Medea By Euripides
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2.... was on a voyage to possess the Golden Fleece. Medea goes against her father, her land, steals the Golden Fleece for Jason, commits murder, slows down her fathers army by killing her brother and laying out his body parts, all for the man she loved. And in returned, Jason betrays her for his own interest in power.
Revenge is another important theme in this tragedy. After Jason betrays Medea, her immediate response is revenge. Revenge on Jason for making a fool of her and leaving her and their children all alone. Jason has left Medea feeling lonely and heart broken. She wants Jason to .....
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Darkness, Be My Friend - Revie
Number of words: 653 - Number of pages: 3.... in their town. In this book, the New Zealand soldiers disappear without a trace and the teenagers have to attack the airbase themsleves...
I think that this book is as much about adventure and survival as it is about emotions, friendships and relationships. The book is written as the diary of the unofficial leader of the group and she speaks a lot about her thoughts, her relationships with the other members of the group and of her emotions about what she was forced to do during the course of the war.
"I was determined I wasn't going to get angry, so I ignored that. I didn't blame him in a wa .....
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Gender Issues In The Tempest
Number of words: 741 - Number of pages: 3.... with these human characters, which is not seen in the play.
Ariel is a companion of sorts to Miranda and Prospero in the miniseries, unlike the play, where Ariel is a spirit who can only be seen by Prospero. Ariel's black slave character provides a masculine character that is a companion to Miranda and Prospero. Although he is a male, he is still portrayed as inferior to Miranda and Prospero because of his race. He serves as a huge source of labor, and security for Prospero and Miranda. Anyone, who knows the history slavery in the United States, can understand the difficult position th .....
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Anything Is Possible
Number of words: 1437 - Number of pages: 6.... be moving into Room 209." she replied. "You’d better change their bed sheets quickly."
I hurried up to Room 209. Every new patient required fresh bed sheets and a clean room. It was my job to make sure they had them. I came in contact with patients quite often because I was always cleaning their rooms. However, I knew it was not a good idea to become attached to any of the kids. Co-workers had informed me that they had become fond of a child, only to have their hearts broken when the child didn’t survive. I had been careful not to make the same mistake. I did my job and did .....
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Madness In Macbeth And Hamlet
Number of words: 915 - Number of pages: 4.... must be something plaguing the characters to make them act so foolishly. In Hamlet, this foolish person would be the daughter of Polonius, Ophilia. She puts on quite a display for
the reader when she comes into the castle and appears very upset and as
many would say, "mad". She enters into the room and begins to sing and respond to everyone with a different verse. Then she sings, "You must sing "A-down a-down, and you call him a-down-a." O' how the wheel becomes it!" (H4.5.170-171) This display of childish singing shows that Ophilia is distressed because of her fathers death and s .....
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Hamlet - A 1990s Adolescent
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... to Claudius. Compared to Horatio who is
calm and cool throughout the play, and Fortinbras who collected
an army to fight for his uncle’s land and honor, Hamlet’s maturity
level for his time is low, especially for being a prince. Today
Hamlet’s age group is more immature than during his own time so
he relates to the youth of the 1990’s better than he does with the
adolescents of his own time.
Sarcasm, and blunt rudeness is often used by Hamlet in order
to offend people that, during his time, he should not have
offended. Hamlet often used the hasty mar .....
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Heart Of Darkness 3
Number of words: 872 - Number of pages: 4.... is a journey to “find yourself in what no other man can know”. In his experiences, particularly at the Inner station,”the farthest point” and “ culminating point” of his existance, Marlow reaches maturity and returns with a knowledge than is greater than his years. Influencing the remaining years of Marlows life, his search for Kurtz has ended in being presented with a man exposed to his evil ways and an individual that has no chance to rectify his past.
Although Kurtz’ presence in heart Of Darkness is limited, it is through Marlow, that it is clear t .....
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Beowulf Heroes & Today's Heroes
Number of words: 821 - Number of pages: 3.... navy, and army, are prepared and able to defend our nation or our nation's allies.
In the epic, Beowulf, heroes were also warriors. These warriors were supposed to protect the country against "monsters" and invasions. The warriors were strong men who could physically make an attack or prevent an attack in order to protect their country.
Beowulf was a warrior who was a hero to the country where the Danes lived. Beowulf was able to protect and serve the Danes by killing Grendel. Grendel was an evil monster who had been killing the people that had been sleeping in the hall that he haunt .....
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The Brady Bunch
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3.... are not right in the head, you yourself still have to be. Mike Brady, the father always gives out these lessons. For example when Marcia’s new boyfriend steals Greg’s phony playbook for the football game, Mike tells Greg that in actuality, Greg would win the game by cheating himself, unless he confessed to Marcia’s boyfriend and told him the truth. After doing so, Greg and his team prevailed as champions of that game.
Although sends out loving vibes every episode, as the hippie’s did at that time, it did in fact portray surprising violence in one memorable episo .....
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Role Of Horses In England
Number of words: 546 - Number of pages: 2.... upon horses. Although horses required a great amount of food and work, they worked hard for the little that they received. Horses were such a simple and necessary part of everyday life in Victorian England. However, horses produced a lot of waste, which was difficult to get rid of. It was estimated that 3 million tons of waste was produced annually. Although it was useful agriculturally, it sold for very little and could only be transported within local areas. In order to deal with this problem, many areas of waste land "were turned into vast dung heaps" (p164). Also, in order to remo .....
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