An Analysis Of Jonathan Swift
Number of words: 2349 - Number of pages: 9.... but what the English give them suffer mass oppression, the real issue Swift wishes to address.
Swift establishes a mutual understanding with the English from the beginning, an essential part of the careful construction in his essay. He cannot let on the essay will take a dramatic turn after the flip of the second page. Swift does this because he wants to give the impression that he shares the same views on the current condition of the kingdom. He wants the English aristocracy to identify with him and his views. When he states “ I think it is agreed by all parties…” in the second p .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... him and to ask her for help whenever he needed it. This incident did not have much to do with the symbolic theme of the story; it simply served to tell the reader how Marlow managed to be able to travel to the Congo. On a higher level, it was intended by Conrad to illustrate Marlow's opinion of women's inferior role in society, which embodied
traditional 19th century society.
The two other female characters are not mentioned until much later in the story, after Marlow has arrived at the Inner Station. When Marlow reaches this point in his tale, he jumps ahead and tells a little bit ab .....
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Middlemarchvpride And Prejudic
Number of words: 1998 - Number of pages: 8.... years". As with his work, causabon is disillusioned about his marriage. He had married Dorothea hoping for a quiet docile companion who could also function as his secretary. Instead, he finds a person who makes intellectual demands on him that he is unable to fulfil. His marriage can be added to his long list of failures of which he is aware but which he is unable to acknowledge fully. Similarly, in Pride and Prejudice we are immediately introduced to the idea that women are thought of as a possession or an aid to man, as opposed to a fellow human being. "It is a truth universally acknowle .....
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Two Short Stories Of Awareness
Number of words: 1592 - Number of pages: 6.... to knowledge and experience. The two narrators had different attitudes and reactions to the initiation experience.In Araby, the reader learns of the boy’s initiation in the final sentence: "Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; andmy eyes burned with anguish and anger."1 The character had a negative reaction to his new awareness. His realization caused him to have feelingsof shame, anguish and anger. He was possessed and controlled by his passion for Mangan’s older sister.His ideals of the girl were not realistic but were futile and v .....
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The Crucible 8
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2.... the Puritan minister, Jonathan Edwards, used the following imagery to characterize the depraved state of mankind: “The God that holds you over the pit of Hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect, over the fire abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked; his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire…” It was preaching like this which prompted John Proctor to stay away from church and explain his absence as follows: “ I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hel .....
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Novel Outline Of The Pearl
Number of words: 1813 - Number of pages: 7.... have to be introduced in the first chapter as in other long novels which take a whole chapter to introduce characters, the introductions only take about three to four pages. Also, in the first chapter, the background is set: a poverty stricken village on the shore of an island and a wealthier town in the mainland. The conflict, which starts the plot of the story, is also present here: a scorpion has stung Coyotito, Kino’s son, and Kino need to find a pearl to pay the doctor to help them. This leads to the discovery of the great pearl.
The story starts on a beach where a poor village lies .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 3391 - Number of pages: 13.... handsome, the romantic lead) and
exerts great influence on Carton.
A second, subtler triangle involves Lucie, her father, and Charles
Darnay. The two men share an ambiguous relationship. Because Lucie
loves Darnay, Dr. Manette must love him, too. Yet Darnay belongs to
the St. Evremonde family, cause of the doctor's long imprisonment,
and is thus subject to his undying curse. Apart from his ancestry,
Darnay poses the threat, by marrying Lucie, of replacing Dr. Manette
in her affections.
At the very end of the novel you'll find Lucie caught in a third
triangle--the struggle .....
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Writing Analysis
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... It deals with a subject which people do not usually seek information on but are nonetheless intrigued by. The style lessens the formality of the subject, which makes it less scary to deal with. The descriptive language is effectively used. The expression of the author’s feeling and thoughts encourages empathy from the reader with the author.
BASICS TRAINING – Deborah Hope, The Australian Magazine 1999
This article is written in a more detached style than the previous one. It is more formal, very factual, and has a rather clinical feel. It tells the story like a newspaper arti .....
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Do Androids Dream Of Electric
Number of words: 1046 - Number of pages: 4.... Occasionally these androids escape and attempt to blend in with human societies. Hence, bounty hunters such as Rick Deckard, are employed by the San Francisco police department. Rick and his wife Iran, are not satisfied with there lives and relationship. They have not achieved what they sought for in life, and it seems they both feel, at least partially, that the other is holding them back.
In the year 2021, the simple possession of a live animal is a large status symbol, not to mention a sanitary relief. Rick and Iran do own a sheep, yet, their sheep is electric. Another source o .....
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In The Zoo: Caesar And The Bear
Number of words: 1548 - Number of pages: 6.... to mold the reader's understanding of the human character they correspond to.
One of the strongest illustrated characters in this story is Mrs. Placer, or "Gran" for short. The first description we hear of Gran comes from an unidentified person who glorifies her as a woman of "Christian goodness" (p. 1452). In this first paragraph the reader learns that Gran has had tough times herself in the loss of her husband and by single-handedly running a boarding house. Gran seems to be a courteous woman by accepting the care for the orphaned narrator and her sister, but her character is not ye .....
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