Lady Macbeth
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... play that hell is murky. These two quotes show that she had asked to be filled with hell and then later after committing these sinful actions she describes hell as being dark and unclear.
(2.2.82-83) Here in this scene is talking to Macbeth about the murdering of Duncan. Macbeth’s hands were red with blood from killing Duncan and says “My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white.” This quote means that she is in the middle of this incident but she wishes not to be in it because of its brutality. She feels ashamed because she made Macbeth make sure he fulfilled .....
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Tom Sawyer
Number of words: 1768 - Number of pages: 7.... friend Huck were out in the grave yard trying to get rid of warts, when they witnessed a murder by Injun Joe. At the time Muff Potter was drunk and asleep so Injun Joe blamed the murder him (Muff Potter). They knew if crazy Injun Joe found out they knew, he would for sure kill them. Tom wrote on a wooden board "Huck Finn and swear to keep mum about this and they wish they may drop down dead in their tracks if they ever tell and rot", then in their own blood they signed their initials TS and HF.
A few days after that incident Tom, Huck and Joe decided to go and become pirates because no .....
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Cannery Row
Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... in driving his girlfriends away. He repeatedly experiences loneliness. However, after he becomes used to the idea of being alone, Henri "felt a sense of relief." By eating what he wants and "free of the endless biologic functions for awhile," Henri shows that it is unhealthy to need constant companionship and being alone can help a person rejuvinate.
Frankie is all alone in the world except for Doc who accepts him although "he couldn't learn and there was something wrong with his coordination." Noone in the world including his parents cared about him except Doc. The closeness he has with D .....
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The Client By John Grisham
Number of words: 989 - Number of pages: 4.... lawyer. That lawyer becomes Reggie Love. After a while he begins to trust her, and he tells her some parts of the real story.
The case of Barry Muldano is true and almost the following day his photo is in all the papers. Barry Muldano hires men to threaten the Sway family. They burn the Sway's trailer and threat Mark with a knife. It works, Mark understands that he can better keep the secret.
The FBI wants Mark to speak and summoned him. If he didn't speak he could get punished, so he was arrested. He was locked up in a cell - mainly for his own safety. The FBI, Reggie Love and Harry Roos .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird-- Plot S
Number of words: 895 - Number of pages: 4.... off with a shotgun, and as the children flee Jem’s pants get stuck in a fence and left behind. Later when Jem retrieves them, he finds that Boo clumsily mended them where the fence tore them.
When school begins again, Scout and Jem find more trinkets in the tree. They write a thank you note to whomever is leaving the things for them, but Mr. Radley cements up the knot hole. During the
winter it snows and Jem builds a snow man by making a form out of mud and then covering the mud with snow. The house of Miss Maudie, a friendly neighbor, burns down that night. While the ch .....
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Bad Luck In Love!
Number of words: 3218 - Number of pages: 12.... on what it was. Jennifer, that's what her name was, standing behind her mother looking bored. They told her to say hi to me, and that is about all she did. She acted very indifferent toward me. Oh, Well. At least I can watch her all night. My mother suggested I take Jenny out to the pool for a swim before dinner. Damn mom, you're all right after all! I ran up to my room to change into my trunks. Jenny went out and waited by the pool. I came running out to the deck and she was standing there waiting on me. She had worn her suit under her summer dress she had on. I stood there looking as she .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne Weaves Dreams Into Reality In Much Of His 19th Century Prose
Number of words: 1419 - Number of pages: 6.... also his true mastery of observation regarding the human soul.
An examination of Hawthorne's own narrative in his short story, The
Birthmark, published in 1850 during the latter part of the period of
Puritanism expands his observations of mankind with keen insight.
Truth often finds its way to the mind close-muffled
in robes of sleep, and then speaks with uncompromising
directness of matters in regard to which we practice
an unconscious self-deception, during our waking
moments. (par.15)
The prophet .....
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Number of words: 1110 - Number of pages: 5.... so their movements will be perfectly precise--just as mindless puppets would be. This theme also appears when Colonel Cathcart keeps increasing the number of missions his squadron must fly--not for military purposes, but to solely enhance his prestige. One other example of this theme is in the novel, when Yossarian is wounded. He is told to take better care of his leg because it is government property. Soldiers, therefore, are not even people, but simply property that can be listed on an inventory. In a bureaucracy, as Heller shows, individuality does not matter.
Most war novels sh .....
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Fire And Ice
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... it. For the world to end in ice, seems to present the image of a slower, numbing effect. I feel he uses ice to represent a slow, almost unnoticeable change that eventually causes the destruction of mankind.
Fire, instantaneous combustion of an object. Frost uses fire to represent an ending with incredible speed and unimaginable pain. The quote, "From what I’ve tasted of desire" seems to represent the tendency of people to be impatient. The way many people of today are, they can not wait. They must have what they want, and they must have it now. That is one of the m .....
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The Role Of Spirituality And R
Number of words: 1456 - Number of pages: 6.... the embrace of spirituality. Separated from man made institutions, the core of religion and spirituality-- morality and goodness -- must be preserved, if one is to survive in the midst of horror.
The Jewish religion was a key motivation to the citizens of Sighet. To Jews religion is not only a method to achieve immortality, but a way of life that must be holistically embraced. This all-consuming religion demands total obedience and is a key motivation in the Jewish deportation and personal surrender to Germany (German officers). Analyzing history, one sees the pattern of a Jewish n .....
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