Writing Styles Of Herman Melville And Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1816 - Number of pages: 7.... fascinating
character that add to the excitement and energy of the story.
Both Poe's single-effect theory and Melville's exceptional
character development in the short stories, "The Cask of Amontillado," and
"Bartelby the Scrivener," written by Poe and Melville respectively. This
paper will not only compare the plot and structure of these two stories,
but will also argue that these authors use distinct styles in approaching
their stories to achieve essentially the same affect on the reader of a
well developed character study of two quirky main characters.
Poe writes the story, "The Cask .....
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The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1204 - Number of pages: 5.... out how warlike the tribes are. In the hunting-gatherers tribes, war is not as popular and profitable as in modern society. Two reasons for this is that these tribes don’t have most valuable items and there is no shared type of currency to take. In these tribes, war was infrequent and not lead by permanent leaders. As opposed by modern days. What also differs is the conquest to kill as many of the enemy as possible.
Aggression is ruled into several categories, such as Benign aggression which is one of a defensive type and malignant aggression which actually roots into other conditi .....
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Hospitality In The Odyssey
Number of words: 718 - Number of pages: 3.... dining "...women had washed them, rubbed them down with oil and drawn warm fleece and shirts around their shoulders..." (IV, 56-57) If the host enjoyed the company of the guests, many times they will honor them with gifts. The kind of gifts given varied depending on the wealth and generosity of the host. For example, Aeolus, the king of the winds, gave Odysseus a leather bag which contained all the adverse winds which could drive his ships off course. Other generous gift givers are the Phaeacians who give Odysseus many valuable gifts, such as "...bronze and hoards of gold and robes. .....
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Story Of An Hour
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... the situation where she has longed for. ree, free, free! 71) The first voice of protest breaks out after those tedious, miserable years. Now she realizes the feeling approaching her and possessing her occupies her entire soul and body: his possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being. Free! Body and soul free! 72) These unbelievably radical words show her enormous hunger for freedom, her strong wish to be herself again. Her husband sudden death has made her lifetime emotional torment come to an end, and she can be as free as a man now. .....
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Hedda Gabler, By Henrik Ibsen
Number of words: 1500 - Number of pages: 6.... is usually common to men: Tesman - "My old morning shoes. My slippers look!…I missed them dreadfully. Now you should see them, Hedda." Hedda - "No thanks, it really doesn't interest me'. In another gender role reversal, Hedda displays a financial awareness, which her husband, Jorgen does not posses. Although Brack corresponds with Tesman about his honeymoon travels, he corresponds with Hedda concerning the financial matters. This is a role that is usually reserved for men.
Hedda does not only display traits, which are definitively masculine, or feminine, she also objects to and ofte .....
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The Once And Future King Descr
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4.... of beliefs and hopes, the ability to be transported by the beauty of physical objects, a heart perience as to when truth should be suppressed in deference to the middle aged. On top of these, there were the broad and yet uncertain lines of her personal character-lines of less pathos, but more reality; lines of power.
It can be said that Gwen assumes the worst and often becomes
jealous in many episodes. Such as when Guenever discovered that
Lancelot was the father of Elaine’s baby, she did not believe his
explanation and became furious. She claims that Lance betrayed he .....
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Life On The Color Line
Number of words: 389 - Number of pages: 2.... no kinship relation with them, but believed they deserved a chance. Greg Williams was singled out by his family and his father to excel, to leave Muncie, and to make his fortune through his brains and academic prowess. This came true, and he is now the Dean of the College of Law at Ohio State University. His brother Mike, however, missed their mother terribly, yielded to their father's vision of him as "just like me" and lived a hard and dangerous life.
Part of the significance of the book is the author's ability to contrast his life with his brother's. Another significant factor is his a .....
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Mother Nature Strikes Fear And Excitement
Number of words: 334 - Number of pages: 2.... fear.
Dillard uses diction to show her excitement about the flood. Action verbs portray the excitement of flood. "The flood has ripped away a wedge of concrete; the water hurls in an arch; It smashed under the bridge; It hurtles down … it lurches round the bend, filling the valley, flattening, mashing, pushed, wider and faster, till it fills my brain" (315). Dillard switches from the past tense to the present tense to show that she has become involved in the excitement of the flood. At first she says, "All it did was rain. It rained, and the creek started to rise (314). Then when she .....
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Death Of A Salesman Essay
Number of words: 2313 - Number of pages: 9.... The play romanticizes the rural-agrarian dream but does not
make it genuinely available to Willy. Miller seems to use this
dream merely to give himself an opportunity for sentimentality.
The play is ambiguous in its attitude toward the business-success
dream, but does not certainly condemn it. It is legitimate to ask
where Miller is going. And the answer is that he has written a
confused play because he has been unwilling or unable to commit
himself to a firm position with respect to American culture. Miller
prepares us for stock response-relief in escape to the West and
the farm; fi .....
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1984 - Success
Number of words: 909 - Number of pages: 4.... planned to overthrow them. They used this “Brotherhood” to blame all the bad things on and make Big Brother (and through him, themselves) look good by fighting against this “evil force”. The Inner Party was not happy with only physical obedience, they wanted complete obedience, including the human mind. They didn’t want people to think for themselves, because then they might plot to overthrow the Inner Party. They controlled the general populations’ minds by involving them in many verbal demonstrations, such as hate week, which downplayed the Brotherhood .....
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