Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... the greed that both Mephisto and share. Mephisto's greed is evident in the hope that he will overcome 's morality and thus be victorious in his wager with God; also because he is the devil and that is what he does. For , greed emerges because of his desire to attain physical pleasures and therefore become whole in mind, body and spirit. 's goal to become the Überminche is an understandable desire, however, the means at which he strives for those ends are irresponsible and unjust. It is through this greed that with the help of Mephisto exploit others in the pursuit of 's earthly desir .....
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Song Of Solomon
Number of words: 1281 - Number of pages: 5.... well as other people is a rather remarkable statement, coming from a descendant of slaves. Macon has not inherited this trait from his father, even though he mistakenly thinks so. His father had owned things that "grew" other things, not "owned" other things.
Pilate Dead, Macon's younger sister, is a marked contrast to her brother and his family. Macon has a love of property and money, and this determines the nature of his relationships with others. Pilate has a sheer disregard for status, occupation, hygiene, and manners, and has the capability to respect, love, and trust. Her self-suf .....
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Number of words: 2961 - Number of pages: 11.... loves Hermia, but she does not love him. On the other hand, Helena is in love with Demetrius. To settle the confusion, Theseus decides that Hermia must marry Demetrius or become a nun. In retaliation to her father’s command, Hermia and Lysander run away together. Amidst all the problems in the human world, Titania and Oberon, the fairy queen and king, continually argue about their various relationships that they have taken part in. (Scott 336) Titania leaves Oberon as a result of the arguments. Oberon is hurt and wants revenge on Titania. So he tells Puck, Oberon’s servant, to put a m .....
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Jane Eyre - Nature
Number of words: 1900 - Number of pages: 7.... of Jane: "Your habitual expression in those days, Jane, was . . . not buoyant." In fact, it is this buoyancy of Jane's relationship with Rochester that keeps Jane afloat at her time of crisis in the heath: "Why do I struggle to retain a valueless life? Because I know, or believe, Mr. Rochester is living."
Another recurrent image is Brontë's treatment of Birds. We first witness Jane's fascination when she reads Bewick's History of British Birds as a child. She reads of "death-white realms" and "'the solitary rocks and promontories'" of sea-fowl. We quickly see how Jane identifies with the bir .....
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Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... angry at
the hunk of metal if front of us. Repair can be frustrating, costly, and
time consuming. Typing also
prevents us from adding the personal touch to short letters. The
handwritten letter is much more personal and shows your respect for the
person receiving the letter. While the computer can be a nuisance, the
television also has its share of frustrations. Suppose you just got
comfortable on the couch, and you change the want to change the channel
with the remote. Now, one of two things can happen; it works or it doesn't.
If it does .....
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On The Road
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4.... who Dean used to write to from jail, and was intrigued. Dean spoke formally, in long rambling sentences and Sal's first impression of Dean is that he was like a young Gene Autry.
He likes Dean because of his exuberance, eagerness, uneducated intelligence, and what he sees as Dean's Western spirit, which is much different from Sal's other friends, "intellectuals" or criminals.
On the Road is a novel centered on characters, moods, places, visions described, and above all, the unceasing movement of the characters more than of plot. It is all focused on the hero, Dean Moriarty. The scene is .....
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Little Yellow Dog, Long Goodby
Number of words: 1313 - Number of pages: 5.... they are also socially challenged: Marlowe and Rawlins both feel that they are looked down upon due to their occupations. By the end of their journeys, both characters feel that defying the law can be the only way of achieving true justice.
Marlowe and Rawlins both experience immense physical challenges. At one point in The Little Yellow Dog, Rawlins finds himself mixed up in a murder case. The police suspect Easy to be withholding information simply because he is black. He is escorted through the basement of the Hollywood Police Station, where it is described as “thirty or so men l .....
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A New Day - Book Review
Number of words: 455 - Number of pages: 2.... think she deserved to be and Max must learn to open his heart so they can both discover a new day.
The moment I began to read this book, I could not find myself putting it away. From the first to the final page it was filled with nothing but pleasure from reading. Compared to the Danielle Steele books which I am accustomed to reading with all the characters being rich or famous, this book had no hint of fairytale. It had real life situations and encounters.
The book was filled with suspense, especially when it came to Carol Anne and Max's relationship. You had to wonder what turn the relat .....
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Jurassic Park 3
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... interesting views on the mission to "Site B."
Sarah Harding is a field researcher in the African Plains. She specializes in the behavior of hyenas. She knew Malcom from personnal affairs. After his near death expierience on Jurassic Park they were close but after a while they became friends again. She is asked to acompany Malcom and levine on the exploration of "Site B."
Kelly and Arby are students at the school at which Levine tutered. Levine did not choose to do this. He was arrested for speeding at the school zone and had to serve community service. Kelly and Arby often ran errands for .....
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Hamlet Plot Summary
Number of words: 2413 - Number of pages: 9.... of Laertes asks if he should leave for France after attending Denmark for the coronation ceremonies. And his father and the king give him permission.
The king and queens attention is now towards young hamlet. They are wondering why he is still grieving of his father's death. They then realize that it is sweet and commendable for hamlet to show love for is father by immediate grief. The queen asks hamlet to stay at Elsinore and hamlet says that he will obey her and the king commends him.
Hamlet is left alone in the room and expresses his innermost thoughts, and admits that he would commit s .....
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