Animal Farm 7
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... Russian working class. Laborious individuals and those who possess great physical strength are
often said to be “as strong as a horse.” Boxer is both hardworking and extremely powerful. He was able to do as much work as all the other animals combined. He was also dedicated to his tasks. His motto, “I will work harder,” gave the rest of the farm inspiration to carry on. He worked himself to death for the well-being of others. Horses are known for their loyalty and determination. Boxer is a fine representative of the common hardworking citizen.
The other ster .....
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John Donnes Holy Sonnets
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... thy work decay?” In other words, “You’re making your own creation look bad if you don’t help me to become holy again.” This starts out the sonnet with a bitter tone, a favorable way for Donne to begin. But in the end, the speaker is pleading God to give him wings, ending the sonnet with a sense of desperation. The worried tone of the last few lines is a rather common one in the Holy Sonnets. It exhibits the recurring theme of fear and need for acceptance.
The speaker in sonnet 5 starts off by using the metaphor that he is a world. He is made craftily and ̶ .....
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A Critical Analysis Of Tension's In Memorial A. H. H.
Number of words: 1630 - Number of pages: 6.... was painfully aware of the implications of such a
universe, and he struggled with his own doubts about the existence of God. We
glimpse much of his struggles in the poem In Memorial A. H. H., written in
memory of his deceased friend, Arthur Hallam. The poem seemed to be cathartic
for Tennyson, for through its writing he not only found an outlet for his grief
over Hallam's death, but also managed to regain the faith which seemed at times
to have abandoned him. Tennyson regained and firmly reestablished his faith
through the formation of the idea that God is reconciled with the mechanistic .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 996 - Number of pages: 4.... town. Even thought Crooks does not show it, he enjoys Lennie’s company, and it seems that he and Lennie form a small friendship that would had developed more has the book been longer. Another soul not included with the ranch clique, Curley’s wife, whose name is not mentioned in the book, is new to the ranch as well. She married Curley just weeks before Lennie and George arrived. The ranch hands do not accept this lonely soul into their social group because she is new. However, the ranch hands also do not accept Curley’s wife because she obviously is so lonely that the only way sh .....
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The Great Gatsby And The Hollo
Number of words: 1158 - Number of pages: 5.... society.
The first similarity between the two pieces of work is the hollowness in mankind referred to by the poem. In the novel there are two main characters that depict such hollowness. The antagonistic character of Tom Buchanan represents the ruthless and careless American whose dream is to use women and acquire money. In addition he has no respect towards others which creates pain for people around him. An example of this is when Myrtle repeatedly uttered his wife’s name which was Daisy. Tom took this as an insult and viciously punched her in the nose. He never took into consid .....
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The Odyssey
Number of words: 777 - Number of pages: 3.... on it during the day, but secretly at night she would unravel everything she did during the day. Her plan worked, until the Akhaians caught her and forced her to finish it. She was extremely crushed, and disappointed. The Akhaians told Telemakhos that,
"He has to dismiss her mother from the house, or make her marry the man her father names and she prefers."
The Akhaians tell her that they'll never go anywhere else, until she takes and Akhaian to liking. Several incidents like this occurred throughout the book, and every time, Penelope refused. She believes very strongly that her Lord Od .....
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A Voice From The South
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... their responsibilities to society are distinctive.
In the second half of her book, Cooper addresses America’s race problem. She argues that, yes, there is a problem concerning race in America and the only way that it will eventually be solved is by the power and grace of God. Until He intervenes, Americans must stand ready and be prepared to go to battle with racism. She argues that racism is un-Christian in practice although it may be justified by certain ideologies. The only measure of Christianity however, is the activities people engage in, not their prayers, hymns, or Sunday servic .....
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Love 2
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... for his wife and children. Dmitri did not love his spouse and therefore did not appreciate nor respect her. This was demonstrated through his unfaithfulness. His wife both carried and raised their children and therefore did not deserve the treatment she received. The narrator records Dmitri’s feelings for her, “He secretly considered her unintelligent, narrow, inelegant, was afraid of her, and did not like to be at home” (175). This same disregard for a spouse with whom you are lacking truly love is also present in the marriage of Anna. She does not love her husband and subs .....
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Battle Royal - Symbolism
Number of words: 832 - Number of pages: 4.... are ushered into a room where a nude woman is dancing. The white men yell at the boys for looking and not looking at the woman. It is as if they are showing them all of the good things being white can bring, and then saying that they aren’t good enough for it since they were black. Next the boys must compete in the battle royal. Blindly the boys savagely beat one another. This is symbolic of the African Americans’ fight for equality. It represents the struggle they endured, to be accepted as equals with our society’s white population, upon the abolition of slavery. Blindly, our .....
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Comparing Two Poems
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... emotions from the readers. The poem about whales evokes sad and compassionate feelings from the readers.
Great whale, crying for your life
Crying for your kind
The poem Package for the Distant Future produces images of desperation new generations and the history and evolution of old civilisation being held on a scrap of paper.
We had a lot of things we did not like
And could have lived without
Do not invent gods
I hope the earth is nearly clean again.
This image could be seen to be rather disturbing, so to can the pictures produced by The Song of the Whale .....
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