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Term Papers on English

A Jury Of Her Peers 2
Number of words: 769 - Number of pages: 3

.... women. It shows us that anything a man does is always right even though it might be wrong, where else a thing that can be considered right, done by a women is shown to be wrong. This fact can be supported by the character of John Wright who is an abusive husband. Even though he treats his wife improperly, his actions are not condemned; where as Minnie’s character, who killing her husband just to stand up for herself is shows to be wrong. In this story men are given a bad role just to make a reader aware of that fact that how women were ones treated in our society. Women in this s .....

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Huckleberry Finn Contraversy
Number of words: 315 - Number of pages: 2

.... the publication. In this day and age, High schoolers should be able to handle the material offered in Twain's timeless edition. Many commentators protest that Huck Finn is pointless and without purpose. This accusation is unsuitable, due to the accuracy of the dialects, as well as the historical ideas and morals of society that can just as well be found in an American history book. Mark Twain stated in the introduction of the book that readers should not even try "to find a motive…or a moral." This proclamation of the author is ironic because there is a strong message to be found .....

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Comparision Of Jack London
Number of words: 793 - Number of pages: 3

.... man in Arthur Gordon's story learned a lesson; "He knew one thing. He knew he would do no more casting alone at night"... "No, not he."(13) Moreover, In Jack London's story, the plot mostly took place on land and in the day time. On the contrary, in Arthur Gordon's story, the plot mostly took place in water and at night. Also, in "To Build a Fire," the main character had a knife for a weapon; "With his helpless hands he could neither draw nor hold his sheath knife."(363) In contrast to this, in "The Sea Devil," the main character did not have a weapon of any sort. All these differences sho .....

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The Eyes Of Dr. T.j. Eckleburg
Number of words: 427 - Number of pages: 2

.... described as a very dismal place, lacking hope, dark and brooding, when Fitzgerald calls it “gray land” that “drifts endlessly.” Then, all of a sudden, the bright eyes of Dr. Eckleburg appear on the horizon. The blueness and the size of the eyes give the reader a sense of the sky, and heavens with God in them. The lack of a full face also gives you idea of Godliness because in society we are never really given a good description of what God looks like. Also, the color yellow in the glasses of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg gives the idea of sun, which brings us back to the i .....

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Literary Essay - Dead Poets So
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3

.... they have been told, they are successful in life. The new English teacher, Mr. Keating, challenges his students to think for themselves and to resist conformity. He most memorably illustrates how easily conformity affects people during his lesson involving a stroll in the courtyard. He instructs three of his pupils to walk around the courtyard. The three boys march in unison, and the remainder of the pupils begin to clap in time with the marching. He asks why the boys are clapping, and they do not know. Perhaps they were clapping because everyone else was clapping, or perhaps they were just h .....

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Crucible: "We Are Our Own Worst Enemies"
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3

.... him. John Proctor was heading toward despair at the opening scene of the play, as the readers later found out that he had committed adultery with Abigail. But he did not honestly tell his wife, Elizabeth, the truth until the midst of the play. This later had influence to the turning point of the play as Elizabeth confront to Danforth that Proctor did not commit any sins, when in fact she is just trying to protect him. What she doesn't realize is that John had already confessed his sins to Danforth, therefore, Elizabeth's testimony imply that John was a liar. As a consequence, John was convic .....

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The Outsider And The Secret Li
Number of words: 1400 - Number of pages: 6

.... is revealed that the characters have many things in common. Meursault and Mitty were trying to escape the realties of their lives; yet, they came face to face with them because of the decisions they made throughout their lives, which led them to their ultimate destruction. Both characters wanted to shy away from society. They disassociated themselves from everybody and interacted with others only when they needed something. Meursault was a peculiar man who kept to himself. He never sought people, they always came to him. They were there for his pleasure and amusement, only if it was suitabl .....

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Oedipus And Antigone
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3

.... subordinate everything else, my son, to your father’s will.” Creon is used to having people do everything he wants them to do. The second example is the relationship between Antigone and her dead brother Polyneices. She is incredibly loyal to him and is willing to risk her life in order to preserve his honor as a warrior and bury her against Creons order. It is evident in her statement of, “But I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall die down with him in death, and I shall be as dear to him as he to me.” She will do whatever it takes, even if .....

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A Summary Of West Side Story
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2

.... brother was slain, but little did they know the jealous Chino had caught on to the lovers. In order to escape the justice of the law Tony had to make his escape but first found aid among his friends. A message was sent through Anita, girlfriend to Bernardo, for Maria was detained by the police at the time for questioning. Anita angry at how cruel and stubborn the Jets could be gave a message that was totally unorthodox to the one originally said. The message was of Chino who had killed of Maria after finding out the truth of the two, hearing this Tony had completely lost his will to live .....

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Traditions In "A Moment Before The Gun Went Off" And "The Lottery"
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3

.... name of Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson is a devoted mother and housewife. She is the one who eventually gets singled out to win the lottery. So it is Mrs. Hutchinson who is impacted the most brutally by the lottery. However the other people of the village are affected differently by the lottery. It is very unlikely that the people of the village kill people for the sake of killing people. More likely there is a deeper reason. One possibility is that the people of this village of this village are looking for a scapegoat. A person to take the blame for mistakes and sins of others, so one pe .....

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