Essay Comparison
Number of words: 1389 - Number of pages: 6.... in both of these essays is that animals represent human behavior. In “The Geese”, the old goose represents the old age of the narrator in the story. Since the narrator is old, he does not feel sympathy or compassion for the younger goose because his life is just starting. The young goose and narrator take on two different lives in which there is no activities or ideas in life that are the same. Also, in “The Battle of the Ants”, the ants represent “…. a war between two races ”. (1746). These fighting ants are being compared to humans because .....
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Shakespeare - Comedy
Number of words: 2325 - Number of pages: 9.... greenworld pattern in this play. The play begins in the city, moves out to the country and then back to the city. Being in the country makes things better because there is tranquility, freedom and people can become uncivilized versus when they are in the city and have to follow customs and laws and behave rationally.
Comedies contain blocking figures and in this play it is Egeus. If he was not in the way, Hermia could marry Lysander. Since he is causing problems in his daughters life by trying to make her marry Demetrius, this begins the journey into the woods. Egeus threatened Hermia with .....
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Arsenic And Old Lace
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... sit down"?
Mortimer: Believe it or not, that was in there too.
Einstein: And What did he do?
Mortimer: He sat down! Mind you - this fellow is supposed to be bright. There he is - all ready to be trussed up. And what do they use to tie him with?
Einstein: What?
Mortimer: The curtain cord
(Jonathan cuts the curtain cord)
9. I think the most challenging part of producing this play would be to find actors talented enough to portray the mix of characters that this play involves, you would need somewhat nutty people, as well as serious and also a bit senile actors, it would be an interested .....
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A Rose Of The South
Number of words: 582 - Number of pages: 3.... Emily. After this attempt did not work, the minister's wife called Miss Emily's cousins to come visit Miss Emily.
When Miss Emily 's cousins arrived, people thought that her cousins had convinced her to get married, since Miss Emily had ordered a "complete out fit of men's clothing, including a nightshirt"3. Mean while Miss Emily had gone to see the druggist for some poison. She never told the druggist what the poison was for, though he assumed that it was for rats. A few days after her cousins had left, Homer was seen coming into the Miss Emily's house. Neither one of them would be see .....
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New England: A Matter Of Perspective
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... and rich furs that could be traded for
money. Mr. Smith declares the land free, so anyone could come to the New World
and accumulate great wealth. John Smith envisioned a land where all men would
live in peace and harmony, a vision that would not be fulfilled in New England
or any of the New World.
William Bradford's history of the Pilgrims, in Of Plymouth Plantation,
sheds a uniquely different light on life in colonial New England. Bradford's
account depicts many hardships that had to be overcome by the Pilgrims, before
their ideal land began to take shape. Bradford describes arriving .....
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Pardoners Tale
Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... As the youngest of the friend's leaves to go buy wine, the other two greedily plot to kill him so they can split the treasure only two ways. Even the youngest decides to "put it in his mind to buy poison, with which he might kill his two companions" (383, 384). The greed, which is evident in the character of the Pardoner, is also clearly seen in the tale. Another trait that is displayed by the Pardoner and a character in his tale is hypocrisy or insincerity. Although the Pardoner is extremely greedy, he continues to try and teach that "Avarice is the root of all evil" (6). As the tale .....
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Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... harsh truth in a more open analysis, which makes the traditional themes of the horror genre native to it. In this caustic line is the motif of the bird in (and in other Hitchcock films; The Birds of course). Birds by nature are sharp-sighted and of secret predation. To the benefit of
appearances, ironically the majority are slim and sleek. Constantly, they forage and feed in order to substantiate their fast heart rates and motion, and to keep their bodies in even temperature. So what they see, in a way, they pursue or own. Duality is allegorically explained within the character names .....
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Huck Finn Notes
Number of words: 4331 - Number of pages: 16.... finds Tom waiting for him among the trees.CHAPTERS 2 and 3As Huck joins Tom Sawyer in the garden, he accidentally trips over a root and alerts Miss Watson's slave, Jim, to the fact that something unusual is happening. Jim sits down on the ground between Tom and Huck, and he would have discovered them if he had not gone to sleep. Tom then plays a trick on Jim -a trick which multiplies in size as Jim tells the story after he awakes. With each telling, the story becomes more fanciful until Jim becomes the most envied Negro in the village.
Tom and Huck meet some other boys, and Tom wants to o .....
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Existentialism In No Exit
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... This is anti-existential because according to its principles, he should not have to rely on others for confidence.
Inez is in Hell because she had seduced her cousin’s wife, then conspired to make his life miserable, until he finally stepped in front of a tram and was killed. Inez also brought a lot of guilt upon her lover, Florence, until she finally committed suicide and killed Inez by poisoning them with gas during the night. Inez does not refute or regret this, as she states, “…I was what some people down there called ‘a damned bitch (p. 25),’” .....
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The Waste Land
Number of words: 1245 - Number of pages: 5.... passing of the
primal ceremony; the connection to it that was once viable is now
dead. The language used to describe the event is very rich and vivid:
red, sweaty, stony. These words evoke an event that is without the
cares of modern life- it is primal and hot. A couple of lines later
Eliot talks of "red sullen faces sneer and snarl/ From doors of
mudcracked houses" (ll. 344-345). These lines too seem to contain
language that has a primal quality to it.
From the primal roots of ceremony Eliot shows us the contrast
of broken ceremonies. Some of these ceremonies .....
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