Number of words: 356 - Number of pages: 2.... Geese made their presence known. Their honking voices made my spine shiver with the reality of the dreary season upon me. From afar I heard the faint whisper of car engines driving slowly on the slippery roads. The silence of the fields immediately surrounding me was broken with the roaring of snowmobiles making trails and children’s laughter as their sleds neared where I was standing. The laughter ceased as the sleds came to a halt visible through the barren trees ahead of me. The kids picked themselves up and trudged up the hill, their feet crunching below them disturbing the clean .....
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The Little Prince
Number of words: 1123 - Number of pages: 5.... consequence; indeed, it is a matter of survival. Men must learn to love one another or expire. Love is what gives life meaning. ’s love for his rose is so important to him that his love gives the author’s life purpose and direction.
The fox teaches how to love. It is the time that one “wastes” on someone or something that makes it important. It is the fox that tells us how love overcomes existentialism: “One only knows the things that one tames… Men buy things already made in the stores. But as there are no stores where friends can be bought, men no l .....
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Beloved, Unity In Community
Number of words: 1249 - Number of pages: 5.... were finally together, she no longer felt the support (137). As if the weakness Baby was suffering from their disapproval was not enough, the family was hit with another blow, when Sethe was imprisoned. As Sethe is being taken away by the sheriff, the community who was already looking unfavorably upon the family's pride, asked the questions: "Was her head a bit too high? Her back a little too straight?" (152). These questions foreshadowed how, as long as 124 continued to be prideful, the community would keep their support withdrawn from the family that lived within. As a resul .....
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The Crucible And Mccarthyism
Number of words: 970 - Number of pages: 4.... will save his physical life, but at the same time it will ruin his reputation. He said "Why must it be written?… Why must I say it?" (Miller 138, 140). Proctor knows that his confession will be posted onto the church wall for all to see. This is why he ends up tearing the confessions. If it were seen by anyone in the community John Proctor's reputation would be tarnished to the point where he could no longer show his face in Salem. He therefore chooses death over humiliation. A parallelism of this can be seen in the era of McCarthyism. If one was accused by Senator Joseph Mc .....
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War Engenders Many Journeys In
Number of words: 484 - Number of pages: 2.... and ignorance because it finished Finny’s athletic career and later causes Finny to die. Another decision in the novel came when Finny forgave Gene. Even though Gene ruined Finny’s life, Finny made the hard choice to forgive and forget what Gene had done.
The human mind is a cave swarming with a multifarious amount of emotions, from love to misery. Of all the emotions, misery becomes the greatest battle we wage in our war. We are most vulnerable to misery and depression. In one point in time we will come up against misery. Learning to cope with misery becomes one of the h .....
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Sense And Sensibility Book Report
Number of words: 1715 - Number of pages: 7.... her thoughts to herself. Maybe it is because she thinks she will not end up hurting so bad as Marianne did.
Marianne, on the other hand, represents sensibility. She follows her heart. She does not let anything come in the way of showing her emotions. When she first met Colonel Brandon, it is obvious that he was in love with her at first sight. Marianne, shows very clear that she was not interested in such an old man like him. However, when Marianne meets Willoghby, it was like a hero rescuing his princess. They fall in love with each other. Marianne does not hide her emotions about Will .....
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Anderson I Want To Know Why
Number of words: 804 - Number of pages: 3.... barn in the winter where horses are and where men like to come and talk horses, wish I was a nigger. It's a foolish thing to say, but that's the way I am about being round horses, just crazy, I can't help it". Young people are ambitious, regardless of color and the similarities in taste demonstrates the similarity of persons of all races.
Disappointed dreams and fantasies play an important role in the theme of shared love. As the young narrator so painfully writes "when I was ten years old and couldn't be a rider I was so sorry I nearly died". The black boys in contrast cannot dream of ridin .....
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Self-Reliance: Philosophies Of Transcendentalism And Individualism
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... is genius.” (Emerson 222), and not from believing what another man thinks. He felt that these men were geniuses in their own time, “the heights merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men, but what they thought.” (Emerson 222), for looking to themselves for their own truth and happiness. We should have self-trust, that when we get an idea, we should listen to ourselves, yet we dismiss our thoughts to often, “ A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashed across his mind from withou .....
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The Plague 2
Number of words: 1068 - Number of pages: 4.... when talking with Rambert. Rambert wants to leave the town. Rieux, being the professional, denies him a pass. However, the humanistic personality allows him to feel sorry for Rambert. He understood his predicament and wanted Rambert to keep him informed of his progress. Rambert takes offense to this without knowing that Rieux was in the same, if not worse, situation. During a conversation with Panteloux, Rieux states, “Salvation’s a much too big word for me. I don’t aim so high. I am concerned with man’s health; and for me his health comes first.” .....
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Was Macbeth A Traitor
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... a man; and to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man” (Lady Macbeth, Act I, scene vii). She appealed to Macbeth’s “vaulting ambition” so as to intensify the effect that the Witches’ prophecies had on him, “Great Glamis! Worthy Cawdor! Greater than both, by the all-hail hereafter” (Lady Macbeth, Act I, scene v). She convinced Macbeth that the rewards of the murder would far outweigh the drawbacks and clear their conscience, “A little water clears us of this deed” (Lady Macbeth, Act I, scene ii). Although Macbeth dea .....
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