The Siddhartha By Hermann Hess
Number of words: 636 - Number of pages: 3.... Again, Siddhartha rejects and leaves the Samana ascetic knowledge.
Siddhartha ends his knowledge quests: Brahminism, Samanic asceticism, and Buddhism. He turns to the use of his senses in finding his goal. His main goal is to be his 'Self'. His sense of 'being' is isolated by his knowledge. He realizes that he does not know his 'Self' which he has spent his life avoiding. He vows him self to explore the 'Self'.
The second step of Siddhartha's journey is realizing that although he has knowledge, knowledge is not enough without experience. Experience can be gained through practicing knowledg .....
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Cry The Beloved Country
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... meaning.
Imagery is Dickinson’s main figurative tool in this poem. the idea that crumbling is progressive is supported by the last two lines of the first stanza, which state,
"Dilapidation’s processes
Are organized Decays"
This means that crumbling is a result of dilapidation, which is caused by gradual decay. The deterioration that results is progressive: one stage of decay leads to the next until crumbling inevitably comes along. The second stanza contains four images of decay: "cobweb, rust, dust and borer in the axis." These images are combine .....
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Death Of A Sales Man
Number of words: 1015 - Number of pages: 4.... it to his children. When Willy was young, he had met a man named Dave Singleman who was so well liked that he was able to make a living simply by staying in his hotel room and telephoning buyers. When Dave Singleman died, buyers and salesmen from all over the country came to his funeral. This is what Willy has been trying to emulate his entire life. Willy's need to feel well-liked is so strong that he often makes up lies about his popularity and success. At times, Willy even believes these lies himself. At one point in the play, Willy tells his family of how well-liked he is in all .....
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The Great Gatsby 12
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... can get caught up all of a sudden in a cloud of confusion. They are just walking along, minding their own business, doing their day-to-day activities, and suddenly get caught up in an impenetrable mess. This happened to Nick. He was just minding his own business, and then he met Gatsby, who planned things for him without his approval or advice, and who basically used him to his advantage. Nick had no way out of this mess, but he did not really want one. He was the only person who cared enough to give Gatsby a proper burial.
Another symbol in this novel is T. J. Eckleburg's huge blue eyes. .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1456 - Number of pages: 6.... of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character" (Austen 5). In fact, Mr. Bennet entertains himself with witty comments that Mrs. Bennet can never seem to comprehend. For example, when one of the Bennet's daughters, Kitty, is coughing, Mrs. Bennet foolishly scolds her and asks to "have a little compassion on my nerves" (Austen 5). Mr. Bennet humorously replies by claiming that "Kitty has no discretion in her coughs. She times them ill" (Austen 5). While, Mrs. Bennet marr .....
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Ethan Frome 6
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... to be idealistic; sometimes the real world gets too harsh and ugly for them. To escape unpleasant realities, some Pisceans retreat into their own dreams and fantasies, and Pisceans can be delicate and vulnerable, especially when under emotional stress. Ethan most definitely falls under these categories. Ethan is emotionally weak, in that he allows Zeena to control him. Ethan was described, in the beginning of the book, as looking far older than he was in actuality. His work and torment made his physical appearance to match his inner suffering. Winter is typically seen as cold, dark, .....
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Funny Short Story
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... be more interesting for her paper, if she let him think she was a prostitute. She could always run out, she reasoned. She nodded quickly, and he shifted in his recliner, sending vibrations resounding around the hovel. “Sweet thing, come closer so Herbie can see you, honey.” Wendy gulped uncomfortably and moved closer to the scourge, which was a bad idea.
It was sickening, being this close. The scourge was wearing just a red sequined thong, which was protruding dangerously tight in the front, threatening to split at any moment. He had exactly four long greasy hairs on the top of his .....
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Animal Farm 2
Number of words: 834 - Number of pages: 4.... care if the animals are hurt or if they need rest. He wants for himself anfd himself only. naploeon uses the propaganda technique in an uncaring and very negative way/ An example of this in the novel is when napoleon blatantly runs a rival pig, snowball, off the farm./ napoleon even uses his trained dogs to scare snowball away. from this point on, he would blame snowball for everything that went wrong on the farm. The animals are so brainwashed that they believe snowball has actaully done all these things.
This is how propaganda overpowers the animals on the farm. Orwell's refrain is constan .....
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The Crito
Number of words: 1408 - Number of pages: 6.... that you ought to escape). Socrates notes that some opinion is right and some opinion is wrong. It is not simply a matter of mere opinion, but of correct opinion. The authority in this case is the actual truth of the matter. Socrates introduces a distinction between true opinion and false opinion. And the path to the latter is through argument and reason. By appealing to the opinion of "the many," Crito seems to be committing the Ad Populum Fallacy (i.e., something is right, true, etc., because the majority of the population says it is). Socrates seems to pose an open argument: the opinion .....
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Everyman - Play Analysis
Number of words: 1665 - Number of pages: 7.... It is generally considered the finest of the morality plays.
Scene 1:
God tells Death to go down to earth and retrieve Everyman. God orders Death to do this because God feels that it is time or Everyman to go to the "afterlife." Death wants Everyman to show God weather or not he is good enough for heaven. In this scene, Everyman asks Death many various questions, trying to persuade him to allow him to stay on earth. Everyman wants to know if he can bring certain things with him. He also wants to know if he would be able to stay on Earth for a longer time. Death says that he will take no .....
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