The Development Of Desire
Number of words: 3616 - Number of pages: 14.... “It never fails. He is welcome
everywhere: hail to the captain when he goes ashore!” (Homer 166). The irony
falls as Odysseus only desires his homeland. ”Begin when all the rest who left
behind them headlong death in battle or at sea had long ago returned, while he[
Odysseus] alone still hungered for home and wife” (Homer 1).
Odysseus has many opportunities to end his journeys and start a new life.
For instance, if he desired, Odysseus was able to stay with Kalypso who wanted
him forever, “Her ladyship Kalypso clung to him in her sea-hollowed caves- a
nymph, immortal and most bea .....
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Jane Eyre - Setting
Number of words: 1875 - Number of pages: 7.... Jane travels through each place, starting at age ten in Gateshead Hall till she was nineteen in Ferndean, she matures as a result of the experiences that she has, which in turn allows her to become a strong woman.
In the beginning of the novel, Jane, age ten, lives in Gateshead Hall, a house owned by her uncle. She lived with her Aunt Reed and her three children. Jane was treated as an outcast there because of her lower class background and the fact that her uncle loved her the most over his wife and children. This caused jealousy in the home. "I was a discord at Gateshead Hall; I .....
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Achilles As Hero
Number of words: 480 - Number of pages: 2.... begins to become completely enraged, Athena was sent down by Hera to calm the raging Achilles and urge him not to fight Agamemnon. Not able to act against the will of the gods, Achilles sheathed his sword and only verbally badgered Agamemnon. After the verbal abuse continued for a while, Agamemnon finally got fed up and ordered Briseis to be taken from Achilles. Achilles lets the two messengers take Briseis away; although he mourns every step she takes away from him, he reluctantly lets her go. Before Briseis was taken away, Achilles states that
“But let them both bear witness .....
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Theme Of Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... may be rescued. The idea of the fire enhances the capability of Ralph’s leadership skills and reasoning. This also ensures Ralph the confidence to be more then willing to face greater and more impossible challenges in the near future. Through Ralph’s Leadership, hope was not a dream and it brought reality towards rescue.
Trust destroyed peace within the society Ralph had built in the novel, Lord of the Flies. Trust is the bases of leadership, without trust there is no team to survive. When Ralph trusted the littleuns to work without his guidance, he put faith in them that .....
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Robert Gray
Number of words: 1420 - Number of pages: 6.... in an area that is not known, people become more perceptive. Although the hitchhiker is a native of the area, the issue of change is raised as he himself, does not know the town any more, after the change. Gray uses the travels of this person, who has no identity except for that of a hitchhiker, to show how some people travel.
Though in North Coast Town, the travel is the main pillar of which the poem is supported. This is the crucial point of the poem, as this travel is shown in a new way, Gray is using his poetry to show a new side of everyday experiences. From the smallest journey, as t .....
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Descartes Vs. Pascal
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5.... and find
certainty, we must find something that we cannot doubt. This is impossible, as
we can logically doubt anything. A certain truth must be something that is not
logically possible to be false.
We must doubt, as that is the only way to find certain truth. It is the
only way to wipe the slate clean of all of the uncertain assumptions which are
believed and taught in the universities today. Just as mathematics will lead to
uncertain assumptions if it is not built on certain truths, so will all use of
reason lead to uncertain assumptions if it is not built on certain truths.
There is .....
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Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... the military men nearby. Hetty on the contrary was short, pale, and rather plain looking. Despite the judgements on their appearances, their personalities proved to be very contrasting and conflicting.
Preferences of lifestyle created much conflict and unspoken bitterness between the two girls. Hetty preferred to life a simple and moral life, while sharing her Christian faith with the Mingos, in hopes to convert them. Judith on the other hand wanted to go to bigger and better places, to new settlements being formed, vying away from simpleness and heading into booming towns. .....
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The Maltese Falcon
Number of words: 1125 - Number of pages: 5.... often let down, disappointed.This is due to the
casting of Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade. His hair
is brown, and his, round, soft face is the
farthest a face can come from having a satanic
v-motif. Although Humphrey Bogart’s acting was
very good, it was intruded by my perception of
what Sam Spade was supposed to look like.
Brigid O’Shaunessey is the villianess of this
story, the “femme fatale”
as we sometimes refer to her in class. She is
always lying and scheming to get what she wants.
In the book, her quest is aided very well by her
gorgeous looks. The first image we ge .....
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Life Of Ma Parker
Number of words: 1525 - Number of pages: 6.... to work in the house of the literary gentleman after she buried the previous day her loving grandson, Lennie, who was the only ray of light in her dreary life. According to Irigaray, "all the systems of exchange that organize patriarchal societies and all the modalities of productive work that are recognized, values, and rewarded in these societies are men’s business….[t]he work force is this always assumed to be masculine, and ‘products’ are objects to be used, objects of transaction among men alone" (171). Ma Parker has to play the role of an object circulated among masc .....
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How Does Coleridge In 'The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' And 'Kubla Khan' Show The Interrelatedness Between Mankind, Nature And The Poetic Experience?
Number of words: 808 - Number of pages: 3.... The mariner now must search for moral, spiritual and internal
rationality, and this goal is expressed in the poem as a type of blessing
or relief which he must earn. In 'Kubla Khan', Coleridge expresses man's
social instinct to conform and belong to a group. This also relates to the
creation of rituals and rules by the human-being and the obeying of the
cycle of life to death, again and again. The running theme of freedom and
release for man is emphasised in both poems, escaping from criticism, in
the case of KK, and from blame and regret, in RAM. They both explore the
tendency to .....
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