Beowulf 11
Number of words: 518 - Number of pages: 2.... being strong is his most notable trait. As seafarers used to say, I remember, who took the gifts of the Geat people in token of our friendship- that in his hand's grasps had the strength of other thirty men. (p. 63). Not only did he have this rare gift, but used it all the time to protect his people. During the fight between Beowulf and Grendal, he decided to make the fight fair by not using a sword since Grendal was a terrible sword player, therefore Beowulf wrestled to monster to death. (p64-64) The final example ________________________________________________
__________________________ .....
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War Poetry
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2.... Winging wildly across the white Orchards…” Like many other poets, he is terrified by war and was “filled with such delight” to be out. Sassoon witnessed the brutality on war, which hardened him to the idea of patriotism. “Everyone Sang” is a rejoice of freedom until the final two lines. “…O, but everyone Was a bird; and the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.” Sassoon is reflecting on the realities of war. He implies that even though he is “free” and will always be rejoicing, he will never be free fr .....
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Gimple The Fool
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... it made no difference how many times he was made a fool, he still let on that he believed them. One example, and the one where he vows never to be taken in again, is when a student came by his bakery and yelled to him that the Messiah has come. They claimed his parents were standing at their graves waiting for him to come and Gimpel, although not believing a bit of it, put on his wool vest and went to see for himself. The only thing that he found was the realization that he is the butt of another joke, but the worst is still to come.
After a lifetime of torment, the townsfolk thought .....
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Why Do People Fight Wars
Number of words: 399 - Number of pages: 2.... i wonder is this "do or die " method going to be our only way of communication. Will we ever get to know the meaning of the word peace again or is humanity cursed to suffer forever.
All these thoughts and questions were generated by just a simple question by a little innocent soul.A soul which will have to grow up in a war field and be either an enforcer to it or a victim of it .A hard choice of either becoming heartless or lifless, and the choice is irreplacable..... when alone i walked away and left her ofcourse without giving her a reasonable answer to her allegoric question,my .....
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Intertextualilty - The Mocking
Number of words: 1615 - Number of pages: 6.... of this pair is the references to Albie’s mother and the eventual evolution of their rural surroundings. In the novel "To kill a mockingbird" Harper Lee has adopted a style most novels are written in. The story opens with Scout reflecting on events of the past, referring to developments in the story which are yet to occur. "To kill a mocking bird" Is divided into two sections, The first is almost entirely devoted to the development of characters. Scout describes in vivid detail every thought, look or sign of attitude that another character may be associated with. These vivid description .....
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Number of words: 1335 - Number of pages: 5.... the 18th century, a distinct Irish nationalism began to evolve. From 1801 onwards, Ireland had no Parliament of it's own. It was ruled by the Parliament in Britain which consisted of the House of Commons and House of Lords.
Meanwhile, in the 1840's, a small group formed out of the Young Ireland movement. The leader, Thomas Davis, expressed a concept of nationality embracing all who lived in Ireland regardless of creed or origin. A small insurrection in 1848 failed, but their ideas influenced the coming generations.
This small nationalism was illustrated in the stories "Evelyn" and "A Painfu .....
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Buddhism And The Poetry Of Jac
Number of words: 2143 - Number of pages: 8.... the name Kerouac had intended the novels to take on when he would assemble them in chronological order before he died. Unfortunately he died earlier than he expected and was unable to formally assemble them. However, the legend remains.
Kerouac undoubtedly made his mark on the literary world with his prose. And his prose proves itself to be a very good example of his writing as spiritual commentary. Kerouac, while wandering the country in freight cars and the backs of pick-up trucks, saw himself as a modern day sage or bodhisatva, discovering the essence of “the void” and .....
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Number of words: 849 - Number of pages: 4.... thoughts.
Terrified she slowed her pace as she tried to decide whether she would avoid finding out his purpose by going to her neighbour's house and stay there the night, or ignore her fear and go home. "Look at yourself, pull yourself together" she muttered to herself in a voice that seemed to rebuild her confidence. Then she smiled at herself amused at the fact that she was talking to herself. And in that sudden spur of reassurance, she passed her neighbour's house and quickly walked up her driveway, trying to ignore the figure, which seemed to be watching her every move. As she rea .....
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Flannery OConner
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3.... Turpin is almost the exact same way as Julian’s mother. The only difference between the two is that Mrs. Turpin was waiting in a doctor’s office. She too seems like she is the one who is in command of the conversation. The same holds true for the grandmother in A Good Man is Hard to Find. She continues a conversation with a man that is has murdered her family and threatening to murder her.
Through the use of dialog these three women also control the man in each of their stories. Julian’s mother tries to control her son’s life. Her son still lives at home and put him through school .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Book Revie
Number of words: 1094 - Number of pages: 4.... it. During one of the hunters’ celebrations around the kill of an animal a fire-watcher stumbles in to try and disband the idea of the monster. Caught of in the rabid frenzy of the dance, this fire-watcher suddenly becomes the monster and is brutally slaughtered by the other members of the group. The climax of the novel is when the hunters are confronted by the fire-watchers. The hunters had stole Piggy’s (one of the fire-watchers) glasses so that they may have a means of making a cooking fire. One of the more vicious hunters roles a boulder off of a cliff, crushing Piggy, and causing th .....
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