Jonathan Swift Answering The Q
Number of words: 2574 - Number of pages: 10.... into the University of Dublin when he was fourteen with his cousin Thomas Swift. While attending the University, Jonathan Swift went against the college's curriculum and its disciplinary fashions. It was because of his rebellious attitude that Swift got the worst punishment given by the college, he got his degree by special favor.
Shortly after college Jonathan Swift left Ireland. He went to live with his mother but was turned away because she herself was living with friends. She told him to get a job with Sir William Temple who was a retired statesman. He got the job and worked for 20 .....
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Elizabethan Sonnets
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... like the sun. Coral" was "far more red than her lips' red" and "if snow be white," then "her breasts" were "dun." He also commented that "if hairs be wires, black wires" grew "on her head." Furthermore, her skin was dark and not smooth; her breath was unpleasant too. These descriptions summed up to an objectionable image of her, which suggested that the speaker was trying to portray his beloved to a person who was uglier than the rest of the mistresses. In addition, he described that his "mistress, when she" walked, she treaded "on the ground" which indicated his mistress was a real wo .....
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Number of words: 788 - Number of pages: 3.... of his pride.
Haemon fails to change his father's mind for many different reasons. Even before Haemon presented himself as weak and inferior to his father, "Far be it from me -I haven't the shill, and certainly no desire, to tell you when, if ever, you make a slip in speech… though someone else might have a good suggestion."(766-69) Haemon uses words like if, might, and suggestion; which give the impression that he cannot stand if own ground or stand up for what he for what he believes is right, unlike his fiancé, . If Haemon cannot demand that Creon respect his opinion, there is no .....
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Hasan BUZZ
Number of words: 301 - Number of pages: 2.... costs such as petrol, oil, tyres and maintenance of the car
The cars will be driven on roads where the max speed limit is 60 km/h for roads in the city or towns, and 110 km/h for roads outside the city or town.
On sections of road, recommended speeds may be less than the max limit due to road conditions.
The cars will not be driven above the max speed limits
The total cost of running a car at an average speed of v km/h for a journey taking t hours is .
of a journey depends on average speed and , distance covered. .....
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The Stone Boy
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... protection for his younger brother.
Arnold admired Eugie more than anyone and when the shotgun went off, Arnold was so devastated that he denied the fact that he had even shot his brother. He thought that if continued to pick peas, Eugie would get up, and tease him for being such a fool. However, this was not the case. Later on, when Arnold told his family that he killed Eugie, they looked at him as a cold-blooded killer. They did not realize that Arnold was more devastated than anyone was, and they overlooked the fact that he was only nine. He would have to live with the fact that he had .....
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Mockingbird Cunninghams Vs. Ew
Number of words: 788 - Number of pages: 3.... use some of their crops to barter for other necessities or services. The Cunninghams were very proud and hard working people and accepted nothing that was given to them, unless they earned it. For example Mr. Atticus Finch provided legal services to the Cunninghams and did not expect payment of any kind. Mr. Walter Cunningham, however, brought Atticus various things from his farm throughout the year until he reached a point which he considered fair payment for his services. These actions earned the Cunninghams the notion of being proud and honest people.
The Cunninghams did have a run .....
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Howards End: Book Review
Number of words: 1325 - Number of pages: 5.... and poor children didn't have to work in mines anymore. A bloody and seemingly meaningless war hadn't yet begun to destroy bodies and devastate souls of people. Generally speaking, the times were good, and the future was viewed in an optimistic way. The atmosphere of the book is filled with romance and hope, even though the author is very far from writing an utopian type of description of English society.
In fact, the book is very truthful in the description of class problems of the country. In Howards End Forster talks about two classes and two ideologies that are separated by the thick wa .....
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Miss Emilys Male Interaction I
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2.... helped her
earlier in her life. Colonel Sartoris was able to remit
Emily’s taxes under the impression that the town owed her
money. This act of kindness by the Colonel caused Emily’s
dependence upon him and what he did for her. Later in the
story, the Board of Alderman approached Miss Emily at her
house in the attempt to get her to pay her taxes. When the
Board started questioning Miss Emily about why she would not
pay she told them to talk to Colonel Sartoris. Even though
the Colonel had been dead for almost ten years the old women
insisted they see him and leave her al .....
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The Bluest Eye - A Reality Of
Number of words: 1153 - Number of pages: 5.... was the sad product of having others’ anger placed on her: “All of our waste we dumped on her and she absorbed. And all of our beauty, which was hers first and which she gave to us”(205). They felt beautiful next to her ugliness, wholesome next to her uncleanness, her poverty made them generous, her weakness made them strong, and her pain made them happier. When Pecola’s father, Cholly Breedlove, was caught as a teenager in a field with Darlene by two white men, “never did he once consider directing his hatred toward the hunters”(150), rather her directed his hatred towards th .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country
Number of words: 1355 - Number of pages: 5.... were on a higher level than the natives. If this country ever wants to be as one the whites are going to have to give up there need for superiority. Many times in the novel Paton showed there was a problem without even saying it. One of the major examples of that would be when he gave the scene of people asking "Have you a room to let?" and the response would always be "no I have no room to let"(85). Paton dosent outright say that its horrible that there is not even enough housing for the natives and they have to cram together in shared houses with no privicy at all. He .....
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