The Similarities Between Creon And Antigone
Number of words: 1322 - Number of pages: 5.... with him he refuses to listen , claiming that Haimon is "girlst
ruck!" and corrupted . Teirsesais comes and tells him a morbid prophecy.
Creon will not listen to this either. He claims that Teirsesais has been
corrupted by money, like many prophets at that time. He finally listens to
the Charagous when reminded th at Teiresias has never been wrong. Antigone
has no problem working by her self either. She demonstrates this when she
slipped by all the guards that were protecting the dead body of Polyneices.
Creon and Antigone are both independent, and they are both very loyal.
They are loyal to .....
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Lit. Crit. Jaws
Number of words: 2232 - Number of pages: 9.... Benchley's life. When he was working in the White House, the president picked up some of his work to read it and said something along the lines of “Bull shit”. The president basically called it trash. The majority of his novels are closely related to the ocean if not in the ocean. An example of some of these are The Beast or White Shark. Both of those of which were made into screen plays. He also wrote a childrens book called Jonathan Visits the White House. One of Benchley’s greatest successes is that his novel Jaws was on the New York Times best-seller list for over forty .....
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A Farewell To Arms - Religion
Number of words: 2026 - Number of pages: 8.... religious views of his own.
Most evident to the reader is the strict difference between the priest's relationship with Henry and that which he has with the other soldiers. Hemingway repeatedly emphasizes this in all sections of the book, even after Henry is injured, when he is completely isolated from the other soldiers. The first instance the reader sees of this is only six pages into the novel. Hemingway writes, "That night in the mess after the spaghetti course . . . the captain commenced picking on the priest" (6-7). Hemingway's diction is suggestive: "commenced" signifies not .....
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Cannery Row
Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... in driving his girlfriends away. He repeatedly experiences loneliness. However, after he becomes used to the idea of being alone, Henri "felt a sense of relief." By eating what he wants and "free of the endless biologic functions for awhile," Henri shows that it is unhealthy to need constant companionship and being alone can help a person rejuvinate.
Frankie is all alone in the world except for Doc who accepts him although "he couldn't learn and there was something wrong with his coordination." Noone in the world including his parents cared about him except Doc. The closeness he has with D .....
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Macbeth - Supernatural
Number of words: 801 - Number of pages: 3.... to work his way to the throne, or to murder King Duncan. Murdering the king was an easier plan since the motivation in his dreams urged him on. Lady Macbeth also relied on the supernatural by her soliloquy of calling upon the evil spirits to give her the power to plot the murder of Duncan without any remorse or conscience(Act I, Scene V, ll.42-57). The three sisters are capable of leading people into danger resulting in death, such as the sailor who never slept(Act I, Scene III, ll.1-37).
Lady Macbeth has convinced her husband Macbeth to murder King Duncan. On the night they planned to ki .....
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White Fang
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... and killed him. suffered a gun shot wound but was ok and lived the rest of his days in Sierra Valley.
didn't make me feel any special way, books never make me feel a certain way. Otherwise it reminded me of my Dogs (not that are like but the bond we have together.) When Weedon saved made me feel like I'm the same way. Also when protected the Scott's reminded me of how my dogs would probably do the same thing because they are very protective. My dogs are very important to me just like was to Weedon.
The book was very descriptive and it involved dogs and dogfights and cool stuff like .....
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How The Characters In The Merc
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... he says, “I hate him for he is Christian”(I iii 39). He is almost basing his whole dislike for Antonio on his religion. Shylock’s cruelty causes him to be punished. Portia tells him, “Thou hast contrived against the very life / Of the defendant; and thou hast incurred / The danger formally by me rehearsed”(IV i 358). Shylock’s cruelty towards Antonio and his prejudice against Christians results in his punishment by the law.
Bassanio uses his wisdom to wed Portia and he courageously helps Antonio. His reward is having Portia’s hand in marriage. .....
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Beowulf: A Man Of Many Values
Number of words: 1785 - Number of pages: 7.... battle, loyalty, generosity, and a belief in wyrd,
which is Latin for fate.
First of all, Beowulf demonstrates the value of bravery. This
value was essential for a warrior to be successful. While other men were
too frightened and intimidated by Grendel, Beowulf showed no fear toward
his challenges. While Grendel was a supernatural destructive force,
Beowulf discarded this notion and fought with all his might. After easily
destroying Grendel, Beowulf was then faced by Grendel’s mother, even a
greater force. Once again, Beowulf demonstrates his bravery by showing
great courage in his .....
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The Dark Half
Number of words: 1048 - Number of pages: 4.... he wasn't sure. Other similar things happened too. George Stark, the "villain" of the story, was Thad's penname come to life. Stephen King made that seem possible with his explanation that Thad had a brain tumor when he was a child. It was not, however, a normal brain tumor. The doctor removed an eye, some teeth, some fingernails, and parts of a nose. These pieces were what George Stark was. When Thad Beaumont stopped writing novels under the name George Stark, Something happened to the pieces and they began to grow into a person.
The part of the story that could have been better wa .....
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Antigone 10
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... Thebes. Furthermore, if Creon
catches anyone burying him, he/she will be killed for disobeying his order. This alone makes the quotation true. If people see the cruel truth behind this action, they will make sure to see the end of his rule. When Creon realizes that the burial of Polyneices does occur, he sends his Sentry to figure out the culprit. He explains to his Sentry that if he can not catch this person, he will then have to be killed. This also makes his appearance as a tyrant. It only adds to the fact of his rule ending once his popularity declines. After
the Sentry disco .....
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