The Albanian Virgin
Number of words: 1469 - Number of pages: 6.... be found in earlier written short stories.
Since many of her stories are based on the region in which she was born, the characters and narrators are often thought of as being about her life and how she grew up; and making her stories appear from a feminist approach. This could also indicate why the central characters in the short stories in Open Secrets, are all women: a young woman kidnapped by Albanian tribesmen in the 1920’s in , and a young born-again Christian whose unresolved feelings of love and anger cause her to vandalize a house in Vandals.
Her theme has often been the dil .....
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Compare And Contrast ‘State’ And ‘Nation’
Number of words: 1238 - Number of pages: 5.... A common language is essential for all members to communicate thus this creates a major problem for nations as many nations include a huge diversity of languages, for example Britain. Therefore for a nation such as Britain to exist they must create their own ‘nationhood.’ It is this process of establishing a nationhood that a nation creates itself. America is another example of a nation created of major diversity but manages to exist and be recognized as one nation. However countries such as Northern Ireland refuse to live in unity as one nation due to their religious diversity .....
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Number of words: 1456 - Number of pages: 6.... "The passion for maintaining that all is right when all goes wrong " (Voltaire, p.86). According to Rene Pomeau, "Voltaire-...have made him [] acquainted with the bad and the good side of human existence. The moral of is born out of its style; it is the art of extracting happiness from the desolate hopping-about of the human insect" (Adams; Pomeau p.137). Pomeau explains that shows both sides of humanity; how both great and terrible events are standard in a human life. Also according to Pomeau, the whole point of the story is to debate between good and bad; for example, as becomes more in .....
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For The Love Of The Fish An Es
Number of words: 721 - Number of pages: 3.... home and negative attention at work caused Dummy to shut society out.
The only friends Dummy had where his fish, which he protected from the cruelties of society. He protected the fish like no one had protected him, yet he still loses them to a force that cannot be controlled or stopped. “ It blew for five days, and on the third day the river began to rise.
“She’s up to fifteen feet,” my father said one evening looking over his newspaper. “Which is three feet over what you need to flood. Old Dummy is going to lose his darlings.” Even though, Dummy prot .....
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Iliad And Odyssey
Number of words: 1788 - Number of pages: 7.... him down with a glinting jagged rock, massive, top of the heap behind the rampart’s edge, no easy lift for a fghger even in prime strength, working with both hands, weak as men are now." Giant Ajax hoisted it high and hurled it down, crushing the rim of the soldiers four horned helmet and cracked his skull to splinters, a bloody pulp…" 435-443. Violence, the many scenes of war in the Iliad reminded me of the first battle scene of Saving Private Ryan. The extremely violent images of men crying out for their mothers, the intestines spilling out of a man’s belly, and the many pictur .....
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Huck Finn 3
Number of words: 4279 - Number of pages: 16.... their secrets to anyone, they would be killed and their family would be killed also. At first glance while reading this page, it would seem as though Huck Finn was a boy who was a killer and one with no conscience, but it is mearly describing a boy who was in the beginning of a great adventure, yet to take place.
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," takes place during a period in a young boys life, when he is trying to find out who he really is and trying to find a place that he can call home. Mark Twain is thought of, by some critics, as being an author who is describing the advent .....
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Jon Donne - Alediction Forbidd
Number of words: 1066 - Number of pages: 4.... scheme. This is not surprising because of the calming effect expected of this poem. The steady back and forth motion of the rhyme calms down the reader, much as a hug that rocks you back and forth calms you. This poem's purpose is to offer peace to those who read it. The steady use of rhyme provides a rhythmic, serene environment. In addition to a well-developed rhyme scheme, Donne employs very few end stops. The only time periods are used is to end a stanza, all other line breaks are handled by commas or no punctuation at all. This once again adds a natural and peaceful flow to th .....
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The Connection Between Ernest
Number of words: 1285 - Number of pages: 5.... the clutter of men invariably led to pain and suffering or death. Hemingway was really big on simplicity in his works. Everything was simple, from his style, to his characters (ie: Catherine - simpleton if I ever saw one). I think that he likened civilization to a giant machine. The larger and more complex it got, the more things it did. However, when something gets larger and more complex, then that increases the chances and the areas that something can break down. In A Farewell to Arms Hemingway said that the world
will break you. It may not be today or tomorrow, but it will break .....
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Romeo And Juliet, Human Action
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... she comes to the Friar looking for help. "I long to die, if what thou speak’st speak not of remedy" (Act 4, sc i, ll 66-67) is her attitude towards her situation. She then accepts the friar’s solution and decides to take the poison. "Give me, give me! Oh tell me not of fear" (Act 4, sc 1, ll 121) are her words spoken to the friar. Her actions here are to be brave and to rush into the plan. Her actions are more important than the friars in this scene because she has all the control. The friars actions are mostly suggestions and thoughts while her actions are the ones that are .....
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Macbeth - Supernatural Forces Cause The Fall Of Man In Macbe
Number of words: 1038 - Number of pages: 4.... quotes, "When we read the incantations of the Witches in Macbeth, though some of the ingredients of their hellish composition savour of the grotesque, yet is the effect upon us other than the most serious and appalling that can be imagined? Do we not feel spell-bound as Macbeth was?" (Lamb). After the witches reveal the fate of Macbeth becoming king, he begins to develop an immoral plan to carry out the prophecy. The only way for Macbeth to have the throne will be to wait or to kill King Duncan. Macbeth already knew of his future as king due to the witches’ forecast of his future, so how .....
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