The Yellow Wallpaper 4
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... have to creep in order to be accepted in society and she does not want to see all the other women who have to do the same because she realizes they are a reflection of herself. She expresses how women have to move without being seen in society. The window does not represent a gateway for her. She can not enter what she can see outside of the window, literally, because John will not let her, (there are bars holding her in), but also because that world will not belong to her, she will be oppressed like all other women. She will be controlled, and be forced to suffocate her self-expression. .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1713 - Number of pages: 7.... civilized ways, and there soon becomes a lack of order. Ralph and Piggy had the idea that a fire should be kept going at all times on the mountain on the island, so that they have a better chance of being rescued. They seem to be unable to accomplish this task, for many of the boys do not care about keeping the fire going and would rather go and play. They use Piggy's glasses to accomplish the task to lighting the fire, and the glasses become a very important symbol of power later in the book. Jack and his choir group, who are now known as "the hunters"
become increasingly obsessed wi .....
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Beauty And The Beast
Number of words: 2000 - Number of pages: 8.... to marry Belle but Belle doesn't wan anything to do with him.
One day Belle's father is on his way to sell one of his inventions and heads off into the woods while Belle takes care of the house. Before he leaves Belle asks him to bring her back a rose. There was a bad snowstorm that night and the father got lost in the snow. He sees a path that has a green glow to it. He is intrigued and goes down the path. At the end of the path he finds a huge mansion. With nowhere else to go he has no other choice but to try to get inside. He knocks on the door but no one answers butt the door s .....
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The Picture
Number of words: 4741 - Number of pages: 18.... innocent passive party to your feasts of imagination. Then, the
final straw is when the fantasy becomes reality. And as your Love and her
lover scale those endless heights, sadly, you, with tear-misted eyes are
left far below, alone, with that wilted imperfect image clutched in your
The one I love has always, well, I suppose the term is "humored" me. I
have nothing to offer her that would mean anything to her, except my love,
an exceeding cheap commodity to those receiving it; and inhumanly expensive
to those giving it. But she has been free with her gifts, too. She gave
me her .....
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Othello - Desdemona
Number of words: 2882 - Number of pages: 11.... characters Iago exploit include his own wife Emilia and Desdemona herself. Iago goes to a lot of trouble to conquer Othello. When Iago’s interaction with the other characters is understood then it can be perfectly recognised, acknowledged and understood how Iago causes Othello’s perceptions of Desdemona to change so drastically and quickly.
Roderigo is the first fall under Iago’s spell of manipulation. Roderigo is convinced that Iago is genuine and does everything Iago tells him to. Iago easily convinces Roderigo to tell Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, of Desdemona’s elopement with .....
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Grapes Of Wrath - Plot Questio
Number of words: 1282 - Number of pages: 5.... that they could do some good in this world for themselves.
2. Who are the members of the Joad family unit that set out for California? Briefly state what happens to each of them.
Ma, Pa, Ruth, Winfield, Uncle John, and Rose of Sharron all where in the barn. Rose of Sharron was breast feeding a old man, after her baby died. I think she was doing it for personal pleasures. I don't think that she was sincere about the feeling to prolong the mans life. She was always selfish, and I still think she was at the end. I don't blame Connie for leaving her. Al left with his fiancee named Aggie, to .....
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Honesty And Reputation In Othe
Number of words: 1436 - Number of pages: 6.... Cassio and Desdemona in such a cunning way. Iago used his reputation, and the insecurities of Othello being a Moor, to allow him to manipulate Othello. Othello had a reputation of being a military man, and a courageous leader. “Valiant Othello, We must straight employ you...” “Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor.” Othello has been a soldier since he was seven years of age, and has experience on the battle field. Othello was chosen when they went to fight the Turkish fleet. Because of his reputation, it wasn’t hard for other people to accept the relat .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 1136 - Number of pages: 5.... child and that she is tired of being treated as a child by her husband. These tears also showed her she did not like where she was, a sign of maturity. Her tears symbolize her first awakening.
Although the next morning, after Edna had cried the night before had to go and say good-bye to her husband because he was leaving on a business trip. Edna acted immaturely around him again when he gave her half the money he won the night before. ¡§¡¥It will buy a handsome wedding present for Sister Janet!¡¦ she exclaimed, smoothing out the bills as she counted them one by one,¡¨(15). Edna is s .....
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Jurassic Park
Number of words: 1242 - Number of pages: 5.... over nature in specific, is one of the prevalent themes that runs through Michael Crichton’s . This novel is set on a small island off the coast of Costa Rica called Isla Nubar. On this island, construction of a new, virtuostic, state of the art park is almost complete, when a gathered team of paleontologists, businessmen, and a mathematician arrive to approve of the park opening. All seems well until the "experts" lose control of the park, leaving the main attractions, genetically engineered dinosaurs, free to roam and hunt. This loss of control further contributes to the .....
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Hume: Matters Of Fact And Rela
Number of words: 1098 - Number of pages: 4.... to be true. So I can't know the sun will rise tomorrow. Hume argues this by relating it to the explanation in his Sceptical Doubts Concerning the Operations of the Understanding by defining the only two types of knowledge. Relations of ideas and matters of fact. His definition of relations of ideas is that they are the knowledge which is "either intuitively or demonstratively certain"(132). They are universal truths that include mathematics and geometry, and do not actually exist in the world except in the form of ideas (132). Matters of fact, on the other hand, require investigatio .....
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