Jane Eyre
Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... had tried to rationalize with Mr. Brocklehurst and tell him that her hair is natural he replies and says,
Naturally! Yes, but we are not to conform to nature: I wish these girls to be the children of Grace: and why that abundance? I have again and again intimated that I desire the hair to be arranged closely, modestly, plainly. Miss Temple, that girl’s hair must be cut off entirely; I will send a barber to-morrow: and I see others who have far too much of the excrescence- that tall girl, tell her to turn round. Tell all the first form to rise up and direct their faces to the wall. (pg. .....
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Life Death And Continuous Chan
Number of words: 1400 - Number of pages: 6.... all of these “dancing insights” mention death. In addition to death running hand and hand with life is the concept of continuous change. Wolverton mentions change and human’s inability to accept it.
I believe that living beings are weary of change because like death it requires entrance into a land of uncertainty. The poem “We Resist Evolution” approaches this ideology of change. Wolverton opens the poem by stating that every living thing resists evolution. She writes about the cell that refuses to split, “the shapeless blind-eyed swimmers who did not long to crawl or breathe .....
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Free Music: Why Not?
Number of words: 2659 - Number of pages: 10.... music in order for them to decide what to purchase in the real world.
First I’d like to look at the legality of downloading copyrighted music. Obviously it is not legal as the courts have shut down Napster for this very reason. Congressman Steve Rothman of New Jersey believes there is no middle ground in the issue saying that “it is pure and simple theft…” (Costs 31). “If you take something from someone who wishes you not to, you’ve stolen it” (Clay). That’s easy enough, but should the music industry support free music on the internet instead of prohibiting it among its a .....
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Why Has Mary Turner Been Murdered?
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... in his power. He felt nice at this position equal or even superior to a white, he might have been proud because he had been teached by missionaries that white normally higher than blacks and now he is in the higher position. He had been in charge of a white person, what an exceptional position! Then from one day to the other he lost his job what had been his task day by day. This for him satisfying position, although Mary had been dependant on him, he had now lost. Later, when he is has left she realises how much she needs him for example the next morning her tea is not there et cetera.). .....
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The Tempest - Duality Between
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... fact an animal. He is not inherently evil or malicious, but relies on his own instincts and skills that he has learned to adapt to his surrounding and survive. What is vital to survival in society is not necessarily important in nature; and vice versa.
In nature only the most basic aspects of survival are required. Nature is all about survival, at any cost. Society is not. Civilization was developed out of convenience with the mental and physical skills of man. It has been from the very beginning, about making life easier. Basic ideals that are present in almost every society in the world a .....
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The Lost World Thesis
Number of words: 1328 - Number of pages: 5.... have spotted but have been unable to identify. They come to a stream bed, where they are attacked by a group of unidentifiable animals. They capture and kill Diego, and Levine is nearly killed.
Malcom and his team of field researchers finally make it to the island - and Arby and Kelley stow away in one of the many high-tech trailers that they had taken on their expedition. After the first day or so goes smoothly, chaos breaks out. When three men, Dodgson, King, and Basselton decide to go to the island, thinking that no one has been there. They plan on stealing the dinosaur eggs and .....
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Frankenstein 3
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... he had done. The “monster” curses Frakenstein assuring revenge on his wedding night. Later another of his friends turns up dead. Victor still made plans to marry Elizabeth with whom he was raised. On their wedding night she is strangled by the monster. He follows the monster pledging to destroy it. The story leads to where he is taken aboard the ship. Soon after the story Victor dies. The monster s discovered on board and announces his plans to kill himself.
3. How would you describe the author’s style? Examine the way the author writes, considering word choice, .....
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The Romanticism Movement
Number of words: 219 - Number of pages: 1.... and
rebellion against established social rules and conventions.
Romantic writers usually involve one or more of 7 different ideas
associated with Romanticism in their writings. These ideas are: a profound
love of nature; focus on the self and the individual; stress on emotion and
not reason; fascination with the supernatural, mysterious and gothic;
yearning for the picturesque, the exotic, and the misty past; deep-rooted
idealism; passionate nationalism, or love of country. The stories and poems
of Poe, Irving, Cooper, and Bryant involve these characteristics.
In "The Fall .....
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Great Expectations - Compositi
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... you're welcome to it-so far as it was ever mine!"(Pg. 573) Joe helps Pip with anything, he is always with Pip when needed. Joe is one of the characters in this story, that Pip will always recollect.
Estella is lady who is ashamed of her background and the life that she is living. She has been instructed, by Miss Havisham, to hurt all of the male race. Estella says that her heart is cold. She is infatuated by beauty, and is loyal for a time to Miss Havisham. When she wants something, she usually gets it. She uses Pip, to get other men. She also, uses other men. Here is an example of what .....
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Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... underneath a frangipani tree. Her hair fell down her back in a wave of sunlight ; and her long bare legs repeated the angles of the frangipani stems, bare, shinning brown stems among patterns of pale blossoms." We follow the movement of his eyes that see her as a shinning light that illuminates his life to which he is addicted. Moreover, Lessing's detailed description gives us a clear picture of every event such as the grandfather's obsession to get Lisa's attention : "Obstinately, he made his way to the house, with quick, pathetic, persistent glances of appeal back at her. But she ne .....
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