How To Write An Essay
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... using numerals to put ideas into subsections of a bigger, main idea.
Now you are ready to sit down and put all of your ideas together in essay form in your first draft. As this is just your rough basis to organize your ideas better, paying attention to any grammatical kind of errors is not a very big deal, as you will pick these up later after revising. You will want to follow some form of basic structure writing each of your paragraphs, which will make it much easier and clearer for the reader to understand. To start each paragraph, it is best to write the main idea of the paragraph .....
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Shakespearean Comedy
Number of words: 2325 - Number of pages: 9.... greenworld pattern in this play. The play begins in the city, moves out to the country and then back to the city. Being in the country makes things better because there is tranquility, freedom and people can become uncivilized versus when they are in the city and have to follow customs and laws and behave rationally.
Comedies contain blocking figures and in this play it is Egeus. If he was not in the way, Hermia could marry Lysander. Since he is causing problems in his daughters life by trying to make her marry Demetrius, this begins the journey into the woods. Egeus threatened Hermia with de .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird-book Rep
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... is no prejudice. At the trial, Reverend Sykes makes room for Scout and Jem in the courtroom balcony where the blacks sit. While the trail is going on the blacks show no disrespect for Jem and Scout. After the trial is over, out of respect, the blacks wait until Atticus Finch passes and then they stand.
Secondly is the character of Calpurnia who also does not fit this stereotype. Calpurnia is the housekeeper for the Finchs and also helped raise Scout and Jem. Calpurnia is educated, hard working and well kept. She taught her children to read and Scout and Jem how to write on her own ti .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird -x
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... As it was said above the events begin in the summer when Scout is just six years old. She and a friend named Dill try to invent ways to lure a mysterious neighbor, whom they have never seen, to come out of his house. Then when summer is over Scout begins her first year of school. She then recalls he hard times at school. Ultimately summer comes and Scout, Dill, and Jem continue their scheme for attempting to encounter Boo Radley, the mysterious neighbor. In the upcoming fall the children learn that their father,
atticus, is being called a "n**ger lover" by the people living in Maycomb for de .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Who Is To Blame For The Deaths In The Pla
Number of words: 1075 - Number of pages: 4.... in particular, questions Romeo’s temperament towards love. The love of Romeo to Rosaline shows that Romeo is fickle, superficial and immature towards love:
Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear,
So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies
Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes (II, III, l. 70-72).
Despite these misgivings, Friar Laurence chooses to marry Romeo and Juliet because this may help end the feud:
In one respect I’ll thy assistant be,
For this alliance may so happy prove
To turn your households’ rancor to pure love (II, III, l. 97-99).
Being a religious and .....
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The Bluest Eye
Number of words: 1403 - Number of pages: 6.... eyes were fixed on the "pretty" lady and her
"pretty" house. Pecola does not stand up to Maureen Peal when she made fun of
her for seeing her dad naked but instead lets Freida and Claudia fight for her.
Instead of getting mad at Mr. Yacobowski for looking down on her, she directed
her anger toward the dandelions that she once thought were beautiful. The
dandelions also represent her view of her blackness, once she may have
thought that she was beautiful, but like the dandelions, she now follows the
majorities' view. However, "the anger will not hold"(50), and the feelings soon .....
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Romeo And Juliet 12
Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2.... Romeo again and again tries to start a fight with him, but Mercutio (A kinsmen to Prince Escalus and a friend of Romeo) fights him instead. Tybalt kills Mercutio, and then Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge.
Juliet goes through a fit of weeping when she finds out Tybalt is dead, but she is still glad Romeo is alive. Her nurse then announces that Romeo has been banished and Juliet beging weeping again.
The Capulets arrange for Paris (A suitor of Juliet, liked by Lord Capulet) to marry Juliet on the coming Thursday, but Friar Laurence (Romeo’s older friend) has a plan to get Juliet out .....
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Death Of A Salesman -Characters
Number of words: 624 - Number of pages: 3.... He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true.
After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person under normal circumstances, being retrenched is a time when you feel useless. But for Willy, since everything else is going wrong at the same time, he feels like a useless old man. Willy thought that just because he named his boss, that he would have a secure future wi .....
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Falstaff And King Lear
Number of words: 1289 - Number of pages: 5.... Lear's world. (Williams) Leaving him, in the end, with nothing. Following this Lear begins to banish those around him that genuinely care for him as at this stage he cannot see beyond the mask that the evil wear. He banishes Kent, a loyal servant to Lear, and his youngest and previously most loved daughter Cordelia. (Nixon) This results in Lear surrounding himself with people who only wish to use him which leaves him very vulnerable attack. This is precisely what happens and it is through this that he discovers his wrongs and amends them. Following the committing of his sins, Lear becomes aba .....
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A Reminder Of Manhood In The O
Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4.... and regain his identity as a man and as a leader. For seven years, Calypso has lured Odysseus to "lay with her each night, for she compelled him" (V. 164). Using her beauty while possessing hopes of making Odysseus her husband, the enchantress becomes overly distressed when the gods announce that she must release Odysseus and permit him to return to his homeland. Reluctant to let him go, Calypso promises Odysseus immortal life if he chooses to stay with her.
Without the divine intervention, Calypso would have continued to hold Odysseus captive on her island. The gods, instructing the b .....
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