The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kr
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... dismiss us as unimportant. This is even more true for an ambitious young man like Duddy. He springs from humble beginnings, but clearly, he is very eager to become a successful and powerful man. "...his bony cheeks were criss-crossed with scratches as he shaved twice daily in his attempt to encourage a beard." This clearly indicates to the readers that Duddy wants and tries to be someone that he is not. He wants himself and others to think that he is of great significance. The fact that his friends, family and others reject him make his self-projected image even more preponderant. He must con .....
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Number of words: 1689 - Number of pages: 7.... the elements of greed, deception, and insecurity to change from a Gothic Romance novel into a successful mystery.
"The basic structure of is that of the modern Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). The characters and the setting are similar to other books of the time. The narrator who goes un-named, is the "typical heroine of a Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). Her character is not very developed but the reader is able to relate to and sympathize with her. also has the perfect setting for a Gothic Romance. Manderley is the isolated, beautiful, and mysterious place that is what really makes .....
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The Saga Of Elian Gonzalez
Number of words: 2481 - Number of pages: 10.... paid the price of venturing each year(64).
Caught up in freedom fever was Elisabet Gonzalez, who had been dating
small-time Cuban hustler, Lazero Munero, since 1997. During the summer of 1998,
Munero and three friends made the trip to America on a tiny boat. That fall he went back
to Cuba because he was heartsick from his family and Elisabet. A few months after his
jail release for escaping, he began persuading Elisabet to join him on a second getaway.
He also began to advertise the trip to others in their town at one thousand dollars ahead,
then he began patching up an old boat and envi .....
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Sonnet 12
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4.... night"(L2). Again, we need to place emphasis on Shakespeare's choice of wording. Shakespeare uses the word sunk in order to illustrate how the dark night engulfs the day. What Shakespeare is doing is using the words "hideous night" and "sunk" to form a catalogue of images pertaining to decay and passing time. The brave day sinks deeper and deeper as time on the clock marches on. Time is destruction. "When I behold violet past prime"(L.3), Shakespeare is again adding to his catalogue. The idea Shakespeare tries to convey is that death takes everythin .....
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Dorm Vs. Home
Number of words: 399 - Number of pages: 2.... in a dorm. For example, in a dorm parents no longer provide necessities such as food, shampoo, toothpaste, and all. That person now has to come up with the money to provide these things for themselves. However, this can teach a person good money management skills.
There comes a point in everyone's life when they must take control, and college is usually that time. Several people choose to live in dorms to have more control. By doing this they no longer have to abide by their parents' rules. They are now in control to say and do what they want. Living in a dorm also develops responsibility .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 573 - Number of pages: 3.... Control of reproduction, genetic engineering, conditioning--especially with repetitive messages during sleep--and a perfect pleasure drug called "Soma" are the cornerstones of the new society. Religion, thinking and loneliness have been abolished. Reproduction has been removed from the womb and placed on the con-veyor belt, where reproductive workers tinker with the embryos to produce various grades of human beings, ranging from the super-intelligent Alpha Pluses down to the dwarfed semi-moron Epsilons.
Each class is conditioned to love its type of work and its place in society; for .....
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Self-reliance By Emerson
Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5.... in the worth of the individual. The individual, in transcendental philosophy, has the power to accomplish anything and everything. Social organization and friendship offer a small satisfaction of companionship and structure in life, but one will ultimately succeed based upon his own skills and conviction. In doing so, he will lose interest in the society and concentrate on more individual dependency as he strives to gain ultimate truth in life. “What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think.” Once one considers less the social ramifications of his actions .....
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The Crucible: Issues
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5.... God was these peoples life. Beyond that was the endless void of the world that they hadnt experienced. Personally I feel that many of the people in this play had an inner sense of shame and guilt among them but nobody could express it because of the fear of being persecuted. To me that is not a religion. That is a trap. Or a “catch 22” if you might. These people were so caught up in God that they forgot the morals and values of life and got caught up in making God happy. When they were really just committing their own sins.
Also in this play you can feel a strong relation to the maturity .....
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The Sun Also Rises 4
Number of words: 1614 - Number of pages: 6.... void is described by critic Mark Spilka when he says, "As Barnes now sees, love itself is dead..." (Spilka,137). The painful discovery, that something believed in by so many is gone, causes Jake to question what is left to believe in. This leaves him with a cold sense of uneasiness, so instead of living with that harsh reality he drowns it away with alcohol. Jake's friend Bill discusses Jake's state of mind with him to a point, then instead of helping him work through his pain, by perhaps discussing it further, he tells him to have a drink. Hemingway writes:
Bill. What's the matter? Fee .....
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A Voice Of The Future
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... the students who
are trying to make a difference printed in the newspaper compared to the
number of times you see our names in the “arrest made” section?
It’s bad when children aren’t fortunate enough to be praised for
their actions in their own home but they can’t even get it at school
anymore. I was recently in a pageant and one of the questions asked was, “
How will your generation be remembered?” According to society we are
trouble makers. We are categorized as once again, Alcoholics, druggy’s, and
a threat as far as pregnancies are concerned. I would like to say .....
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