Far From The Madding Crowd
Number of words: 2882 - Number of pages: 11.... of his first questions was ‘Are you a woman?’, to which Bathsheba replied, ‘Yes.’ His immediate reaction was to compliment her by calling her a lady, illustrating his natural tendency to see most young ladies he comes across as merely objects for personal conquest. Flattery is of course his chief weapon in charming and conquering the female heart. One of the main reasons that Bathsheba fell for him in the first place is her own vulnerability to flattery, as she is such a vain young lady. From this point on, on the occasions that he meets her, he continues to remark on how beautiful s .....
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Ways Of Handling A Situation
Number of words: 617 - Number of pages: 3.... that this desire to belong and to fit in is a natural human characteristic. He believed that people have an instinctive drive to belong, in the same sort of way species reproduce. It is possible that his theory of instinctive necessity is accurate, and humans are as a whole are week and scared when they are faced with solitude. The old adage "there is safety in numbers" is appropriate in this topic. Often in this world terrible things happen because people group up and commit unspeakable acts, then take shelter in the numbers of those involved. The Annual Freaknik "celebration" is the perf .....
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Number of words: 512 - Number of pages: 2.... down to me as your king?” . ’s desire to acquire more than the apparent limit is more understandable to the audience, because human beings are able to empathize with this greed felt by .
All people fight with human nature to alter the natural phenomenon that occurs in life. In comparison, struggles to alter nature by demanding immortality. Human beings struggle to change nature in order to achieve higher status in society or personal satisfaction. seeks immortality to prevent nature from taking its course so that he may be able to rule his kingdom forever. Readers are able .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... Jim was to his freedom, "…I begun to get it through my head that he was most free—and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I couldn’t get that out of my conscience, no how nor no way." (pg.85) Turning Jim in would be difficult, since he was a benevolent and amiable man. It was not righteous that he should be hurt, but if Huck helped Jim run away, he would have to turn his back on his own people. He would be saying slavery, and everyone who believed in it, was wrong.
Huck came to the decision to tell someone about Jim that will force him back into slavery. Soon enough .....
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The Runaway Jury
Number of words: 2509 - Number of pages: 10.... for not guilty.
The story starts with the very laborious job of jury selection. The tobacco industry has on their payroll a man by the name of Rankin Fitch. Fitch foresees the selection of the lawyers and consultants. Fitch and the consultants foresee the selection of the jurors. Each perspective juror is investigated and watched. The defense as well as the plaintiffs want to secure a verdict so they only want jurors sympathetic to their side. Fitch along with Rohr, the plaintiff’s lawyer, also had high priced detectives tailing perspective jurors. Anyone who was the least .....
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1984, George Orwell
Number of words: 392 - Number of pages: 2.... our good old friend Winston is sitting in his office one day when he starts to have--gasp!--negative thoughts about the Party and its leader, Big Brother. He buys a diary, a crime considered worthy of death by the Party, and begins to record these thoughts daily.
By chance, Winston happens to meet a fellow Party-hater, Julia. They
believe that the Brotherhood (an organization against the Party) exists and that
their co-worker O’Brien is involved with it. They meet with O’Brien and confirm that yes, indeed, he is involved with the Brotherhood. O’Brien gives them a cop .....
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Our Secret
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3.... everything affected by past, secrets, cause and effect, and development. All of these factors can go with the stories of Heinrich Himmler, Gebhard (Dad of Himmler), Laura (story in beginning), Heinz, Wernher von Braun (rocket scientist), Helene (author met at Metro station), and Leo. The author also uses examples of homosexuality, torture, child-rearing practices, parents/family, and also relates it with the stories and the fragments. Knowing that this essay has a lot of subjects that the author writes on, can make this piece seem confusing. Knowing that all of the issues will be tied .....
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The Crucible 3
Number of words: 382 - Number of pages: 2.... blacken forever his name.
What was most important to him was to make a stand
against the insanity of the town, for himself and for God,
and using that as a last resort to make people aware of what
was happening. This last stand for righteousness is an
example of proctor's great character and rationale.
Arthur Miller wrote his play, The Crucible, a story about
the Salem witch trials, and the panic resulting from it, as
an allegory to show people the insanity of the McCarthy
hearings. He wrote it as an allegory so that, if tried by
McCarthy, he could say, "it's .....
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Winning Isn't The Most Important Thing
Number of words: 467 - Number of pages: 2.... speed and physical agility not to mention surviving in grueling
temperatures and humidity. Great Olympic and Boston Marathon runners have
dropped out of a 10K due to it's intense strain. I was on hand to witness the
race and saw many great athletes finish the race with great times. These are
runners who put every day into running and run every race. Soon after these
runners had crossed the finish line and been handed their trophies, the last
runner in the race came through the finish line with his hands in the air and to
thunderous applause. He was 87 years old, and had taken up th .....
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Docter Faustus
Number of words: 1099 - Number of pages: 4.... of the trance Faustus is in, is by the use of alliteration in the first two lines of the poem. This device causes the reader to read the lines more slowly. The pronunciation of words in a moderate fashion suggests this trance, and makes the rest of the passage more comprehensible. In contrast to the first two lines, the rest of the section can be read more easily and therefore, faster. Few caesuras are utilized in this part, making the paragraph flow better. The quick pace of the these lines indicate excitement on Faustus’ part. If this is the case, it is understandable how h .....
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