tamed, and she does not tame, instead she is liberated, and learns to live and love.
There is much evidence, which supports the argument that Petruccio tamed Katherine. For instance, in the opening of the play, Katherine is very vocal and aggressive. Men, women and children trembled whenever she came around, including her father and siste .....
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Robert Frost 2
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3.... of symbolic description comes from the poem, “Desert Places”; he talks about how he will not be scared of the desert places, but of the loneliness. He is scared of his own loneliness, his own desert places.
Most of Frost’s poems are about nature. All three of the mentioned poems are about nature. In “The Road Not Taken”, he talks of the woods and paths to follow (line1). Also, in “Birches”, he talks of the birch tree, and winter mornings (line 7). He also talks about rain and snow (line8-11). In “Desert Places”, he talks of woods and .....
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The Friendly Friar
Number of words: 838 - Number of pages: 4.... god Titan. His reference to Titan shows he has had some background in mythology. Friar Lawrence also has a vast knowledge of plants and flowers. Friar Lawrence grows a magnificent garden which he tends to during the time in which he is not fulfilling his church duties. He speaks to Romeo about a plant that can be used for healing or as poison. This discussion leads into a speech by Friar Lawrence about people having a good side and a bad side like the flower he spoke of. This suggests that he has a background in philosophy. The friar is also very kind and peace loving. He is speaks .....
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Julius Caesar 2
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... 3 scene 2 line 91”Brutus is an honourable man. He hath brought many captures home to Rome, whose ransom did the general coffers fill. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff, yet brutus says he was ambitious. And brutus is an honourable man” This meant Caesar was there for the people, that he cared. Yet brutus said he was ambitious and deserved to die, Anthony suggested the question to the crowd.
Act 3 scene 2 line 106“you all did love him once, not without cause, what cause withholds y .....
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Cyrano De Bergerac
Number of words: 573 - Number of pages: 3.... mistress. Thanks to you, I’ve atleast had a woman’s friendship, a gracious presence to soften the harsh loneliness of my life.”When he then admits, “My heart always timidly hides its self behind my mind”, the reader can instantly relate to this dilemma but it is the fact that Cyrano is able to overcome it, then thatmakes him the ideal “chevalier servant”.Not only is Cyrano filled with emotion, but he also goes out of his way to live life to the fullest. Cyrano’s introduction to the reader definitely leaves a lasting impression. Not only does he .....
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