The Great Gatsby - Jay Gatsby
Number of words: 307 - Number of pages: 2.... his dream. Jay has wanted to rekindle his relationship with Daisy so he moved close to her and did what ever he had to just to be alone with her. Gatsby spent a good portion of his life pursuing what he considered the ideal life, which consisted of Daisy, money, and happiness.
Jay Gatsby was one of the best all around people in the novel. Even though he was a bootlegger and all his money was illegally made he still had more personality and class than any other socialite did in the book. Gatsby wanted people happy, and if they were happy he was happy. .....
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Theme In A Pair Of Tickets
Number of words: 251 - Number of pages: 1.... left behind long ago, but she died of an aneurysm before the opportunity arose. Through chance, a friend of Jing-mei’s mother, still in China, spied the twins while shopping. The mother was already deceased, so with encouragement from her aunts, Jing-mei made the journey to China with her father to meet her long lost family. Ms. Tan’s story conveys the importance of finding one’s roots, Jing-mei’s Chinese heritage and family fifty years separated. In the beginning of the story, Jing-mei relates that she “vigorously denied that I had any Chinese whatsoever .....
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City Of Ladies
Number of words: 1126 - Number of pages: 5.... issue of "changing the structures of her society," her ability to identify misogyny during a time when it was a normal aspect of women’s lives, reveals the insight of the young woman. The beginning scene of The Book of the describes Christine looking at a book by Matheolus "When I held it open and saw from its title that it was by Matheolus, I smiled, for though I had never seen it before, I had often heard that like other books it discussed respect for women" (3). Christine’s belief in intellectual equality is found in the theme of this story with a young lady rea .....
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... language that is shown in this section of the story clearly demonstrates the difference between what is acceptable, and what is racist. O’Connor clearly provides us that she never has the intent to be racist herself, but rather her characters, possibly an influence in her life, are to blame. The grandmother shows her politeness to June, but also shows her rudeness by describing the dark colored boy with such racist terms, providing the reader with a sense of the "holy madness" that resides within her.
The story contains eleven characters, of which only one illust .....
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Prejudice Of A Bigot
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3.... and well-mannered clothing the first two weeks of class.
They know the very real danger that other students might dismiss them as
second class citizens if they just wore comfortable clothing such as jeans
and a T-shirt.
Everyone knows the problem with prejudgment because everyone has
been a receiver of such. One such occurrence may be if a couple would be
repainting their house when they realized they had an appointment with a
loan officer at their bank. They arrived with just minutes to spare only by
not changing clothes but by going as they were, paint-splattered and in
work clot .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Mercutio
Number of words: 1414 - Number of pages: 6.... no faith in dreams. But Romeo is insistent; dreamers lie "in bed asleep, they do dream things true" (I, iv, 52).
This suddenly launches Mercutio into a speech that alters the entire pace of the scene. Up to now, the conversation has been typical of a group of people walking through the streets-short phrases, a generally relaxed mood. With Mercutio's words, "O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you!" he plunges into a forty-two line speech which is actually composed of only two sentences, giving him barely enough breath to pause between phrases. The gist of the speech concerns Mab, who .....
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Getting A College Education
Number of words: 448 - Number of pages: 2.... my family getting there.
My goal is to go on to medical school and to become a psychiatrist. I have always wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. I enjoy working with people, and I would love to heal the world one person at a time. Mental illness is such a problem in our country that I feel there should be more people to work with the mind. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and neurologists are people who are shied away from. The reason is that many people are in denial that they have a problem. That is the reason I want to be a psychiatrist. I could help heal people from .....
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Hamlet - Act 3 Summary
Number of words: 323 - Number of pages: 2.... me. But I shall not, I shall do as my fathers spirit has told me and leave her for her conscience.
I went to Claudius' room, yet I could not bring myself to harm him-not yet. Later, when I went to my mother's room, I killed Polonius. It was not on purpose, I had thought that it might be Claudius hiding behind the curtain thing. Oh, how I hate my mother; for what she has done to me, to this country, and to herself! I have vowed that if I do get sent to London, that I shall also kill my companions, for they are evil as well. .....
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The Great Gatsby - The America
Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... she did not love Tom, she knew he would provide for her with both money and protection. That is why she did not live the American dream. The American dream is all about happiness. I believe that if you are happy with what has happened with you in life, then you have lived the American dream. Sure Daisy seems happy, but inside she went through 5 years of hell.
My second example is Gatsby. There could not be a better example of someone who has lived a life that is a total opposite to American dream. How did he become rich? He was a bootlegger. He got his money illegally. What did he concen .....
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King Arthur
Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2.... of Arthur as a splendid King who conquered the British Isles and
much of Europe Introduced by Geoffrey are Guenevere, Merlin, information
about Arthur's strange birth and death and the concept of chivalry. Due to
the tremendous popularity of Geoffrey's book, authors like Robert Wace and
Chretien de Troyes continued on with the development of King Arthur and his
life, adding yet more detail and depth to the story. Robert Wace
concentrated on the Arthurian aspect of the story while Chretien
concentrated on the romantic aspect of Arthur's life. Some of the new
elements added include d the Ro .....
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