Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... he had a notion it would somehow be of help to Mr. Kurtz. The lie was
to allow the brick maker to think he had more influence in the company
than he actually had. This lie would help Kurtz in two ways. Firstly
it would help Marlow to get the rivets he needed to fix the boat, and
that would provide Kurtz with a means of communication, or a way out
of the jungle. Secondly it would provide Kurtz with an ally who was
perceived as influential. Marlow knew that others were jealous of the
success of Mr. Kurtz. Some saw him as the next "Director of the
Company," and so .....
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The Odyssey
Number of words: 542 - Number of pages: 2.... bonds formed in life that show great love and guidance. One of the most emphasized in is the father - son relationship. These relationships clearly support the issue of love in .
The father - son relationship between Odysseus and Telemachos is a little awkward because they both never really got to know each other but they still care for each other's well being. When Odysseus hears of all the suitors devouring Telemachos's future fortune and mistreating him, he wants to return and revenge the misuse of his family and property. Odysseus, like any parent, also misses his only child while he i .....
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Gullivers Travels
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... the Lilliputians was the basis of choosing their government officials. The government was ran with people that could go under or jump over a stick. The entire notion of classes and ranks seemed to be stupid to Swift.
The island of Brobdingnag portrayed Swift’s idea of a perfect society. Everyone was equal, and everyone got an equal share. There were no taxes and everyone got a say in how to deal with problems that arose.
When Gulliver explained English society to the queen of Brobdingnag, she no longer regarded the little man with wonder. She proclaimed that the crimes of his s .....
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American Gulag The Death Of Bu
Number of words: 987 - Number of pages: 4.... dove to the floor. The man with the gun tried in vain to calm the panic stricken crowd by waving his free hand around in placating manner and repeatedly saying, "No." After only a few seconds the room quieted and the man said, "Please leave the room if this will offend you." He then said, "Please stay back, this will hurt someone.", and without any further hesitation he placed the gun into his mouth and pulled the trigger. There was a hollow "pop", no louder than a Fourth of July firecracker as the mans body slumped to the floor. At first, the only signs that he had been shot were the l .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Vendetta In Verona
Number of words: 633 - Number of pages: 3.... parents aside, however, Romeo and Juliet fall in love as soon as they meet, and decide to risk being wed in secret. The reason for the secret marriage is because both Romeo and Juliet know their parents would be angered by their marriage. The only people to know about Romeo and Juliet's secret marriage other than themselves is the Friar and the nurse.
Due to the secret marriage, Romeo and Juliet tragically die. Had Romeo and Juliet announced their wedding, they could still be alive. Juliet would not have had to fake her death to get out of the arranged marriage with Paris if she had .....
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Oscar Romero
Number of words: 567 - Number of pages: 3.... Grande, was murdered. Romero had known him. Now he observed that there was no official inquiry. He recognized that power lay in the hands of violent men, and that they murdered with impunity. The wealthy sanctioned the violence that maintained them. Death squads committed murder in the cities while soldiers killed as they wished in the countryside.
When a new government, which represented many powerful interests was elected it was seen to be by fraud. There was talk of revolution. More and more Romero committed himself to the poor and the persecuted, and he became the instigator for moral .....
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The Politics Of Education Reform
Number of words: 1553 - Number of pages: 6.... certain occupations; students will gain exposer to other groups; students will gain self confidence. Students will gain and so will the community. Nevertheless, the "community involvement activities" requirement does present questions that the Ministry of Education has yet to address.
The first question: Why did the Ministry feel that making community involvement mandatory was necessary? One possible answer is economics. With budget cuts to the health system and education system, having students volunteer in these institutions will alleviate some of the cutbacks.
Students who volunt .....
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Hemingway's Soldier's Home: Hemingway's Personal Experiences
Number of words: 892 - Number of pages: 4.... returning home seemed very boring compared to his experiences during the war. While he was away he experienced life in a different country and had romantic encounters with older women. Coming home seemed boring to him because he was returning to the same old town that he had grown up in. There was nothing exciting going on, he had just returned from the war and ordinary life seemed unexciting to him.
Shortly after his coming home, Hemingway’s parents began to express some concern about their son’s future. They urged him to get a job or go to college. However neither one of these thin .....
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William Shakespeare 2
Number of words: 823 - Number of pages: 3.... of ambitions ladder (II, i, 24). Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar's death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome…"(III, i, 185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their--the members of the conspiracy--hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus loves Caesar but cares for the life of Rome and its people more. This is the only reason Brutus would conspire against Caesar. For Brutus .....
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The Wife Of Martin Guerre
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2.... Whether he planned to return in 8 days like he said or not is irrelevant, he still abandoned everything, and that is inexcusable. His left his wife Bertrande, causing her great pain and endless wondering whether he still was alive. In a quote from the narrator, “He had deserted her in the full beauty of her youth, in the height of her great passion, he had shamed her and wounded her…” (34).
Martin also deserted his young son, Sanxi. The child barely knew him when he left, and then grew to love and respect another man whom he thought to be his father, Arnaud du Tilh. To .....
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