Antigone: Summary
Number of words: 716 - Number of pages: 3.... and left to die.
Haimon, feeling helpless, couldn't live without Antigone so he killed himself. Haimon's mother, Eurydice, learns of his death and she too kills herself, leaving Creon alone and unhappy.
Characters -
Antigone - Haimon's fiancé and daughter of the former king.
Ismene - Antigone's sister.
Creon - King of Thebes and Antigone's uncle.
Eurydice - Haimon's mother and Creon's wife
Haimon - Antigone's fiancé and the son of Creon and Eurydice.
Setting -
Antigone mostly takes place in Creon's castle in Thebes.
Conflict -
In the play Antigone two main types of confli .....
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Number of words: 1220 - Number of pages: 5.... lifestyle traits and Nisei and Sansei traditions, as a result she forms her own lifestyle path and discovers her complete identity.
The differing forms of communication by the two aunts play a role in Naomi's lifestyle choice: with her use of Japanese silence and Emily through her straight forwardness. lives her life through a shell that traps her thoughts and feelings inside. She expresses her feelings in her actions and with occasional Japanese phrases. This is evident in the following description by Naomi; "I feel that each breath she takes is weighted with her morality. She is .....
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Antigone And Creon
Number of words: 1493 - Number of pages: 6.... It will not be the worst of deaths - death without honor.² (189)
Even facing the penalty of death, she risks her life for what she believes. By her self, she manages to sneak past the guards watching over the corpse of Polyneices, and gives him a crude but proper burial.
Creon is also very independently minded, and he refuses to accept the opinions of anyone but himself. When his son Haimon confronts him, he refuses to listen, claiming that Haimon is a "girl struck fool, (216)" and that he has been corrupted by Antigone. Even when faced with Teresias¹s prophecy, he refuses to believ .....
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Jacob Stroyer
Number of words: 983 - Number of pages: 4.... cruel conditions he endured on a daily basis from whipping, to being nearly starved to death. Stroyer describes living in one cabin with two large families. How could two families sleep in such a small cabin? Stroyer describes the tension it caused living so close together. Families often competed against one another for food. When someone stole a hog from the master and brought the meat home, the other family reported the thief to the master. That person suffered severe consequences. Stroyer describes how the family sleep when it got so hot during the summer. "When it was too warm fo .....
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Brave New World - Is It A Warn
Number of words: 1132 - Number of pages: 5.... are no homeless people, no one struggles financially and they haven’t a family nor a singular person that they have feelings for to worry about. They are all specially skilled to fit a specific job therefore they are always needed, and people cannot survive without each other. ‘Everyone works for everyone else. We can’t do without anyone.’ (p. 67) As the director pointed out, everyone is specially made for a particular job: “Ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines . . . You really know where you are. For the first time in history.” (p. 18)
These people a .....
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Macbeth - Imagery
Number of words: 1799 - Number of pages: 7.... is constantly wearing new clothes (titles), that are not his, and that do not fit. Hence, his ambition. This ambition, as we see, is what leads to his demise. When Macbeth first hears the prophecy that he will be King, he does not see how it can be so, "to be king / Stands not within the prospect of belief" ( I, III, 73-74). However, Macbeth’s ambitious nature becomes visible when he considers murdering King Duncan to claim the throne, "If it were done, when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well / It were done quickly" ( I, VII, 1-2). His ambition is encouraged by Lady Macbeth, of whom at .....
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Death Of A Saleman. Is Willy L
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2.... that he is experiencing them. Because he lacks that awareness, he brings about his own downfall.
Willy could not comprehend that his family is average. No matter what his family members do he thinks that the entire world revolves around them. The have made their names famous for a small amount of time in high school, but they haven’t done anything important since. Willy doesn’t pay attention to anything other than the positive aspects of their lives. Biff tries to explain that the are an average family to him and in the final argument Willy understands what Biff is telling him. .....
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Summer Of My German Soldier
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... Anton. Anton is kind and generous to others, but more than anything he wants to protect Patty. He is one of Patty's only supporters. Pearl Bergen is Patty's mom. She is nervous and quick to judge people, but especially Patty. She is rude and does not protect Patty from her father when he decides to beat her. FBI agent Pierce is the man who comes to question Patty before and after the death of Anton. He is a hard man and is rude to Patty during the interrogation.
There are many conflicts in the novel. One of the main conflicts is between Patty and her father; (and Patty vs. her society). They .....
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Macbeth - How The Magnitude And Horror Of His Actions Are Un
Number of words: 2994 - Number of pages: 11.... how the night is strangling the earth, representing the anger of God at the events in Scotland. The "Dark night strangles" (Act Two, Scene Four, Line Seven) the earth, showing God’s, overall grip on the world. The King at this time had an absolute monarchy (power of life and death over everyone in his kingdom). The belief was that God had passed special powers to all Kings, such as that for healing, which Malcolm identifies in Edward the Confessor (the King of England) in Act Four, Scene Three – "He cures…the healing benediction…he hath a heavenly gift of prophecy&qu .....
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The Mayor Of Casterbridge By T
Number of words: 638 - Number of pages: 3.... father of Elizabeth-Jane. Appropriately, honesty provides for a life of pleasure. Allowing him to live a successful life, Newson admits his plan of letting everyone think that he was lost at sea. After Farfrae’s dismissal, Farfrae remains loyal to Henchard in that he promises not to detract from Henchard’s business which is inevitable; however, because of Farfrae’s sincerity, Farfrae leads a successful life. Most significantly, man’s intellect results in an enjoyable future. Assuring Newson a wonderful life and showing how much he cares for his child, Newson conjures a plan .....
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