The Crucible
Number of words: 1065 - Number of pages: 4.... point that the Salem witch trials began and would later be the plot of a major 19th century play. It was 1953 when Arthur Miller wrote , which translates to "the test", a play based on the actual events of the witch trials in Salem during 1692. Although Miller’s play is a strong story about what took place in Salem Village, it was inspired by Miller’s belief that the madness surrounding the witchcraft trials is parallel to the contemporary political climate of McCarthyism. In Arthur Miller’s version of the Salem witchcraft trials, he strongly shows the many tests that were laid upo .....
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Dealing With Death Inspired By
Number of words: 1444 - Number of pages: 6.... Mitch Albom, serious personal change can occur as a result. In fact, a person is only able to reach such a tangible state of enlightenment and understanding of the world around them in those last moments before death.
To reach some understanding of the important affects that death can have, we must first explore the devastatingly real shock that the end of something so permanent as life must provide. No one can ever truly know what the feeling of death is like until they actually feel it for themselves, but for the purpose of this exercise, let us imagine what it must closely resemble. .....
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Number of words: 507 - Number of pages: 2.... ambition to become king. Even before killing Duncan, foresaw that Malcolm, Duncan's eldest son, would still be in the way of his desired goal. He said, "The Prince of Cumberland (Malcolm)! That is the step on which I must fall down or else o'erleap, for in my way it lies." If Malcolm had not run off, would have seen to it that Malcolm be taken out of the picture also. Yet frightening Malcolm off, he violated his right of the throne. did not care who really deserved the throne. He only wanted it all for himself to satisfy his desire. also decided to take Banquo and Fleance out of .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 250 - Number of pages: 1.... is a commoner and she doesn't like the aristocrats.
In seeking vengeance, Madame Defarge has acquired the very
traits of those who wronged her. She sees no focused blame
and is willing to exploit an entire class to satisfy her
need. Her vengeance emerges through her knitting, which
represents both her cold patience and her impassioned urge
to retaliate, as she knits the names of her intended
A large cask of wine had been dropped and broken in the
street. Some men kneeled down, made scoops with their two
hands joined, and sipped. Others, men and women, dipped in
the p .....
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The Awakening Concepts Of Morality
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... had blazed up, stubborn and resistant. She could not at that moment have done other than denied and resisted (P.31)." Her insistent attitude also made her self-righteous and neglectful of other persons.
In other ways, Mrs. Pontellier’s morality led to a dreadful deceit of her own children. Her self-righteous mindset was damaging to her children’s vitality. The ways that she treated the children were full of neglect. As in a certain night, Mr. Pontellier returned home from work to find that one of his children had a fever. Mrs. Pontellier refused to look at the child beca .....
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Number of words: 1446 - Number of pages: 6.... own selves leads to nothing but despair and 's death. Nel's realization that they were only truly individuals when they were joined as one allows them to merge once again.
Morrison portrays and Nel as binary opposites at the beginning of the novel. In our first view of Nel she is as conventional and conforming as a young lady can be: Under Helene's hand the girl became obedient and polite. Her mother calmed any enthusiasms that Nel showed until she drove her daughter's imagination underground. (p.18) In this passage Nel is merely an extension of her mother with no autonomy of her own. H .....
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Philistinism In England And America
Number of words: 651 - Number of pages: 3.... It’s purpose was not for the students to learn skills or ideas that would help them later in life, but to expand their minds, thus making them into ‘better people.’ There was no need for them to learn any job skills. Back then, if you came from a rich family, you were rich. Working at simple jobs was for the peasants and slaves. Today, life is different. Our society is completely unlike that of the ancient Greeks. We have no caste system limiting the wealth and prominence of any citizen, we have no slavery to handle all the manual labor, our army is proportionately smaller and m .....
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The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... hersitation. But she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and taken baggage with them. Therefore, Nike Carroway's analysis was right by these clear observation. However, Nike Carroway is a good narrator, he sees everything happen and does not trust everybody easily. So during the people discuss about something at a time, he does not believe it is true. After he proves it, he will accept the truth. Moreover, when Nike went to Gatsby's party, there is a drunk lady telling everyone Gatsby killed a man before. Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once. Also, there is one more .....
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Hubris And Prudence
Number of words: 1492 - Number of pages: 6.... the girl fame, but only for her skill."[1] The same is true for Dante. His fame derives from his skill as a writer, not from a privileged birth. Arachne demonstrates her artistic ability when, in a competition with Minerva, she weaves a piece, which depicts the gods unfavorably. But in her piece, "not Pallas, nor Envy himself, could find a flaw."[2]As a punishment, Minerva turns Arachne into a spider. Arachne does three things to try to upstage the gods: she claims to be Minerva's equal by competing with her; she creates a piece which showed unscrupulous stories of the gods; and her finish .....
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Darkness As A Sign Of Chaos In
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... language in Act 1 that described Macbeth has changed from "noble" and "kind" to the diction of Act 4 witch describes Macbeth as "black Macbeth" and a "tyrant". The Castle that Macbeth lives in, Dunsanine is also indicative of darkness. Dunsanine is similar to the word dungeon a dark and dirty place. In Act 4 Macbeth is an agent of disorder, he murders and he consults witches, because of this he is described using dark imagery.
Scotland under the rule of Macbeth is described as, "shrouded in darkness", by Malcolm. Scotland in Act 4 has fallen off the "Chain of Being" and is now occupied wi .....
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