Tennessee Williams - Outcasts In His Plays
Number of words: 1479 - Number of pages: 6.... Memorial awards. Before his death in 1983, Williams accumulated four New York Drama Critics Awards; three Donaldson Awards; a Tony Award for his 1951 screenplay, The Rose Tattoo; a New York Film Critics
Award for the 1953 film screenplay, A Streetcar Named Desire; the Brandeis University Creative Arts Award (1965); a Medal of Honor from the National Arts Club (1975); the $11,000 Commonwealth Award (1981); and an honorary doctorate from Harvard University (1982). He was honored by President Carter at Kennedy Center in 1979, and named Distinguished Writer in Residence at the University of .....
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Comparison And Contrast Of Mac
Number of words: 1683 - Number of pages: 7.... Duncan for the sole purpose of his own political gain. He even admits that he "[has] no spur/ To prick the sides of [his] intent, but only/ Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself/ And falls on th’other" (Act I, sc. 7). Despite many other good reasons for overthrowing a king, such as for the good of the state or if the king is infringing on the people’s rights, MacBeth claims only selfish intentions. Like MacBeth, Kurtz, too, starts his road to evil with ambition. Kurtz, in order to earn his Intended’s hand, goes to Africa to make something of himself. Instead of going on a " .....
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Characters From Shakesperes Tw
Number of words: 3396 - Number of pages: 13.... immediately sets to work with characteristic practical energy to figure out a way to improve her situation. When she enters Orsino's service, her talent, wit, and good looks quickly captivate him, just as, soon after, when she's sent to "woo" Olivia, these qualities also entrance the Countess. Indeed, in almost every scene in which she appears - whether she's jesting with Feste, quietly philosophizing with Orsino, or gracefully flattering Olivia-Viola's courtly skill and down-to-earth charm are clearly evident. Most of all, when she herself falls deeply, and apparently hopelessly, in love wit .....
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Iliad 2 -
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... will were itself disintegrating on the battlefield. Homer uses the epithet “proud” to modify the Trojan lines, an adjective that intensifies the effect of Paris’ action of retreating by mentioning its opposite. Homer further reviles Paris by calling him, ironically, “magnificent” and “brave,” thereby heightening the indignity of his cowardly retreat.
Another contrast in Paris’ character is represented in his beauty. He is known as one of the most handsome men in Troy, but looks can be deceiving, as Hector implies when he says, R .....
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Cosequences Of Shame And Guilt
Number of words: 795 - Number of pages: 3.... Hale asks John to recite the commandments and he forgets one, Elizabeth then says sarcastically, "Adultery, John" (Miller 1211). Elizabeth responds in such a manner that John feels such pain in his heart. At one point John is fed up with her heartless manner and says, "Spare me! You forget nothin' and forgive nothin'....I have gone tip toe in this house all seven month from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart" (Miller 1203). John is fed up with her convictions. With this his mind, Elizabeth herself has convictions .....
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Oedipus The King 5
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... she had to get rid of him because he would kill his father and marries his mother. Therefore, Oedipus’s mother ended up giving Oedipus to a stranger and asked him to kill Oedipus as a baby. Then the stranger felt sorry for the baby and he ended up giving the baby to a family for adoption. Oedipus grew up and left the family that adopted him at a young age. Oedipus then killed the King of Thebes and the guards with him while he was travelling with out knowing that he was his father. After that Oedipus answered the Sphinx brittle and became the new King of Thebes. Shortly after .....
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Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... fierce grip. Let me live in greatness and courage, or here in this hall welcome my death!”
is considered for his great courage and his fierce strength of overcoming the evil Grendel with his own bare hands for terrorizing the people of Herot.
believes in a fair fight and no true fighter should have the upper hand. “I have heard that the monster’s scorn of men is so great that he needs no weapon and fears no none. Nor will I. My Lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet are afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linden shield: my hands alone shall fi .....
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Number of words: 1099 - Number of pages: 4.... of his action and starts his life anew. believes that anything can be overcome if one will control himself. he expresses this to Kamala one day, saying; "Nothing is caused by demons; there are no demons. Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goal, if he can think, wait and fast." I agree with ’s thinking. All problems can be solved, you just have to know how to do it.
The second concept in is the idea that knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. believes this very strongly, and feels it is only right that one must gain wisdom for himself. Wh .....
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The Fabliaux
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... degrees of gullibility in the victims and of ingenuity and sexual appetite in the trickster-heroes and -heroines. (The Riverside Chaucer, p. 7.)
was, until Chaucer's time, a genre of French literature, in which it flourished in the thirteenth century. One of the minor problems about Chaucer's fabliaux is why he turned to a genre that had, in effect, been dead for a hundred years. Comic tales were very popular in Chaucer's time, but the more sophisticated were almost always in prose (as in the case of Boccaccio's Decameron). Chaucer had no models in English, and despite the vivid cont .....
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Number of words: 691 - Number of pages: 3.... bed” (26). Each profession has a housing center and trains the citizens to the specific profession, also known as a “house”. In this section, his dream of going to the House of Scholars is lost and he is sent to the House of Street Sweepers instead. Here the rules are very strict. He is not allowed to laugh or sing for any reason.
Entertainment was a part of daily life for all citizens within this society. Every day they would sing three hymns and watch a play after that. Among the three hymns were “…The Hymn of Brotherhood, and the Hymn of equality, and the Hymn of the C .....
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