Beowulf, Epic Hero
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... a monster eat your friends, and then come after you. “Forward Grendel came, stepping nearer. Then he reached for Beowulf. Beowulf grasped his arm and sat up. The criminal knew he had not met in this middle-earth another with such a grip”(ch. 4). At this point Grendel was afraid of who this man was. Just the courage not to run away, but to fight the beast, Beowulf proved himself to be a courageous man.
Another trait that comes with courage is being noble. To be noble, one has to take risks on his own behalf to save the suffrage of others, because he wants to. Beowulf had killed many mons .....
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Tension And Violence
Number of words: 1905 - Number of pages: 7.... short story Rope will be discussed and the fact will be proved that an insignificant incident can lead to very serious violence and various kinds of tensions between a married couple. In addition the tension comes into being through what is not said that is through repressed feelings. I will also speak about the fact how persons through mental violence come back to the 'original' situation between two lovers. To a situation where tension must be explained as love tension but where there are many things not spoken about and not settled.
Alice Munro's story The Time of Death tells about very s .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 1218 - Number of pages: 5.... and George he is not very intelligent. George enjoys going to brothels, getting drunk and generally wasting his money. Lennie adores animals and he likes to pet them. He forgets how strong he is and usually kills them. They both share the dream of one day owning their own farm. George wants freedom to work how he wants, and Lennie wants to tend the rabbits.
There is a very strong bond between the two. Lennie looks up to George and has a great amount of respect and admiration. Lennie could not survive without him. George feels sorry for Lennie but finds him almost impossible to deal with, be .....
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Number of words: 2753 - Number of pages: 11.... detailed blow-for-blow descriptions of what occurred. Also, throughout the body of the work the warriors, no matter which side they are on, have significant names for their weapons and war-horses. This holds to the ancient custom that honored weapons with special names as having magical powers that could help its bearer. The battles and heroism of the main characters, as well as the names and details given about their war-horses and weapons, were important to a society that was constantly in a state-of-battle readiness, such as 's was.
Beyond the battle scenes, is true to the era in its po .....
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Symposium: Eros And The Philosopher
Number of words: 1505 - Number of pages: 6.... the same ways, but they are alike ultimately in that they both know what they lack and are aware of what they don't know. This paper will make an attempt to explain the statement by further exploring the speech of Diotima as well as looking into the speech of Socrates in the Apology.
In order to answer the question of how the philosopher in Socratic ignorance is like the true lover, the terms that will be used need to be defined. For the purpose of this paper Socratic ignorance will be understood as knowing what one does not know or lack. Furthermore, the true lover will be defined as .....
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Moralism In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4.... trying to accomplish it, but not finding it to be within realistic reach. Gatsby is a noble man whose vision is fouled by his dream because he remains in a wonder at Daisy's presence throughout the novel. The morality of Dan Cody, Gatsby's role model, and the superficial people who flock to Gatsby's parties contribute to Gatsby's downfall. Their examples encourage Gatsby's naïve belief that money and social standing are all that matter in his quest for Daisy. Gatsby became corrupted because his main goal was to have Daisy, at all costs. Gatsby sacrificed his own soul in order to please th .....
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My Last Duchess 3
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... showed to her. Yet, Browning leads us to believe that she equated this intimate contact with something as simple as the sun setting, “The dropping of the daylight in the West.” In the following passage the reader is given the first glimpse of what probably led the Duke to such a violent act:
She thanked men -- good! but thanked
Somehow -- I know not how -- as if she ranked
My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name
With anybody's gift.
The Duke, it appears, was jealous of the attention that she gave to others. Browning tells us much about the type of person the Duke was in t .....
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Number of words: 4144 - Number of pages: 16.... as you have done to others.
Don't ever try
to understand everything
some things will just never make sense.
Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings
when you're happy, give in to it!
When you're not, live with it.
Don't ever be afraid to try to
make things better
you might be surprised at the results.
Don't ever take the weight of the world
on your shoulders...
Don't ever feel threatened by the future
take life one day at a time.
Don't ever feel guilty about the past
what's done is done. Learn from any
mistakes you might have made. .....
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Number of words: 798 - Number of pages: 3.... In the next passage, in which the sergeant says, "Which smok'd with bloody execution"(Act 1 Sc 2 line 18), he is referring to Macbeth's braveness in which his sword is covered in the hot blood of the enemy. Blood is used in these passages to identify honor and courage, it separates the good from the bad, and it also gives the reader a view of how the shedding of blood will be used often to identify certain characteristics.
After these few references to honor, the symbol of blood changes to show a theme of treachery and treason. Lady Macbeth starts this off when she asks the spirits to "make .....
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A Lesson Before Dying
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... each character had their own characteristics and personality. There was something special about each character in the book. Each of them had their strong points and weak points for example Grant was always running away from his problems. There were a lot of things in his life that he could not handle and he just wanted to run away. He didn’t know what to do about Jefferson at first and wondered why he had to teach him. He didn’t really know how to handle his job as teacher in the Quarter. He couldn’t make his mind up about God so he just decided to leave it alone. Aunt Emma was .....
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